С о д е р ж а н и е | | |
Академик Сабыр Камалович Камаловка 100 жыл | 5 | pdf |
Информатика и информационные технологии | | |
Geldibayev B.Y., Ollamberganov F.F. – Sog‘in sigirlarda oqsoqlikni erta aniqlashning mashinali
o‘qitishga asoslangan algoritmi [abs] | 7 | pdf |
Algorithm based on machine learning for early detection of lameness in dairy cows
Geldibayev B.Y., Ollamberganov F.F.
Tashkent University of Information Technologies
This article discusses an algorithm for the early detection of lameness in dairy cows based on data analysis and machine
learning. The algorithm includes stages such as data cleaning, feature extraction, and training a logistic regression model. The
methods and approaches used at each stage are described. The developed algorithm achieved an accuracy of 95 percent during
model training.
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Физика | | |
Адилова Х., Атаджанов Б., Ерназаров У., Нарымбетов Б. . – Искажения сферической формы
молекулы фуллерена в монокристаллах молекулярного комплекса TPDP*(C60)2(CS2)4 [abs] | 15 | pdf |
Spherical Form Distortion of Fulleren Molecule in Monocrystals of the TPDP*(C60)2(CS2)4 Molecular Complex
Adilova Kh., Atadjanov B., Ernazarov U., Narymbetov B.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of
Uzbekistan, Nukus
Low-temperature structure data analysis for the monocrystal of the C60 with 2,2’,6,6’-thetraphenildipiraniliden compound:
TPDP(С60)2(CS2)4 has been carried out. Configuration analysis for C60 molecule shows that form of the molecule is distorted and
could not be described with icosahedric symmetry. Ellipsoidal elongation is observed and molecule symmetry has been described
with C2h symmetry group. There is an agreement with theoretical Jan-Teller idea about distortions of high-symmetry of molecules,
when highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) of molecule level is partially occupied due to its degeneration. | | |
Техника | | |
Ибадуллаев М.И., Есенбеков А.Ж. . – Анализ установившегося режима субгармонических коле-
баний в трехфазных феррорезонансных цепях [abs] | 19 | pdf |
Analysis of the steady-state mode of subharmonic oscillations in three-phase ferroresonance circuits
Ibadullaev M.I., Esenbekov A.J.
Tashkent State Technical University
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
It is known that the occurrence of subharmonic oscillations in power supply systems, i.e. in ferroresonant circuits, leads to
failure of the power supply system as a result of overvoltage in current or voltage. In addition, various frequency converters can
be manufactured based on nonlinear electroferromagnetic circuits. In general, high-voltage power lines, power supply systems
are composed of transformers, compensating capacitors or reactors, and the ferroresonant circuit corresponds to the equivalent
circuit of power lines. As a result of current and line voltage due to subharmonic oscillations, especially in power lines and power
transmission systems, electrical equipment failure sometimes occurs. In this regard, analysis of the mechanism of subharmonic
oscillations arising in ferroresonant circuits is of great practical importance. Based on the results of scientific research, it has been
proven that the occurrence of subharmonic oscillations is due to the parameters of the circuit, the initial phase and saturation of
the transformer. The article carried out experimental studies in a three-phase ferroresonant circuit in order to study and analyze
the characteristics of subharmonic oscillations generated in electroferromagnetic current circuits. Based on the method of frequency-
energy relations, the steady state of a third-order subharmonic is theoretically analyzed and compared with experimental
results. Based on the results obtained, it is also shown that it is possible to manufacture three-phase ferroresonant frequency
divider structures. | | |
Худайкулиев Р.Р., Ибрагимов А.А., Оринбаев П.Ф. – Полиз экинлари экиладиган пушта
ёнбагирларига ва сугориш эгат тубига ишлов берадиган иш органининг параметрларини
назарий асослаш
[abs] | 24 | pdf |
Theoretical justification of the parameters of the working body for treating the slope of the crests and bottom of the
irrigation furrows for soucing meloon crops
Худайкулиев Р.Р., Ибрагимов А.А., Оринбаев П.Ф.
Research Institute of Agricultural Mechanization, Tashkent
The article provides brief data on the technologies currently used in our Republic for the cultivation of melons, its shortcomings
and on the technical means for implementing the technology created at the Research Institute of Agricultural Mechanization
to eliminate these shortcomings, as well as the results of theoretical research to substantiate the parameters of the working body
for processing of slopes of ridges and the bottom of an irrigation furrow, a combined unit that performs pre-sowing treatment of
ridges cut in the fall with locally applied organic fertilizer and sowing melon and melon seeds in one pass across the field. The
calculations showed that the angle of installation of the knives relative to the horizon should be within 15°29'-18°44', their length
should be at least 63.2 cm, the angle of installation of the knife relative to the direction of movement should be within 30°-32°30''
crumbling angle knife – within 24-31°, installation angle. | | |
Химия и химическая технология | | |
Бауатдинов С. – Гранулометрический анализ глауконитосодержащих пород
Каракалпакстана [abs] | 29 | pdf |
Granulometric analysis of glauconite-bearing rocks of Karakalpakstan
Bauatdinov S.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of
Uzbekistan, Nukus
This text is dedicated to the analysis of glauconite-bearing deposits from the Krantau elevation and other sites. It describes
the granulometric composition of glauconite grains, their morphological and surface characteristics, as well as the genetic features
of their formation. In the glauconite-bearing deposits of Krantau, a high content of clay fraction is observed, indicating calm
hydrodynamic conditions of sediment accumulation. Studies have shown that glauconite grains are most often formed in finegrained
sands, which are then reworked in shallow marine conditions. The authors distinguish three varieties of glauconite based
on color and describe their morphological characteristics. Special attention is given to changes in the grains related to dehydration
and hydration, as well as the conditions of their formation in various geological environments. Overall, the text provides a
deep understanding of the processes of formation and alteration of glauconite grains in different sedimentary environments . | | |
Туремуратов Ш.Н., Абылова А.Ж., Бекбосынова Р.Ж., Мнажов А.Н.– Изучение механизма и
кинетики процесса дегидратации двуводного гипса [abs] | 32 | pdf |
Study of the mechanism and kinetics of the dehydration process of dihydrate gypsum
Turemuratov Sh.N., Abylova A.Zh., Bekbosynova R.Zh., Mnazhov A.N.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of
Uzbekistan, Nukus
The kinetics of the dehydration process of dihydrate gypsum of gypsum binders based on the Ustyurt deposit was studied
and it was shown that deformed (powdered) gypsum has a dissociation constant than undeformedmonocrystalline gypsum. The
mechanism and kinetics of the dehydration process of calcium sulfate dihydrate change depending on the technological conditions
of its implementation. When firing in open apparatuses, the environment is air with a relatively low relative humidity and
water, which is released from gypsum in the form of water vapor. During dehydration of gypsum in closed apparatuses at elevated
pressure, when the medium is saturated with water vapor, water is released from gypsum in a drop-liquid state. The results of
the dehydration process of dihydrate gypsum, methods of chemical, radiographic and thermogravimetric analysis are presented.
Natural gypsum with a minimum amount of foreign impurities was taken for the preparation of mixtures. Radiographic and thermographic
analyses confirmed sufficient purity of the sample. Calculation by hydrate water showed 99.32% CaSO4•2H2O. | | |
Биоэкология и сельское хозяйство | | |
Орел М.М., Матжанова Х.К. – Характеристика различных технических растений
Каракалпакстана [abs] | 42 | pdf |
Characteristics of various technical plants of Karakalpakstan
Orel M.M., Matjanova Kh.K.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of
Uzbekistan, Nukus
The environmental approach to the application and use of resources, which has been developing in recent years, poses the
task of searching for alternative methods in search of raw materials that can be used in various industries. The main requirement
is an unconventional and innovative approach to plant resources, since they are environmentally friendly and non-toxic. An alternative
to artificial materials and natural fuel resources can be raw materials obtained from plants that are little known, but whose
resource potential requires study, is relevant and may be in demand in the future. The article discusses cultivated and wild plants
growing on the territory of Karakalpakstan, which can be used for the production of paper, cardboard, and used in construction. | | |
Атаджанов Х.Л., Мамбетуллаева С.М., Утемуратова Г.Н. – Обобщенная модель динамики
численности и состава популяции грызунов [abs] | 45 | pdf |
Generalized model of dynamics of rodent population size and composition
Atadjanov H.L., Mambetullaeva S.M., Utemuratova G.N.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of
Uzbekistan, Nukus
In recent years there has been a great interest in the problems of formation of population dynamics and population structure.
In field studies it is not always possible to obtain all the necessary materials for analyzing population dynamics. In this case it is
possible to use the apparatus of mathematical modeling. In this paper, a mathematical model of the dynamics of rodent population
size and composition is developed in a generalized form. The laws of mortality, fertility and transition between age groups are
determined, which are taken into account by the model formulation. The model takes into account the sex structure of the population
as well as the population group structure by number of births. | | |
Mamadiyarov M.U., Matjanova X.K., Ermatova V.B., Attokurov K.Sh.– Og‘ir metallar bilan turli
darajada ifloslangan sharoitda Paulownia tomentosa, Chitalpa tashkentensis, Vinca minor
o‘simliklarining bargida fotosintetik pigmentlar miqdoriy ko‘rsatkichlari tahlili [abs] | 51 | pdf |
Quantitative analysis of photosynthetic pigments in the leaves of Paulownia tomentosa, Chitalpa tashkentensis, and Vinca
minor under conditions of different levels of heavy metal pollution
Mamadiyarov M.U., Matjanova X.K., Yermatova V.B., Attokurov K.Sh.
Uzbekistan-Finland Pedagogical Institute, Tashkent
Karakalpak branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Karakalpak Scientific Research Institute of Natural Sciences, Nukus
Ush State University of the Kyrgyz Republic
In the article, the parameters of photosynthetic pigments, i.ye., chlorophyll "a" and "b" and the amount of carotenoids in Paulownia
tomentosa, Chitalpa tashkentensis, and Vinca minor plants were analyzed in the control group and in two yexperimental
groups. It was determined by spectrophotometry that the amount of chlorophyll "a" and "b" and carotenoids in the control group
was higher than that of the yexperimental groups. The amount of photosynthetic pigments in Vinca minor was higher compared to
the other two types of plants, i.ye. Paulownia tomentosa, Chitalpa tashkentensis shows that the device has a high adaptability to
the yexternal yenvironment. Heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, zinc, and lead have been studied in scientific studies to
significantly affect the process of photosynthesis. An increase in the amount of cadmium has a significant yeffect on the decrease
in photosynthesis. Of course, these metals are known there is a limit amount, and when it yexceeds this amount, it negatively
affects the activity of the photosynthetic apparatus and the processes related to photosynthesis. Including zinc and lead
yelements, which are widely distributed in the yexternal yenvironment, cause the photosynthesis process in plant leaves to slow
down. Photosynthesis It is manifested by the slowing down of the process, metabolism and biosynthesis processes in cells. We
know from research that the biosynthesis of proteins is significantly reduced. The importance of these types of plants in optimizing
the outdoor air determines the importance of these species. | | |
Алланазаров С.Р., Кудайбергенова Н.П.– Тупрок намлигига боглик холда дефолиантларнинг
гуза барглар тукилишига таъсири [abs] | 55 | pdf |
The effect of defoliants on cotton leaf drop depending on soil moisture
Allanazarov S.R., Kudaybergenova N.P.
Scientific-research Institute of Agrotechnologies of Cotton Selection Seed breeding and Cultivation, Toshkent
Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies, Nukus
This paper presents data on the effect of different defoliants on cotton leaf shedding as a function of soil moisture prior to
defoliation. Soil moisture before defoliation is 50-55; 60-65 and 70-75 %, the effect of Fanbaraka, Fankaltsiydef and Khim-extra
defoliants on the shedding of leaves of medium-fiber cotton variety UzPITI-103 was determined. According to the results of the
research, it was observed that the number of fallen leaves on the 12 th day after defoliation was 80,3 %, 2,8 % dry and 10,1 %
semi-dry leaves in the version where the newly studied Fankaltsiydef defoliant was applied at the rate of 6,0 l/ha. Also, in the case
where Khim-extra defoliant was applied at the rate of 150,0 ml/ha, by the 12 th day of observations, the number of fallen leaves
was 84,8 %, dry ones were 0,3 %, and semi-dry ones were 1,4 %. In conclusion, it should be noted that in the UzPITI-103 cotton
variety, the effectiveness of defoliants is high when the soil moisture is around 60-55 %. Application of defoliant was observed to
be highly effective and it was found that leaf shedding was 76,9-57,8 % higher in these variants compared to the control. | | |
Мамутов Н.К., Утениязова У.Ж.– Антропогенная трансформация древесно-кустарниковой
растительности низовьев Амударьи [abs] | 58 | pdf |
Anthropogenic transformation of tree and shrub vegetation of the lower reaches of the Amu darya
Mamutov N.K., Uteniyazova U.J.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
The paper presents the results of studies on anthropogenic transformation of tree and shrub vegetation in the study of the
main plant communities of the lower reaches of the Amu Darya under conditions of direct and indirect anthropogenic desertification.
In the background of anthropogenic transformation and change in ecotopic conditions of the delta landscape of the lower
reaches of the Amu Darya, in connection with the violation of the floodplain and alluvial regimes, a cardinal successional change
in the structure of the main tree-shrub plant communities is taking place, where trends in landscape dynamics have been established
under modern conditions. Meanwhile, it is impossible to preserve a species outside its natural environment, that is, the
natural ecosystem in which it was formed, and the work also developed a criterion for the anthropogenic transformation of the tree
and shrub vegetation of the Amu Darya delta. | | |
Утегенов И.Б., Отенов Т., Гроховатский И.А.– Влияние внешних факторов среды на виды
рода Ulmus L. на засоленных почвах Каракалпакстана [abs] | 61 | pdf |
Influence of external environmental factors on species of the genus Ulmus L. on saline soils of Karakalpakstan
Utegenov I.B., Otenov T., Grokhovatsky I.A.
Karakalpakstan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology, Nukus
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences of
the Karakalpak branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article is devoted to the study of the attitude to winter frosts, drought and high air temperature, resistance to pests and
diseases of species of the genus Ulmus L. in the conditions of saline soils of Karakalpakstan. The influence of external environmental
factors on 4 species of the genus Ulmus L. in the conditions of Karakalpakstan was studied. It was noted that an increase
in root growth in plants of the genus Ulmus L. is observed at the initial stages of drought. Resistance to pests and diseases of elm
species was established. Dutch disease, widespread among elms in Uzbekistan, was not detected in elms in Karakalpakstan
during the observation period. | | |
Экономика | | |
Кудайназарова В.К., Юлдашева Н.Р.– Экологическая оценка экономического роста с приме-
нением теории кривой Кузнеца [abs] | 65 | pdf |
Environmental assessment of economic growth using the theory of the Kuznets curve
Kudaynazarova D.K., Yuldasheva N.R.
Nukus branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies
The article is devoted to the study of the level of "ecological efficiency" of the economic growth of a number of countries using
the Kuznets curve. the data of countries having similar economic and geographical characteristics with the Aral Sea region were
studied, and the ecological curves of Kuznets were constructed from them. Based on the graphical analysis, the values of the
tangent of the angle are calculated and the levels of "environmental friendliness" of the gross production of countries are determined.
The latter are grouped by the level of CO2 emissions for production of a certain volume of production per capita. | | |
Турабеков А.А.– Ишлаб чикариш харажатларининг назарий ва услубий ривожланиши [abs] | 71 | pdf |
Theoretical and methodological development of production costs
Турабеков А.А.
Tashkent Pedagogical University and Economics
The article considers the problems of theoretical and methodological forms of development of production costs. The role of
human capital in the historical development of production costs is substantiated. The scientific views of economists about the
costs of production are highlighted. The theoretical views of A. Smith and D. Ricardo on the costs of production are considered.
The article substantiates the existence of a threshold level demand for production costs and the existence of objective and subjective
classification of production costs. | | |
История, философия, правоведение,
религия, социология и политология | | |
Джумашев А., Таджиева Р.– Казахи Каракалпакстана (1925-1940 гг.): история депортации и
обустройства . [abs] | 77 | pdf |
Kazakhs of Karakalpakstan (1925-1940): historical analysis
Djumashev A., Tadjieva R.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Karakalpak branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
The article examines the history of the Kazakh population of Karakalpakstan in the period from 1925 to 1940, which is an
important stage in the context of the formation of ethnic identity and social structure of the region. The authors analyzed the
changes that occurred in the lives of Kazakhs during this period, covering issues of migration, economic conditions and cultural
identity. The authors highlight key points, such as collectivization and its negative consequences for the traditional way of life of
the Kazakhs. Aspects of interaction between the Kazakhs and the Karakalpaks and other peoples of the region are also
considered, which helps to understand the multinational context of the era. Thus, the study allows us to better understand the
complex historical path of the Kazakh people in Karakalpakstan, which makes this work relevant and significant for the study of
historical memory and interethnic relations. | | |
Джумашев А., Сейдаметова Г.– Корейцы Каракалпакстана (1937-1941 гг.): исторический
анализ [abs] | 81 | pdf |
Koreans of Karakalpakstan (1937-1941 y.): history of deportation and settlement
Djumashev A., Seydametova G.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanities Karakalpak branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
This article is devoted to a new look at the history of the deportation of Koreans to the USSR. The authors' goal is a meaningful
analysis of various aspects of the reasons for the deportation of Koreans, the nature of their historical experience, and also to
consider the history of deportation from a modern point of view. In accordance with the purpose of the research, the article sets
the following objectives: to analyze the main existing works and archival materials on a given topic with an emphasis on modern
scientific views on this problem and evaluate them. The work methodology is based on local material. Using a local approach
involves focusing on the features of resettlement in a specific region, in this case Karakalpakstan. In addition, the work is based
on the principles of critical interpretation of sources, systematization and comparative analysis of data. The novelty lies in the fact
that it analyzes the history of the policy of deportation of Koreans to Karakalpakstan, based on the study of archival data and
modern new sources. This issue requires further scrupulous development and remains open for further research. | | |
Нуржанов С.У., Кудияров А.– Каракалпакстан прокуратурасы хызметкерлеринин репрессияга
ушырауы [abs] | 84 | pdf |
Repression of employees of the Prosecutor's Office of Karakalpakstan
Nurjanov S.U., Qudiyarov A.R.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Karakalpak branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
Museum of Memory of Victims of Repression at Karakalpak State University, Nukus
The article is devoted to the history of the repressive policy of the Soviet government in the relations of the staff of the prosecutor's
office of Karakalpakstan. It is indicated that the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan initiated a study
of the history of repression in the structure of the prosecutor's office in the 1930s and 1980s. In the course of the study, it turned
out that in Karakalpakstan, highly qualified employees of justice and the court, including Saparbai Nurzhanov, Aitzhan Bekmuratov,
Allanazar Pirnazarov, Annaklysh Adakaev, and others, became victims of repression. On the example of the life of the tragic
fate of S.Nurzhanov, H.Temirkhanov, etc. The process of repression during the period of Stalin's rule is shown. It is also indicated
that as a result of the research work, a book was prepared and published, which became an important part of the historiography
of Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan. | | |
Сапарниязов А., Опаев Б.– Водворение уральских казаков в каракалпакские степи и их
приспособление к новым условиям; [abs] | 88 | pdf |
The resettlement of the Ural Cossacks to the Karakalpak steppes and their adaptation to new conditions
Saparniyazov A., Opaev B.
Karakalpak Scientific Research Institute of Humanitarian of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the
Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
This study is devoted to studying the history of the resettlement of the Ural Cossacks in the Karakalpak steppes and their
adaptation to new conditions. Based on various historiographical materials, the specific aspects of the relationship between the
Ural Cossacks and the indigenous people, who preferred to build relations with their neighbors on a parity basis, are examined. In
the work, the authors used various works of such authors as A. Karpov, E. Kalbanova, V. Korolenko, E. Danilko, S. Sudakov,
most of which were published in various years of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. In the process of studying the research topic,
special attention was paid to the formation of the Cossacks and the Cossack population. The article records the composition of
the population of the Ural Cossacks, which consisted of two characteristic groups. The process of settling part of the Ural Cossacks
in the Turkestan region is considered in chronological order, and the main problems that the Ural Cossacks faced at the
beginning of their deportation to the region are indicated. In the process of scientific analysis of the research issues, it was found
that due to their distinctive culture, traditional norms, as well as the desire for recognition and a policy of rejection, the Ural Cossacks
managed to adapt to local life but did not assimilate with the indigenous people, losing their identity. When writing the article,
traditional methods of source study and specific historical research were used. | | |
Курбанова З.И.– Эволюция гендерных ролей каракалпачек (по материалам этнографической
экспедиции в апреле-мае 2024 года) ; [abs] | 92 | pdf |
The evolution of gender roles of Karakalpak women (based on ethnographic fieldwork undertaken in April-May
Kurbanova Z.I.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of
Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article examines the evolution of the gender roles of Karakalpak women based on the materials of an ethnographic expedition
conducted in April-May 2024 in the regions of Karakalpakstan. Using the methods of participant observation and interviews,
the author makes an attempt to study the transformation of traditional ideas about women's duties and the social status of Karakalpaks
since the second half of the 20th century. The results showed that under the influence of various processes, there is a
gradual blurring of rigid gender boundaries. Karakalpaks are increasingly going beyond their traditional spheres - household and
parenting - in search of self-realization in various spheres of society. | | |
Наурызбаева Н.–Хорасан муйиз нагысынын келип шыгыуы хэм семантикасы; [abs] | 95 | pdf |
Origin and semantics of the Khorasan horn pattern
Naurizbaeva N.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Karakalpak branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of
Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article examines the formation and semantics of one of the most expressive elements of Karakalpak ornamentation - the
“Khorasan muyiz” pattern. The author attempts to trace the origins of this pattern and its integration into the world of Karakalpak
ornament, analyzing ethnic connections with the medieval Oguzes and Pechenegs, as well as later interactions with the
Turkmens. The study is based on extensive archaeological and ethnographic data, which makes it possible to conduct a
comparative analysis and identify the deep semantics of the pattern. The article also examines the cultural and historical contexts
that contributed to the formation and evolution of this element of ornament. | | |
Таджетова С.– Развитие этнических и межэтнических браков в Каракалпакстане в советский и
постсоветский период; [abs] | 98 | pdf |
The development of ethnic and interethnic marriages in Karakalpakstan: from the Soviet to the post-Soviet period
Tajetova S.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of
Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article is devoted to the study of the dynamics of ethnic and interethnic marriages in the Republic of Karakalpakstan in
the Soviet and post-Soviet periods. The paper examines how the patterns and trends of ethnic and interethnic marriages in Karakalpakstan
have changed in different historical periods. Special attention is paid to two waves of international marriages: the first
was associated with the return of front-line soldiers after World War II, and the second with the influx of specialists to the republic
during the period of active industrial and social development in the 1960s-1980s. Special attention is paid to the fact that interethnic
marriages play an important role in the processes of intercultural integration and the formation of a single socio-cultural
| | |
Ashursky E.E.– Developing the bright humanistic ideals of Epicurus, Fyodorov and Dostoevsky . ; [abs] | 102 | pdf |
Developing the bright humanistic ideals of Epicurus, Fyodorov and Dostoevsky
Ashursky E.E.
Institute of Artificial Intelligence at National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev
Today probably each of us, conscious representatives of the human civilization, are standing, as if have absorbed in voiceless
wait, on crossroads, peering at the horizons with anxiety: which perspective life path to better choose, what components of our
spiritual essence or maybe even of corporeality to improve first of all?.. Though, whatever it was, I am sure that now is just the
time to act in line with the wise far-sighted guesses of domestic cosmists (namely, N.F. Fyodorov, K.E.Tsiolkovsky, N.K.Roerich),
i.e. to the utmost perfecting inner reserves of human brain. In parallel we'd carry on developments of new safe types of energy as
well as alternative (including remote & contactless) modes of information exchange - in order to people could achieve outer space
unhindered and autonomously. As to the nearest "minimum program", here, particularly, it’s necessary to study in detail the rejuvenation
properties of the stem cells and the ways of refinement of ana- or cryobiosis mechanisms either. Well and besides – just
imagine – we are by no means opposed to experimental raising some progressive breed of Homo sapiens adapted to long-term Universe voyages. | | |
Филология | | |
Bekimbetov A.M.– Qaraqalpaq xalqinin’ diniy a’psanalari (2-maqala) ; [abs] | 108 | pdf |
Religious legends of the Karakalpak people (Article 2)
Bekimbetov A.M.
Karakalpak Research institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of
Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article analyzes scientific works on the genesis of the Islamic religion, its influence on the religious culture of the peoples
of the East, as well as the facts that despite the fact that the Islamic religion arose as a monotheistic religion at the beginning, it is
considered as a religion of a syncretic nature, incorporating themselves the religious views of the peoples who adopted Islam and
before the adoption of Islam. The author points out that even before the adoption of Islam, this religion was accepted by peoples
with their state status, a stable social stratum, and rich traditions. This factor allows the author to conclude that “Islam influences
the syncretic interpretation of pre-Islamic religious systems of many peoples and the formation of a culture known in the East
under the terms “Arab culture” and “Muslim culture.” It is known that in the 7th century AD, Islam, founded by Muhammad, in subsequent
periods the state religion of the Arab Caliphate and subsequently spreading to the regions conquered by the Arabs, was
realized as a monotheistic religion. The author substantiates these opinions with the legends “Prophet Muhammad” and “Hakim Ulykhpan”. | | |
Максетова Ф. А.– Каракалпак лиро-эпикалык дастанларынын типологиясы; [abs] | 111 | pdf |
Typology of Karakalpak lyroepic dastans
Maksetova F.A.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic
of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The lyric-epic epics of the Karakalpak people, formed in the national environment of the Karakalpak people, stand out for
their compositional structure, artistry and ideological originality, enriched with national epic content and plots. Lyric epics depict
the friendship of peoples, the matchmaking of girls from another country, the violation of the boundaries of customs and traditions,
making the work effective and meaningful. The plot devices of the epic are widely reflected in the works of the Karakalpak people,
as well as among other peoples. Experts in music and conversation baksy performed a number of lyrical epics on dutar, and
through the transition from master to student, they have survived to these days. In this case, the content of the epic poems is
connected with the destinies of a girl and a boy who are in love with each other, telling about their painstaking efforts to achieve
their goals. All difficulties and obstacles on the way to the goal are solved with the help of music and conversation. Karakalpak
lyric epics have their own characteristics, starting with our linguistic characteristics, national characteristics of our living conditions,
important aspects of our customs and traditions, national folk views, fruitful examples of the possibilities of folk thinking. | | |
Кутлымуратов Б.Х.– Дастаннан драмага отиу стилизациясы («Алпамыс» дастанынан
«Алпамыс» драмасына карай…); [abs] | 115 | pdf |
Stylization of transition from epic to drama (from «Alpamis» epic to «Alpamis» drama…)
Kutlimuratov B.Kh.
Tashkent University of Information Technologies Nukus branch
Within the broad epic genre of Karakalpak oral creation, the paper addresses the stylization of the move from epics to dramatic
works. The significance of the subject is demonstrated by the fact that it is examined broadly in academic studies pertaining
to literary analysis and creative production in Karakalpak. Along with the formation of new literary genres, mutual stylization processes
between genres are evident in the Karakalpak literature of the 1920s and 1930s of the XX century. The way fairy tales,
folk songs, myths, legends, and epic narratives are synthesized or transitioned into works of poetry, prose, and drama is one way
we recognize them. Accordingly, the musical drama "Alpamis" by famous scientist, author, and playwright N.Dawqaraev was
examined in this article in relation to the author's ability to create a new stage work while maintaining the concepts and motifs of
the Karakalpak folk epic "Alpamis," so appropriate conclusions were formed. | | |
Абдимуратов А.– Особенности композиции и стиля публицистики писателя; [abs] | 118 | pdf |
Features of the composition and style of the writer's publicism
Abdimuratov A.U.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
The text explores the characteristics and impact of publicistic works, with a focus on the writings of Tulepbergen Kaipbergenov,
a notable figure in Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan. It discusses how publicistic works possess completeness, expressiveness,
and integrity, influencing audiences on rational and emotional levels. Kaipbergenov's journalism is highlighted for its artistry,
observation, and philosophical depth, combining journalistic practice with literary talent. The text examines the importance of
composition and style in publicistic works, citing examples from Kaipbergenov's writings. It emphasizes his use of imagery, parables,
and folklore to engage readers and convey societal concerns effectively. Additionally, it discusses the emotional impact of
Kaipbergenov's works and their resonance with readers. Overall, the text underscores Kaipbergenov's ability to address universal
themes and connect with audiences through his publicistic writings. | | |
Утамбетова А.Ж. – Гурринлерде турмыс шынлыгын саулелендириуде сюжет шеберлиги
(Я.Ажимов доретиушилиги мысалында) ; [abs] | 121 | pdf |
Mastery of the story, reflecting the true essence of life in stories (The work of A.Azhimov)
Utambetova A.J.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic
of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article speaks about how in the Karakalpak prose with time the writer Y.Azimov manifests his contribution, based on the
stories «Шопан кыздын даптери», «Жылдырым», «Макемеден бир адам» and «Лакап» written in the satirical genre, to compose
a plot, a compositional construction of generational conflicts. It was also proved that the novel «Шопан кыздын даптери» is
written in the form of literary heroic books, that the plot realism and attractiveness, disclosure of the truth, dialogues containing all
kinds of physical and psychological images, internal monologues, examples of actions described in a confident state, as if in life,
were appreciated, the novel «Жылдырым» describes the love path of the literary hero as a plot event. | | |
Тлеуниязова Г.Б.– Каракалпак лирикасында шыгарма композициясын курыудагы
умтылыслар; [abs] | 126 | pdf |
Trends in the structure of poetic composition in Karakalpak lyrics
Tleuniyazova G.B.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic
of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article analyzes the processes and principles of the development of Karakalpak poetry after the 1990s, and the features
of the composition of the work. It was determined that the socio-political conditions that arose in the historical and political life of
the country, the influence of the global integration process and individual research of poets were the main factors of changes in
the literary process. It is concluded that composition, as one of the main categories that ensure artistic integrity, has its own
internal laws in the organization of the work in terms of content and form, therefore, in the development of poetic composition in
Karakalpak lyric poetry, the composition of the overall work is improved according to these laws, according to which the
composition of the poem changes in relation to to the individual researches of each poet. | | |
Нуржанов П., Турдыбаева А.– Каракалпак романында Ажинияз образы (адебий сынлык хэм
илимий дереклерге талкы) ; [abs] | 129 | pdf |
The image of Ajiniyaz in the Karakalpak novel (analysis of literary, critical and scientific sources)
Nurzhanov P., Turdybayeva A.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
This article discusses the creation of an artistic image of the famous Karakalpak poet Ajiniyaz in the Karakalpak novel. From
this point of view, the place of K.Sultanov's novel "Azhiniyaz" in Karakalpak prose was considered, the characteristic style of the
writer, his ability to extract the best lessons from preserved historical documents and narratives were considered. At the time
when the novel was published, it was analyzed in literary and critical articles by such scientists as M. Nurmukhammedova, I.
Sagitov, K. Khudaibergenov I.al., which contributed to the growth of the critical spirit, the development of polemical thinking in the
Karakalpak literary process. The article also touches upon the issues of literary analysis of the novel "Azhiniyaz " by such authors
as S.Akhmetov, S. Bakhadirova, A. Kozhikbayev, etc. As well as in the scientific works of H.Otemuratova carefully analyzed the
meaning of the historical image, the issues of historical fact and artistic thinking, the originality of using an artistic source in creating
the image of the poet, the problems of the writer's individual style. | | |
Sarsenbaeva A.K.– Ha’zirgi qaraqalpaq lirikasinda fa’rd ha’m ma’sneviy janri (Tu’rkmenbay Jiyemyratov
lirikasi misalinda) ; [abs] | 133 | pdf |
The Genre of Fard and Masnevi in Modern Karakalpak Lyric Poetry (On the example of Turkmenbay Jiyemuratov's
Sаrsеnbаеvа А.К.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of Republic of
Uzbekistan, Nukus
This article examines the minor lyrical genres in modern Karakalpak poetry. It explores the "fard" - concise poems consisting
of a single beyt (stanza) and encapsulating a complete thought, with both lines rhyming - and the "masntvi," poems with brief or
extensive content, where each couplet rhymes separately in the form of a-a, b-b, c-c, d-d. These genre features are analyzed
through the work of karakalpak poet T. Jiyemuratov. The article analyzes the ideological, thematic, genre and stylistic features of
fards and masnevis in the poet's work. Through numerous examples, it provides evidence that T. Jiyemuratov's poems titled
"Fards" and "Masnevis" are rooted in the genres of fard and masnevi of Eastern poetry. It concludes that the poems,
incorporating philosophical-aesthetic, didactic, and educational moral lessons akin to folk aphorisms, proverbs, and sayings,
serve as a unique form of concise poetic conclusion. | | |
Seydullaeva D., Dauletmeratova H.– T.Qayipbergenovtin’ shig’armalarinda qollanilg’an sintetikaliq
bag’inin’qili qospa ga’pler ; [abs] | 137 | pdf |
Synthetic complex sentences in T. Qayipbergenov’s works
Seydullaeva D., Dauletmuratova H.
Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
In the article, we discussed the synthetic subordinate conjunctions commonly used in the Karakalpak language and their
types according to their structure. The tools that form a synthetic subordinate clause either merge with the word functioning as the
predicate or coordinate with it; in any case, they enter the composition of the predicate and connect the subordinate clause to the
main clause, creating various meaningful relationships between them. The predicate of a synthetic subordinate clause is
connected in three forms: through the suffixes of the state verb, causal meaning, and temporal meaning. | | |
Orazimbetov A.K.– Qaraqalpaq tilindegi affikslerdin’ poziciyaliq tu’rleri (interfiks ha’m
infiksler) ; [abs] | 140 | pdf |
Positional types of affixes in the karakalpak language (interfixes and infixes)
Orazimbetov A.K.
Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
This article states that in world languages, there are several types of affix morphemes: suffix, postfix, prefix, inflection, interfix,
infixes, circumfix, transfix, simulfix, dysfix, etc., depending on the position of the word in the word structure, and the degree of
their use in different languages varies depending on the typological features of world languages. In modern grammar and textbooks
of the Karakalpak languageis taught that there are only three or four types of affix morphemes, such as suffix, postfix, prefix,
and inflection, depending on their place in the word structure, and at the same time, interfixes and infixes are also found in the
Karakalpak language.Interfix is an auxiliary morpheme that performs the function of connecting morphemes, does not have the
meaning of word modification and word formation, and infix is a relevant issue in language education, depending on the principles
of defining morphemes and the definitions of their essential features.Stating that each of them requires additional research, the
article gives theoretical definitions of interfixes and infixes and discusses them extensively with examples. | | |
Ходжалепесова И.М.– Изучение символики цвета как уникального языкового средства в
описании антропоцентрических характеристик; [abs] | 143 | pdf |
The study of the symbolism of color as a unique linguistic means in the description of anthropocentric characteristics
Khodjalepesova I.M.
University ORIENTAL, Tashkent
The article investigates lexemes, which nominate different colours and compose set expressions used to characterize a person
and transfer information dealing with description of his/her appearance, age, character, inner state and interpersonal attitude.
The author presents English, Uzbek and Karakalpak expressions with various colours and analyzes them from anthropocentric
point of view. The symbolism of color in the description of a person and objects-phenomena of the surrounding reality has both
similarities and differences in different linguistic cultures and this is due to the moral and religious, ethnospecific, socio-historical
background of peoples and native speakers. Each of the studied languages has a peculiar meaning, symbolism and specifics of
use. This specificity is especially evident in the description of a person, his age, appearance, social status, professional employment,
personal characteristics and psychological conditions. Colors most colorfully and expressively create vivid and unique images,
sometimes metaphorical and hyperbolic, bringing a “highlight” and “hitting the mark" in the description of anthropocentric
characteristics. | | |
Tashmatova N.Ch.– Haydar Xorazmiyning «Gulshan ul-asror» mashaviysida antonim leksemalar
ifodasi ; [abs] | 147 | pdf |
The expression of antonyms of lexemas in Haydar Khorazmi's "Gulshan ul-asrar"
Tashmatova N.Ch.
Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature
This article classifies and analyzes the antonyms expressed in the masnavi "Gulshan ul-asrar" by Haydar Khorezmi, one of
the mature representatives of our classical literature, who lived in Khorezm in the late 14th - early 15th centuries. Lexicalsemantic
antonyms are abundantly used in the Masnavi, and functional-semantic antonyms are expressed in small quantities. | | |
Юбилеи | | |
Бекбергенова З.У.– Пидайы илимпаз, талантлы жазыушы Сарыгул Бахадырова 80 жаста | 151 | pdf |