Техника | | |
Аимбетов И.К., Искендеров Б.К. – Инженерно-геологическое районирование проектирования ленточных фундаментов в Нукусском районе [abs] | 5 | pdf |
Engineering and geological zoning of the design of strip foundations in the Nukus district
Aimbetov I.K., Iskenderov B.K.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article presents the systematized results of calculations of the precipitation of the foundations of buildings in the Nukus district, performed by the method of layered summation. The calculations used the physical and mechanical parameters of the soils of local survey organizations. Analysis of the calculations showed that in most cases, the maximum precipitation occurs within the pressure range equal to the conditional design pressure. Schematic maps of the foundation sediment with a width of 1.0 m, with a foundation depth of 1.0 m are constructed. The dependences of precipitation on the pressure on the foundations, where maximum and minimum precipitation are observed, are constructed. The rationale for the use of schematic maps of foundation sediments in the development of master plans of the city of Nukus and the Nukus district is given. It has been established that sandy loam is the most favorable foundation for the Nukus district, since at a pressure value of 300 MPa, precipitation of the base exceeding the permissible ones does not occur.
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Аимбетов И.К., Каипов С.Т. – Деформируемость и прочность барханных песков Каракалпакстана в условиях трехосного сжатия [abs] | 9 | pdf |
Deformability and strength of dune sands of Karakalpakstan under triaxial compression conditions
Aimbetov I.K., Kaipov S.T.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Science Karakalpak Branch Academy Science of the Academy Science of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The results of experimental studies of the influence of the initial density of dune sands in the vicinity of the city of Nukus, determined using a triaxial compression device, are presented. The studies were carried out on sand in an air-dry state under kinematic loading of the sample. Experimental patterns of influence of the initial density of sand on the values of the deformation modulus, angle of internal friction and specific adhesion have been established. It has been established that with increasing density there is an increase in the mechanical characteristics of dune sand.
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Аимбетов И.К., Бекимбетов Р.Т., Искендеров Б.К. – К вопросу развития городов Южного Приаралья с учетом засоления грунтов (на примере города Нукуса [abs] | 13 | pdf |
On the issue of urban development in the Southern Aral Sea region, taking into account soil salinization (on the example of the city of Nukus)
Aimbetov I.K., Bekimbetov R.T., Iskenderov B.K.
Karakalpak Scientific Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article deals with the problem of improving the environmental situation of the cities of the Southern Aral Sea region on the example of the city of Nukus. The analysis of existing studies aimed at solving problems related to the salinization of the soil environment of the city of Nukus is presented. An analysis of the studies has shown that they do not address the issue of improving environmental problems. The aim of the work is to assess the salinity of soils and groundwater in the city of Nukus and adjacent territories for effective landscaping of the studied territory. To assess the salinity of the studied area, data from engineering and geological surveys necessary for the design of buildings and structures and the results of research by the authors of the article were used. Using these results, salinity maps were constructed using the ArGIS computer program. It has been established that an increase in the groundwater level leads to additional salinization of soils, which worsens the ecological situation of the city of Nukus and adjacent territories, negatively affects green spaces. Maps and diagrams of salinization of groundwater in the city and
surrounding areas have been compiled. The groundwater of Nukus is mainly saline with chloride and sulfate salts. The results of studies of soil salinity in the Nukus district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan to the groundwater level are presented. It has been established that an increase in the groundwater level leads to additional salinization of soils, which worsens the ecological situation of the area. Based on the results of research using GIS technologies, maps and diagrams of soil salinity in the Nukus district have been compiled. Studies have shown that the soils of the Nukus region are saline and belong mainly to sulfate and chloridesulfate types of salinity. When landscaping a city, it is necessary to take into account the nature of salinization of groundwater and soils. In order to improve the ecological and hydrogeological situation of the city of Nukus and the surrounding areas, it is necessary to conduct research aimed at designing a new innovative drainage system.
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Химия и химическая технология | | |
Бауатдинов С., Бауатдинов Т.С., Наурызбаева З.Ш., Торешова Н.М., Сапарова Г.Д. – Химический состав минералов Каракалпакстана и получение удобрений на их основе [abs] | 22 | pdf |
Chemical composition of minerals of Karakalpakstan and fertilizer production on their basis
Bauatdinov S.1, Bauatdinov T.S.2, Nawrizbaeva Z.Sh.1, Toreshova N.M.1, Saparova G.D.1
1Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences Karakapak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
2Institute of Agrotechnology and Agriculture of Karakalpakstan, Nukus
The article explores organomineral fertilizers, sapropel, phosphate flour and glauconite as means for improving soil fertility. The authors analyze the benefits of these fertilizers for the land and their effectiveness in increasing productivity. The problem of soil salinity and the role that these fertilizers can play in combating it are also discussed. Key considerations include the composition and properties of each fertilizer, their impact on soil chemistry, and how they are applied to maximize agricultural and environmental benefits. Particular attention in the article is paid to the analysis of the chemical composition of fertilizers and their impact on the biochemical composition of the soil. The use of quantitative analysis made it possible to identify the key components of each fertilizer and assess their significance for plant growth and development. In addition, the article contains important environmental aspects of the use of organomineral fertilizers. Their role in combating the problem of soil salinity and maintaining biological
balance is discussed. This is an important contribution to the understanding of sustainable agriculture and its impact on the environment.
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Биоэкология и сельское хозяйство | | |
Худойкулова Ш.Н. – Оценка влияния техногенных полевых воздействий на морфофизиологические показатели глаза экспериментальных животных [abs] | 27 | pdf |
Assessment of the influence of technogenic field influences on morphophysiological indicators of the eyes of exrimental animals
Xudaykulova Sh.N.
Samarkand State Medical University
The problem of electromagnetic safety of the population has now acquired social and, therefore, national significance. The intensive use of electromagnetic and electrical energy by modern society has led to the addition of a man-made electromagnetic field of artificial origin to the existing geomagnetic field of the Earth. The multi-purpose use of electromagnetic radiation sources and the introduction of new technical means that create powerful electromagnetic fields have led to an increase in the scale and intensity of their impact on humans and the biosphere as a whole. Suffice it to say that the world’s energy resources double every 10 years, and the share of variable electromagnetic fields in the electric power industry during this time increases threefold. Compared to other environmental factors, electromagnetic radiation has rapidly taken first place in terms of intensity, and therefore in terms of harm to human health. Currently, large electromagnetic “spots” have appeared on Earth, which are the product of supercities, which have completely changed the external geophysical appearance of our planet.
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Темирбеков Р.О., Мусаев А.К., Исраилова И.О. – Ихтиологические исследования Ctenopharyngodon idella (Valenciennes, 1844) водоемов дельтовой зоны Амударьи [abs] | 31 | pdf |
Ichthyological studies of Ctenopharyngodon idella (Valenciennes, 1844) Reservoirs of the Amu darya delta zone
Temirbekov R.O., Musaev A.K., Israilova I.O.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article presents the results of many years of comprehensive research conducted on the reservoirs of the delta zone of the Amudarya River. The main material for the study was our own collections of grass carp fish, Ctenopharyngodon idella (Valenciennes, 1844). Based on the collected ichthyological material, the results of size-weight indicators and linear growth of grass carp are presented to determine its current fishing status. The largest size of grass carp found here was 1.15 m, weighing 12.5 kg. In commercial catches it was represented by individuals with a body length from 31.8 to 85.2 cm, a weight from 0.83 to 11.5 kg and up to 9 years of age. The rate of linear growth of grass carp was greater in the reservoirs of Lake Sudochye and Lake Sarbas (Rybachy). This is explained by the fact that the food supply and living conditions in these reservoirs are considered favorable than in other reservoirs of the lower reaches of the Amudarya River. According to the type of feeding, white carp is a narrow stenophage; in adulthood it feeds exclusively on plant foods, for which in many countries it is called grass carp. The obtained data on the biology and ecology of this species are necessary for modern and subsequent assessment of the dynamics of fish farming
and biological indicators, and they can also be used in the work on the formation of broodstock for artificial breeding of the species in aquaculture.
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Орел М.М., Матжанова Х.К. – Волокно кендыря шероховатого (Apocynum scabrum Russan.) – альтернатива экологически чистого упаковочного материала [abs] | 34 | pdf |
Coarse kendir (Apocynum scabrum Russan.) fiber – an alternative to environmentally friendly packaging material
Orel M.M., Matjanova X.K.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The colossal accumulation of waste in landfills, which threatens all living things, with the massive use of polyethylene, has led to an environmental problem. The ecological approach to the application and use of plant resources, which has been developing in recent decades, poses the task of searching for alternative raw materials and materials from which it is possible to produce packaging. An alternative to artificial materials, in particular polyethylene, can be raw materials obtained from plants that are little known, but whose resource potential requires study, is relevant and may be in demand in the future. The article discusses the advantages of growing and using fiber obtained from the rough kendyr plant (Apocynum scabrum), which in Karakalpakstan is distributed in populations consisting of several tens to several thousand plants. Botanical characteristics, advantages of the fiber obtained from it, and methods of propagation are given. The issue of using kendyr fiber for technical purposes is relevant and innovative.
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Mamadiyarov M.U. – Og‘ir metallar bilan turli darajada ifloslangan sharoitda Paulownia tomentosa, Chitalpa tashkentensis, Vinca minor o‘simliklarida suv rejimi ko‘rsatkichlari miqdoriy tahlili [abs] | 37 | pdf |
Quantitative analysis of water regime indicators in Paulownia tomentosa, Chitalpa tashkentensis, Vinca minor plants under different levels of heavy metals pollution
Mamadiyarov M.U.
Uzbek-Finnish Pedagogikal Iinstitute, Tashkent
The article describes the water regime indicators of Paulownia tomentosa, Chitalpa tashkentensis, Vinca minor plants, i.e. water storage properties, water quantity, water deficit and transpiration indicators in the control and experimental groups. These indicators are external environment. studied taking into account the temperature. From the indicators of the water regime, it was found that Chitalpa tashkentensis has a high water deficit compared to other species, Vinca minor has a low water deficit compared to it, and Paulownia tomentosa has the lowest. It was found that Paulownia tomentosa has high water retention properties, Vinca minor has less water retention properties, and Chitalpa tashkentensis has less. studied and analyzed in the course of research. Based on the indicators of the water regime, it is possible to obtain information about the adaptation of plants to external environmental conditions and the introduction of plants. These studied plant species are important in the greening of cities, absorption of various gases in the atmosphere, accumulation of heavy metals in the soil and atmosphere.
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Орел М.М. – Влияние растений на почвенные параметры и подбор растений-галофитов на засоленные почвы Каракалпакстана [abs] | 41 | pdf |
Influence of plants on soil parameters and selection of halophyte plants on salted soils of Karakalpakstan
Orel M.M.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The Southern Aral Sea region belongs to the zone of extreme environmental conditions. A factor in maintaining plants is their resistance to these conditions. Such plants are halophytes, which are able to function and produce normally in saline environments. Land development is possible by creating halophyte plantations. The influence of plants on soils is very great; they have a positive effect on the temperature of the soil cover, shading the surface – they reduce the flow of heat, moisture evaporation, wind speed, and help reduce the salinity of the upper soil horizon. The article provides a list of salinity-resistant halophyte plant species that will contribute to the formation of vegetation cover on saline soils and reduce the negative impact.
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Мамбетуллаева С.М., Утемуратова Г.Н., Танирбергенов К.Ж. – Анализ накопления микроэлементов в организме мелких млекопитающих в условиях Южного Приаралья [abs] | 44 | pdf |
Analysis of the accumulation of trace elements in the body of small mammals in the conditions of the Southern Aral Sea region
Mambetullaeva S.M., Utemuratova G.N., Tanirbergenov K.J.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article deals with the accumulation of trace elements in the body of small mammals in the Southern Aral Sea region. In modern conditions of development of society, one of the most difficult problems is environmental protection and the rational use of natural resources. Samples were taken from 14 samples of organs and tissues of small mammals: Allactaga elater and Spermophilus pygmaeus. As a result, the average content of 21 chemical elements was determined: Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Br, Rb, Sr, Mo, Ag, Se, Nb. The degree of accumulation of various toxic elements in the body of small mammals
is related to the peculiarities of their biology, primarily with the food specialization of species. A high level of pollution is typical for both man-made and nature-protected areas in the Southern Aral Sea region. As a result of the analysis of the data obtained, Allactaga elater has an excess of 2 elements in the control and 12 elements in the experiment, while there are no Mo, Nb, Ag in the control. Spermophilus pygmaeus has an excess of 5 elements in the control and 11 elements in the experiment, while such elements as As, Mo (in the control), Nb, Ag (in the experiment) are missing. The analysis of the average content of elements in the body of the studied species of small mammals in man-made and natural territories showed the species specificity of their accumulation regardless of the experimental site. The results of comprehensive studies of model rodent species (Allactaga elater and Spermophilus pygmaeus) have shown that they can be used not only for the purpose of bioindication of environmental pollution at local and regional levels and to justify ecotoxicological rationing, but also for long-term environmental forecasting tasks.
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Тлеумуратова Б.С., Уразымбетова Э.П., Статов В.А. – Моделирование вклада Кызылкума на запыленность атмосферы Нижнеамударьинского оазиса [abs] | 49 | pdf |
Modeling of the contribution of Kyzylkum to the atmospheric dust of the lower Amudarya oasis
Tleumuratova B.S., Urazimbetova E.P., Statov V.A.
Karakalpak Scientific Research Institute of Natural Sciences Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
This article discusses the problem of atmospheric dustiness in the Lower Amudarya oasis as a result of wind removal of dust and sand from the desert territories of Ustyurt, Aralkum, Kyzylkum and Karakum. The results of preliminary calculations of air pollution in the Lower Amudarya oasis by dust from Kyzylkum are presented. The Gaussian model was chosen as the base model, taking into account the rate of dry deposition, the prevailing mechanism in the region with an arid climate. Model calculations, for example, for April showed that the contribution of Kyzylkum alone averages 324.6 mkg/m3 for the Lower Amudarya oasis,
which exceeds the average daily MPC of dust by 174.6 mkg/m3.
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Тлеумуратова Б.С., Урумбаев А.Е., Кубланов Ж.Ж. – Загрязнение растительного покрова сульфатами с осушенного дна Аральского моря [abs] | 54 | pdf |
Vegetation pollution sulfates from the dried bottom of the Aral Sea
Tleumuratova B.S1., Urumbaev A.E1., Kublanov Zh.Zh1.
1Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
2National Center for Training Teachers in New methods of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Nukus
The article is devoted to the study of the effect of salt dust from the drained bottom of the Aral Sea on wild plants. According to the geobotanical method proposed by the authors for in situ assessment of the effects of salt and dust transfer on plants in 2022-2023, experiments were conducted in the Botanical Garden of the Karakalpak Scientific Research Institute of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Muynak, Ustyurt. This article presents the results of experiments in 2023, as well as a generalized analysis of the results of experimental work over 2 years, during which a strong relationship was revealed between the amount of precipitation in the vegetative period on the one hand, and a decrease in soil salinity on the other hand in the period between pulverization and taking soil samples for reaction to the conducted pulverization (the correlation coefficient is equal to 0.78). In addition, the degree of influence of various weather conditions on soil salinity has been determined. One-time exposure to Na2(SO)4
concentrations of 5, 10, 15 and 20 g/m2 is expressed in a decrease in the projective coverage of plants by an average of 10, 17, 25 and 30% respectively.
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Мамбетуллаева С.М., Ешжанов К.Ж. – Современное состояние биоразнообразия на территории Государственного заказника «Судочье-Акпетки [abs] | 61 | pdf |
The current State of biodiversity in the territory of the State reserve "Sudoche-Akpetki"
Mambetullaeva S.M.1, Eshzhanov K.J.2
1Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
2Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
The article deals with the issues of ecological assessment of the state of biodiversity in the territory of the Sudoche-Akpetki
State reserve in the conditions of the Southern Aral Sea region. The Southern Aral Sea region, with its vast territory, with a variety
of ecosystems and species composition, needs to develop special research aimed at inventory, assessment of the state of biodiversity,
development of a monitoring system, and development of principles and methods for the conservation of natural biosystems.
As a result of the creation of the Sudochie-Akpetki State Reserve, their total area increased from 3.521 million to 3,801
million hectares, or from 7.84% to 8.46% of the territory of Uzbekistan. Soil salinization also plays an important role in the spatial
and temporal distribution of vegetation. NDVI values decrease towards the dried-up bottom of the Aral Sea, which indicates a
decrease in vegetation cover. Humidified ecosystems, under the influence of the general process of landscape transformation,
have undergone enormous successional restructuring. Vegetation grows in arid and semi-arid areas dependent on precipitation
and/or groundwater, and groundwater is usually the main source of water. The intensive transformation of the ecosystems of the
Aral Sea region, under the influence of anthropogenic pressure, contributed to the reduction and rupture of the natural range of
almost all small mammals. In this regard, it was noted that issues related to the analysis of small mammal communities in the
ecosystems of protected natural areas of the Southern Aral Sea region occupy an important place in scientific research, but require
in-depth study.
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Экономика | | |
Аимбетов Н.К. – Методический подход к эколого-экономической оценке дифференциации развития промышленности в регионах [abs] | 66 | pdf |
The methodological approach to the environmental and economic assessment of the differentiation of industrial development
in the regions
Aimbetov N.K.
Karakalpak Scientific Research Institute of Natural Sciences Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of
Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article discusses a methodological approach to the environmental and economic assessment of the differentiation of
industrial development in the regions. Assessing the typology of regions according to criteria characterizing territorial differentiation
in terms of potential and level of socio-economic development, taking into account the current macroeconomic situation in the
republic, assumes the diversification of regions according to general criteria identified during the diagnosis, taking into account
the instability of the internal and external environment.
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Холов А.Х., Исантурдиев С.Ю. – Минтакавий иктисодий тизим мо?ияти ва унинг назарий асослари [abs] | 71 | pdf |
The essence of the regional economic system and theoretical foundations
Kholov A.Х., Isanturdiyev S.
Department of higher education, science and innovation of Syrdarya region
In the article, an attempt was made to explain in detail the nature of the regional economic system and its theoretical
foundations. The reason is that in the process of radical economic reform in our country, it is necessary to ensure regional socioeconomic
development. It is impossible to develop the national economy without raising the regional economy and deepening the
reforms. Because it is the regions that largely determine the rate of development of the national economy and its characteristics.
Natural resources, demographic situation and human resources, administrative-territorial structures, indicators of socio-economic
development in the regions play a decisive role in this. Also, in the article, the concept of "Regional economic system" is widely
used in modern scientific economic literature as "economic space" and is one of the main concepts of modern economics. This
article discusses the essence and theoretical foundations of the regional economic system.
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История, философия, правоведение,
религия, социология и политология | | |
Сапаров З.С. – Халык батырларынын Каракалпакстан тарийхында туткан орны (Отеш Даулетназар улы мысалында [abs] | 77 | pdf |
The role of folk batyrs in the history of Karakalpakstan (In the example of Otesh Dawletnazaruli)
Saparov Z.S.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
The article discusses the role of folk batyrs in the history of Karakalpakstan and their activities as historical figures, on the example
of Otesh Dawletnazaruli. The main task of the folk batyrs was to protect the country from invaders and to do good deeds for
the peace of the people. Historical sources about Otesh Dawletnazaruli have analyzed his life, human qualities, brave actions in
protecting the country from invaders, and good deeds as a figure to a certain extent. These sources still require research as they
have not been fully analyzed. At the beginning of the 20th century, the socio-economic situation of the peoples of Khiva Khanate
was difficult. On top of that, the invaders were organizing raids on these areas. The navkars led by Otesh, Eskene and other
batyrs united and opposed the actions of the turkmen invaders, such as pushing them out of the neighbouring lands and robbing
those who resisted. In the article, the author used historical sources based on scientific works and field notes about Otesh
Dawletnazar uli.
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Турекеев К.Ж. – «Тусау кесиу» – обряды и традиции у каракалпаков [abs] | 81 | pdf |
“Tusaw Kesiw” - rituals and traditions of the Karakalpaks
Turekeev K.Zh.
Karakalpak Research Institute for the Humanitarian of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of
Uzbekistan, Nukus
In this article, the author made an attempt to highlight the ritual of Tusaw kesiw that existed among the Turkic people since
ancient times. He mainly studied the research work of Central Asian and Karakalpak ethnographic scientists in comparison with
field studies conducted over several years. As a result of the research, it was noted that there are some differences between the
people of our nation living in Navoi, Samarkand regions and the Fergana Valley and Karakalpaks living in our republic. In the
process of research, it was found that the ritual performed in connection with the child's first step is referred to as “tusaw kesiw”
(Karakalpakstan), “tushaw kesti” (Samarkand region), “tishaw chechti” (Namangan region). Thus, transformational processes
occur in the processes that arise during these studies. In particular, they were clearly manifested in the fact that in the last century
grandmothers no longer made a motley rope-flagellum (Ala jip) from black and white threads with their own hands, but bought it at
the market; cutting the bonds is now entrusted not to a fast and dexterous person, but to the most respected, educated and
wealthy member of the family; This ritual is no longer carried out in a narrow family circle, as in the 20th century, but gradually
turned into a magnificent celebration (especially in Nukus), receiving a new name “Godik”. At the same time, the author paid special
attention to the fact that as a result of globalization, sociocultural integration and other processes, the “tusaw kesiw” ritual has
absorbed innovations that became the reasons for its transformation.
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Хожаниязова Г.М. – Каракалпакларда «немеурин», «жабыу», «орамал салыу» дастурлери [abs] | 89 | pdf |
The Karakalpaks: rituals «nemewrin», «jabiw», «oramal saliw»
Khojaniyazova G.M.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of
Uzbekistan, Nukus
The traditions of pre-wedding mutual assistance among the Karakalpaks are one of the most interesting topics. A number of
researchers have conducted research on wedding traditions in the ethnography of the Karakalpaks. In our study, we analyzed
these studies and made a brief commentary on them. The purpose of our research is the tradition of mutual assistance between
close people in Karakalpak wedding traditions. We paid special attention to such types of assistance as “nemewrin”, “jabiw”,
“oramalsaliw” of the tradition. We studied the features and differences of these types of support. During the study, we conducted
field research in the Moynak, Kongirot, Shomonay, and Kanlikol regions and specified the results obtained. We analyzed the
uniqueness of the types of mutual aid in these areas. We studied the differences in rituals and compared them with other districts.
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Аширбоев А.Т. – Айбланувчининг иштирокини таъминлаш имкони булмаган такдирда дастлабки терговни тухтатиш: назария ва амалиёт [abs] | 95 | pdf |
Termination of the preliminary investigation if it is not possible to ensure the accused's participation: theory and practice
Ashirboyev A.T.
Internal affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan Academy of the Ministry, Tashkent
The article describes some features of the suspension of a criminal case in connection with the departure of the accused
outside the Republic of Uzbekistan, if it is impossible to ensure his appearance at the investigation. The author substantiates the
importance and urgency of suspending a criminal case if it is impossible to ensure the appearance of the accused at the
investigation. A detailed analysis of the state of law enforcement practice and the experience of foreign countries in suspending a
criminal case on this basis is carried out. Based on scientific discussions on existing problems in investigative practice,
reasonable proposals have been developed to eliminate them.
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Курамбаев Т.Х. – Таносил ёки ОИВ касаллиги/ОИТСни таркатиш билан бо?лик жиноятларни
тергов килишда исботланиши лозим булган ?олатлар [abs] | 98 | pdf |
Circumstances to be proved in the investigation of crimes related to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases or
Kurambaev T.Kh.
Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
In the article describes the circumstances that must be proven in the crime of spreading sexually transmitted diseases or
HIV/AIDS. In particular, the basis for warning a person about liability is given. Questions to be put to the expert on these crimes
have also been formulated. A sequence (algorithm) of investigative actions to prove a person,s guilt in this tupe of crime has been
development. At the same time, on the basis of this type of crime rate, the reasons for their commission and the conditions ithat
made it possible were analyzed in depth.
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Филология | | |
Палымбетов К.С. – «Коблан» дастанынын версия хэм вариантларынын ареал-аймаклык
озгешеликлери [abs] | 102 | pdf |
Features of the version and area-territorial variants of the epis «Koblan»
Palymbetov K.S.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Selences of Republic of
Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article explores the characteristics of the performance and dissemination of the version and area-territorial variants of the
heroic epic "Koblan". It examines the history of collecting and recording Karakalpak national versions of the epic from storytellers,
and analyzes the issues surrounding the recording of epic versions, predominantly in the northwestern regions of Karakalpakstan.
Drawing on the opinions of folklorists such as I. Sagitov and K. Maksetov, the author attempts to prove that the epic "Koblan" was
performed by Karakalpaks in the regions of Khorezm and Bukhara in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Accurate scientific evidence is
provided to demonstrate the wide distribution range of the national version and variants of the "Koblan" epic. Additionally, the
article discusses the similarities in the genetic origins of the Karakalpak and Kazakh versions of the epic, highlighting the fact that
the epic has been performed by storytellers for centuries through the transmission of traditions from mentor to student.
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Отениязов П.Ж. – Каракалпак салт-дастур фольклорын изертлеу маселелери [abs] | 105 | pdf |
Problems of research of Karakalpak ritual folklore
Oteniyazov P.J.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic
of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The study of the origin, formation and place of Karakalpak ritual folklore in our society is a requirement of the time. In particular,
it is important to study Karakalpak seasonal, household, family and other folklore and rituals. It is very important to introduce
the bride to the people, and the people to the bride, to hold the wedding. A comparative typological study of betashar, hauzhar,
synsyu, zhoklau, children's ritual folklore, genesis, genre features, and figurative system is relevant. Betashar is a ceremony of
presenting the bride to the people, and the people to the bride. Didactics will be the main topic. They say that a bride should be
polite and have strong morals. Relatives and neighbors play a special and important role in this. If you pay attention to children's
folklore, the theme of intelligence and physical education stands out. Children's songs and dialogues in games contain deep
knowledge and philosophy. Children's games such as "Three Covers", "Circle", "Hide and Seek", "Say the Name", "Run" will be
the focus of everyone's attention. In addition, it is very important to study Karakalpak folk ritual folklore, the construction of artistic
literary language and folk songs and other issues. The article discusses issues related to Karakalpak ritual folklore, and this is a
hot topic in folklore today.
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Оразымбетова А. – Курбанбай жырау Тажибаевтын эпикалык мийрасы [abs] | 109 | pdf |
Epic legacy of Kurbanbay poet Tajibaev
Orazimbetova A.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of
Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article talks about the legacy of the epic that has reached today through the art of Qurbanbay Tаjibаev, who is considered
the master of words of the Karakalpak people. Information is provided about poet's childhood years, the first stages of his interest
in art and music, his difficulties during his apprenticeship, and the stories he learned from his teachers. The role of Karakalpak
heroic epic “Qirq qiz” recorded by poet among the people was discussed, as well as the translation of poet's epics into other languages.
The issues of “Qirq qiz” attracting the attention of Russian poet A. Tarkovsky, French writer Louis Aragon and special
research of the epic by Professor Q. Maqsetov are analyzed. Different aspects of the epics “Qirq qiz”, “Qurbanbek”, “Er Ziywar”,
“Janadil”, “Baltakey batir”, “Alpamis” recorded from Jirov will be proved. The improvisational talent and skill of poet in revealing
the direction of the idea and plot of the epics in his own style were commented on.
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Есемуратова У.Х. – «Даулетиярбек» дастанынын дорелиуи хэм таралыуы тарийхынан [abs] | 111 | pdf |
From the history of the creation and dissemination of the epic “Dauletiryabek”
Yesemuratova U.Kh.
Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
The article describes the national versions of the epic “Dauletiyarbek”, widespread among the Karakalpak, Uzbek, Turkmen
and Kazakh peoples. Information is provided about the Karakalpak version of the epic performed in the Bakhshi's repertoire, as
well as about the existence of oral and written versions of the epic among peoples. Based on research by folklorists, the question
of the period of creation and the historicity of the epic is analyzed. The issues of the spread of the epic among the Khorezm Uzbeks
and Stavropol Turkmens are explored. It is suggested that the epic “Dauletiyarbek” is an epic dedicated to a specific historical
figure, and based on the research of Professor K. Maksetov, the inaccuracies of the research of Sh. Rakhimova, K. Durdyev
on the issue of the authorship of the epic are analyzed. The author draws attention to scientific sources and poems created by
Dauletiyarbek himself, and examines in them information about the life of Dauletiyarbek. Based on the information contained in
the works of Professor K. Maksetov and Karakalpak classical poets, it is concluded that the author of the epic is Dauletiyarbek.
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Бекбергенова З.У. – Каракалпак адебиятында очерк жанры [abs] | 115 | pdf |
The essay genre in Karakalpak literature
Bekbergenova Z.U.
Karakalpak Research Institute for the Humanitarian of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of
Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article discusses the meaning and place in the work of the essay genre in the history of karakalpak literature. In 1930 of
the last XX th century, the emergence and formation as a genre of essays brought great significance to the Karakalpak writers N.
Davkarayev, D. Nazbergenov, M. Daribaev, A. Begimov, K. Aimbetov, R. Madzhitov, Zh.Aimurzaev, and later this genre has been
developed and proven in modern literature, close connection with examples from the works of S.Saliev, O.Abdurakhmanov,
A.Aliev, I.Kurbanbaev, G.Esemuratova, O.Uteuliev. The emergence of the genre of essays in karakalpak literature was dominated
by portrait essays; in recent years, essayists have identified the following topics and areas: road essays, problem essays, portrait,
documentary, judicial, scientific essays and similar types, and in each essay the writer takes responsibility for the events taken
from real life. The conclusions of scientific research are an indicator of the emergence of new aspects of works in the essay
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Байниязова Т.К. – Каракалпак адебияттаныуында изертлеу методлары [abs] | 120 | pdf |
Question about research methods in Karakalpak Literary Study
Bayniyazova T.K.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic
of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The problem of methods of scientific analysis and methodology is one of the main ones in modern Literary Study. Scientific
and theoretical knowledge and views in this direction are increasingly expanding and deepening. In the article puts forward the
opinion on the need for a holistic study of such issues as basic and particular methods in Karakalpak Literary Study, the process
mastering scientific methods and their effectiveness, the methodological validity of scientific research, the relationship with the
Literary Studies of other peoples and originality, the presence of scientific directions and schools.
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Утемуратова Х. – Каракалпак романынын жанрлык-стильлик озгешелиги (1991–2001-жыллар
мысалында) [abs] | 124 | pdf |
Genre and stylistic features of the hovel (1991-2001-years)
Utemuratova H.
Karakalpak Research Institute for the Humanitarian of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of
Uzbekistan, Nukus
This article analyzes the problem of artistic time in the historical novel by Karakalpak writers. Scientists T.Alexandrova,
R.Fathrakhmanov, D.B.Derkach, Z.Bekbergenova touched upon this problem in their research. The article is devoted to one of
the topical problems of Karakalpak literary criticism. The author defines the quest of the writer K.Mambetov and the artistic features
of the historical novel genre. We are also talking about the study of the creative skill of the writer. Determining the individual
style of a writer is of great importance. The article put forward an actual problem of literary criticism. The author has reached scientific
and practical conclusions on the problem raised. Appropriate conclusions about the characters and their images are made.
This article notes the contribution of writers to the development of Karakalpak historical prose. As a result of the writer's creative
talent for revealing the actions of the characters and their images, the ways of using the means of artistic representation are
proved by examples. The article is of great importance in revealing new facets of creativity of writers T.Kaipbergenov,
K.Mambetov, K.Karimov and A.Sultanov. In this article, the author describes the history of the creation of the book. An overview
of the works devoted to the study of the historical novel of writers is given.
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Тлеуниязова Г.Б. – ?азирги каракалпак поэзиясынын рауажланыу тенденциялары [abs] | 128 | pdf |
Trends in the development of modern Karakalpak poetry
Tleuniyazova G.B.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic
of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article analyzes the processes, trends of development, genre-stylistic features occurring in Karakalpak poetry after the
1990s. In connection with the socio-political changes in the historical and political life of our country that occurred during this
period, as well as the significant impact of the global process of global integration on fiction. As a result, the properties
determining the principles of the development of poetic construction of Karakalpak poetry revealed factors containing the
experience of folk oral creativity, the influence of literary traditions of the East and West, national legacies and a return to national
values, leading poetic research of the 20th century, artistic and aesthetic successes of world literature. These features of the
development of Karakalpak poetry indicate that national poetry as an integral part of the world art world.
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Бердиева Б.Т. – Коркем аудармада аудармашынын индивидуаль стилинин саулелениуи [abs] | 131 | pdf |
Expression of the translator's individual style in artistic translation
Berdieva B.T.
Karakalpak Research Institute for the Humanitarian of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of
Uzbekistan, Nukus
In this article, we examined the most important problems, basic principles, requirements and methods of literary translation.
Any translation is specific in that it includes the process of searching for alternative means of recreating the content of the original
in another language and choosing the most suitable one among them – it has a creative nature. In the article, the problem of the
writer's style in literary translation is covered in the translation of Ch.Aytmatov's work "The day of the century" by the writer and
translator U. Pirzhanov.
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Jienbaev M.A. – Sag’inbay Ibragimov lirikasinin’ qaraqalpaq a’debiyattaniwinda izertleniwi [abs] | 135 | pdf |
Research into the lyrics of Saginbay Ibragimov in Karakalpak literary criticism
Jienbaev M.A.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
In an article devoted to examples of research into the poetry of S.Ibragimov in Karakalpak literary criticism, we made a brief
overview of articles and theses published over the past thirty years, in addition, on dissertations where the author’s poetry was
made one of the objects, and on the opinions of scientists – literary scholars and scientific relations contained in these works.
The poetry of S.Ibragimov, which has been studied since the 1990s, has been assessed in many articles today as a renewal and
revolution of poetry; many literary scholars have put forward positive and negative opinions. Among them: S.Akhmedov,
Zh.Esenov, T.Mambetniyazov, B.Genzhemuradov, Zh.Sagidullaeva, P.Nurzhanov, K.Allambergenov, Sh.Ayapov, Zh.Bazarbaev –
in their articles and theses they put forward opinions about the poet’s lyrics, his characteristic style and world of images.
K.Urazymbetov, in his master’s thesis entitled “Artistic quests in modern Karakalpak lyric poetry” and his doctoral dissertation
“Evolution and typology of artistic forms in modern Karakalpak lyric poetry,” studied in detail the originality of the lyrics and the
search for new forms of S. Ibragimov. In addition, in the dissertations of O.Gailieva “Genre of intermediate forms and the originality
of the form of modern Karakalpak lyrics”, M.Urazymbetova “Poetics of lyrical groups of Karakalpak lyrics” and Z.Kabulova
“Traditional and formal stylistic searches in Uzbek and Karakalpak lyrics”, special attention was paid on the formal side of the
poet’s work.
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Bekbergenov Q.A. – Qaraqalpaq folklorinda «insannin’ a’dep-ikramliliq du’nyasi» konceptosferasinin’
etnoma’deniy analizi [abs] | 138 | pdf |
Ethnolinguistic analysis of the sphereof concepts “human’s moral and ethical world” in Karakalpak folklore
Bekbergenov K.A.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
In folklore, the human’s moral and ethical world is clearly illuminated. An integral part of the moral and ethical sphere of conceptsare
the concepts of “happiness”, “misfortune”, “good”, “evil”, “conscience”, “truth”, “good deeds”, “evil deeds” and others. In
all genres of Karakalpak folklore one can discern the confrontation between good and evil. Rich material representing the concepts
of “good” and “evil” is contained in Karakalpak paremiology. From the point of view of moral laws, a person expects good
from others and must do it himself. Good is a force that influences the consciousness of people and is directed against evil. Approval
of good and the fight against evil are achieved mainly through a person’s spiritual efforts and his ability to help his
neighbor. In the linguistic worldview, good begets good, and evil begets evil. Good is an act of good, the practical fulfillment of
those requirements and rules that morality prescribes. In Karakalpak linguistic culture, among the fundamental and universal
moral and ethical concepts, “namys” (“conscience”, “honor”) stands out. Honor and dignity are the ideal manifestation of the qualities
of epic heroes in folklore.Ideas about conscience and honor are also associated with the concept of “uyat” (“shame”). There
are quite a lot of proverbs with the “uyat” component in the folklore fund. The moral and ethical conceptual sphere of Karakalpak
folklore is clearly represented by the concepts “bakhyt” – “bakhytsyzlyk” (“happiness” – “misfortune”).
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Сафарова М. – Прагматические функции афоризмов в политическом дискурсе [abs] | 142 | pdf |
Pragmatic functions of aphorisms in the political discourse
Safarova M.
Samarkand State University of Foreign Languages
In this article the peculiarities of functioning aphorisms in the political discourse are studied. Special attention is payed to defining
of the role of these units in achieving pragmatic effect during the speech of politicians. Realization of pragmatic potentiality
of aphorism depends upon the communicative context. According to linguists, aphorisms, being a separate group of catchphrases,
according to their structural, functional and semantic indicators, can perform a pragmatic task in political discourse.
Moreover, aphorisms are widely used in oral and written speech and perform a variety of functions. The rhetorical devices, linguistic
structures and formulas used in these passages are correlated with a certain intentional, emotional state of the speaker.
These formulas in the article are considered unique to the linguistic and cultural tradition. The main thing is that such rhetorical
devices and formulas of one language do not always have a correspondence in another language. Thus, Uzbek political communication
is characterized by signs of goodwill and calm. In this case, communication occurs in the spirit of mutual understanding
and mutual respect.
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Seytjanov J.E. – Ritorika soylew ma’deniyatinin’ a’hmiyetli aspekti sipatinda [abs] | 146 | pdf |
Rhetorics as an actual aspect of speech culture
Seytjanov J.E.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
The article states that rhetorics is a topical aspect of speech culture. Speech culture includes a few aspects. In particular, the
culture of creating an attitude process, the culture of language proficiency as a means of basic speech, the culture of using
means of non-verbal communication, the culture of creating speech products related to the text, the culture of mastering various
genres and styles of speech, the culture of text acceptance both when creating and reading a text. These elements form a complex
culture of speech that affects the way in which a person communicates effectively and adequately in various situations and
contexts. The correct definition of speech culture may depend on context and discussion specifics. Each proposed definition in
this case may reflect different aspects of speech culture. The emergence of speech culture is associated with the development of
human society and education. The article presents several key cases regarding the history of the emergence of speech culture.
Literary norms allow the unity of the nation in three tiers, namely geographical, historical and social tiers. As in the history of all
literary languages, a few factors played a leadership role in the coming of the Uzbek national language to the field. The article
proposed the main topics in the development of modern social consciousness in order to acquire an extremely high level of skills
related to language proficiency and communication culture in our country.
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Рзамуратова З. – Каракалпак халык дастанларында фразеологиялык сыпатта?ы гендерлик
стереотиплер [abs] | 150 | pdf |
Phraseological gender stereotypes in Karakalpak folk epics
Rzamuratova Z.Q.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic
of Uzbekistan, Nukus
This article provides information about gender linguistics, particularly gender stereotypes, which are analyzed separately in
the anthropocentric approach of research in world linguistics. As gender stereotypes, folk proverbs, phraseology and comparisons
are of particular importance. Among them, phraseologisms are distinguished by their widespread use. They are used in the masculine
and feminist sense of women and men. Even if the words that directly refer to women and men are not used in phraseology,
they indicate femininity and masculinity. Any type of gender stereotypes can be found in Karakalpak folk epics. Basically,
phraseologisms are distinguished by their wide use in folk epics, works of art, and oral speech. Therefore, both types of phraseologisms
in the sense of feminism and masculinity are important as active genderlects.
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Педагогика и психология | | |
Бауетдинов Р.А. – Наглядность как фактор повышения эффективности на уроках истории [abs] | 153 | pdf |
Visibility as a factor for increasing efficiency in history lessons
Bauetdinov R.A.
National Center for Training Teachers to New Methods of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Nukus
This article deals with one of the actual questions of modern education, the use of visualization in history lessons. It is noted
that it is impossible for a teacher to achieve the desired result in a lesson without using visual aids. The author especially emphasizes
the importance of visual materials in stimulating learners' interest in the subject, in increasing their desire for knowledge and
learning. The article shows that the visualization method in a history lesson increases learners' interest in the proposed historical
materials, in understanding and analyzing historical facts and events, in deeply assimilating their content. The opinions of prominent
figures on the importance of visualization methods and proposed appropriate recommendation were analyzed. The article
discusses the types of visual aids and questions of their effective use in the classroom. The types of visualization and various
methods of their use are analyzed. The positive effect of using visual materials in improving the quality of the lesson is emphasized.
Special emphasis of the purpose of a history lesson at school is to arouse in learners’ interest in the history of own people
and thereby awaken in them a feeling of love for the Motherland, for the priceless spiritual and cultural heritage that was created
by their ancestors over many centuries.
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