С о д е р ж а н и е | | |
Математика и математическое моделирование | | |
Джамалов С.З., Сипатдинова Б.К. – Уч улчовли иккинчи тартибли типи бузиладиган гипербола-параболик тенглама учун ярим нолокал чегаравий масала хакида [abs] | 5 | pdf |
On a semi-nonlocal boundary value problem for a three-dimensional degenerate second-order hyperbolic-parabolic equation
Dzhamalov S.Z., Sipatdinova B.K.
Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
As is known, A.V. Bitsadze in his studies pointed out that the Dirichlet problem for a mixed-type equation, in particular for a degenerate hyperbolic-parabolic equation, is ill-posed. The question naturally arises: is it possible to replace the conditions of the Dirichlet problem with other conditions covering the entire boundary, which will ensure the well-posedness of the problem? For the first time, such boundary value problems (nonlocal boundary value problems) for a mixed-type equation were proposed and studied in the works of F.I.Frankl when solving the gas-dynamic problem of subsonic flow around airfoils with a supersonic zone ending in a direct shock wave. Problems close in formulation to a mixed-type equation of the second order were considered in the studies by A.N.Terekhov, S.N.Glazatov, M.G.Karatopraklieva and S.Z.Dzhamalov. In these papers, nonlocal boundary value problems in bounded domains are studied for a mixed-type equation of the second kind of the second order. In this article, a semi-nonlocal boundary value problem for a three-dimensional degenerate second-order hyperbolic-parabolic equation is formulated and studied in a bounded parallelepiped. To prove the uniqueness of the generalized solution, the method of energy integrals is used. To prove the existence of a generalized solution, the Fourier method is used, then, a new problem is obtained in the plane, and for the solvability of this problem, the methods of "epsilon-regularization" and a priori estimates are used. The uniqueness, existence, and smoothness of a generalized solution of a semi-nonlocal boundary value problem for a three-dimensional degenerate second-order hyperbolic-parabolic equation are proved using these methods and Parseval equality.
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Тлеумуратова Б.С., Статов В.А., Реймов П.Р., Худайбергенов Я.Г. – Некоторые вопросы использования цифровых моделей рельефа дна Аральского моря для моделирования природных процессов в геосистеме Арала [abs] | 12 | pdf |
Some questions of the use of digital models of the Aral Sea bottom relief for simulation of natural processes in the Aral geosystem
Tleumuratova B.S., Statov V.A., Reimov P.R., Khudaibergenov Ya.G.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
The paper concerns an analysis of various digital elevation models of the Aral Sea bed. Aral Sea ground possesses various relief types depending on particular processes of the formation history and includes extended islands structures, deltaic archipelagoes, sloping plains, digression swells. Some modern landscape formation processes, especially airing decay and erosion, transform post-aquatic relief also. The data used in the work had been obtained using various methods and in various time periods by extra-terrestrial exploration. These methods include satellite optic photogrammetry as well as synthetic aperture synthesis (SAR). The questions of their application as the basis of various models of energy and matter transport in the Aral geosystem are considered. Near-shore process modelling demands accurate and exact digital elevation model to answer the question of salt deposit formation during a sea desiccation but well-known bathymetry data obtains too smoothed characteristics without fine mesa- and microtopographic singularities. The work proposes multi-scale approach for seabed elevation grid creation, using all accessible sources including space shoreline monitoring, medium-scale resolution digital elevation models and spatial probabilistic simulation for fine-scale topographic singularities. This spatial simulation, being based on the space images and digital elevation model, ensures a reliable base for cellular model of salt dissolution/precipitation. A geoinformation multiscale interpretation of the modern topography of the Aral Sea bed is proposed using a multilayer representation that combines orbital topography data with statistical models of the microrelief.
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Техника | | |
Байманов К.И., Байманов Р.К., Узаков Т.Ж., Тажибаев Ш.Ж. – О проблемах создания, проектирования и эксплуатации малых локальных водоемов в дельте реки Амударьи [abs] | 16 | pdf |
On the problems of creation, design and operation of small local reservoirs in the delta of the Amudarya river
Baymanov K.I., Baimanov R.K., Uzakov T.Zh., Tazhibaev Sh.Zh.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
The article deals with water management problems associated with the drying up of the Aral Sea under the influence of a shortage of water resources, which was a catastrophe with severe environmental and socio-economic consequences. An analysis of studies on changes in the hydrological, ecological and hydrochemical regimes of the Amudarya river delta and small reservoirs located in the Aral Sea zones is given. For the centralized management of water resources in the basins of the "Amu Darya" and "Syr Darya", an interstate body SIC ICWC was created as an international and coordinating water management commission of Central Asia. The characteristics of existing and projected small local reservoirs and hydraulic elements of the Northern, Eastern and Southern dams in the Aral Sea zones, as well as a summary of the data of many years of research by Central Asian Research Institute of Irrigation, NATsMKVK, Uzgiprovodkhoz, NABIUS and design institutes are given. Regional and environmental aspects of centralized water resources management are considered, the current level of knowledge of the most acute water problems is shown, and approaches to their solution are proposed.
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Палуанов Б.А., Пирматов А.П., Алиев А.Р. – “Пахта хомашёси-йигирилган ип” киска технологияси [abs] | 25 | pdf |
Short technology “seeded cotton-yarn”
Paluanov B.A., Pirmatov A.P., Aliyev A.R.
Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry
This article analyzes the possibilities of introducing a seeded cotton -yarn short technology into production in cotton-textile clusters based on a reduction in the pressing process in the primary processing of cotton and loosening in spinning. It is proposed to install a "conveyor dryer" prior to ginning in the primary processing of cotton, without storing machine-harvested raw cotton in rolls. A technology for obtaining high-quality yarn is proposed, as a result of which, during the cleaning process, it is possible to ensure easy separation of weed impurities and the preservation of the natural properties of the fibers. In the proposed production line, seeded cotton is dried in a conveyor dryer to bring it to the desired level before cleaning, which leads to a drastic reduction in the number of interactions between the fiber and its hard-to-separate weed impurities. As a result, it is substantiated that the reduction of shock impacts leads to the splitting of the weed mixture without grinding, and the fibers are not damaged or ruptured. In connection with the introduction of this production line into production, the possibilities of creating a compactly combined spinning technology were studied by reducing the processes of fiber pressing during the primary processing of cotton and bale opening during spinning.
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Химия и химическая технология | | |
Калыбаев А.Е., Гапаров А.А., Бердимбетова Г.Е., Наубеев Т.Х. – Полисахариды растения Astragalus сhiwensis [abs] | 29 | pdf |
Polysaccharides of the plant Astragalus chiwensis
Kalibaev A.E., Gaparov A.A., Berdimbetova G.E., Naubeev T.X.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural of the Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
In the article, in order to isolate various types of polysaccharides, the aerial parts and roots of Astragalus chiwensis were first inactivated with a chloroform-ethanol mixture to remove low molecular weight and dyes, then the raw material was extracted with alcohol. Sucrose and fructose were found in the alcoholic extract by paper chromatography. The components of the alcoholic extract of the oligomers were determined by paper chromatography using sucrose and fructose as standards. As a result, Astragalus chiwensis was found to contain sucrose on the surface and fructose and sucrose in the roots. Further, water-soluble polysaccharides and pectin substances were isolated according to the previously described method, polysaccharides were obtained, the data are given. The aim of the study was to study the carbohydrate composition of the aerial part and root of Astragalus chiwensis, to determine the nature of monosaccharides, both free and in the composition of oligosaccharides and polysaccharides.
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Турдымуратов Э.М., Нуриева М.У., Алланиязова М.К., Оразбаева Г.М., Минажева Р.К. – Микро- и макроэлементный состав солодкового корня, произрастающего в Каракалпакстане [abs] | 32 | pdf |
Micro- and macro elemental composition of licorice root growing in Karakalpakstan
Turdimuratov I.M., Nurieva M.U., Allaniyazova M.K., Orazbaeva G.M., Minajeva R.K.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
Licorice plants have long attracted attention as a source of natural raw materials for obtaining valuable medicinal, food, perfumery and cosmetic, technical and other products. The content of glycyrrhizin (triterpenoid) in the root, which causes the sickly sweet taste of the root and is a mixed potassium-calcium-magnesium salt of glycyrrhizic acid in its native form, ranges from 2 to 25%. Only traces of glycoside were found in the aboveground part. Phenolic compounds in plant raw materials, in general, amount to 3-6%. From other BAS and licorice complexes, carbohydrates (simple sugars, polysaccharides, pectins) - up to 20%, proteins, amino acids, bases up to 10%, lipids - up to 3-4% and a number of other compounds deserve attention. Glycyrrhizin causes the sweet taste of the roots (40 times sweeter than sugar). Licorice root contains chemical components used in more than 20 industries and medicine. Elemental analysis of two licorice root samples was carried out using a device - a desktop energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analyzer EDXRF. Applied Rigaku Technologies, Inc., which has high sensitivity and selectivity and allows to determine the content of micro-, macro and ultramicroelements in one sample.
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Турдымуратов Э.М. – Химический состав и строение липополисахаридов грамотрицательных бактерий [abs] | 37 | pdf |
Chemical composition and structure of lipopolysaccharides of gram-negative bacteria
Turdymuratov E.M.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of Republic of the Uzbekistan, Nukus
The composition and structure of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) of gram-negative bacteria is discussed this article. The cell wall represents the outermost boundary of bacterial cells. Because of its open location, it has many functions:- separation functions: the cell wall separates the inside of the bacteria from the environment, protecting the cell from harmful environmental influences.;- connective functions: the cell wall provides transportation of substances and information from outside to inside and vice versa. Lipopolysaccharides are an important component of the cell wall and allow bacteria to contact (communicate) with the environment and other biological organisms. LPS are endotoxins of the microbial cell, their entry into the body of higher animals and humans causes a wide range of endotoxic activities that can lead to septic shock. Due to these properties, LPS contribute to the pathogenic potential of gram-negative bacteria, as a result of which they are one of the factors in the development of severe infectious diseases. The complete LPS molecule consists of three structurally distinct parts: lipid A, core oligosaccharide and O-specific polysaccharide (OPS) or O-antigen.
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Камалов Дж.К., Абдукадиров Ф.Б., Жуманова С.Г., Бабакулова Н.Б., Каниязова А.А. – Моделирование процесса горения деревянных конструкций в присутствии огнезащитных составов [abs] | 43 | pdf |
Modeling of the combustion process of wooden structure the in presence of flame retardants composition
Каmalov J.R., Аbdukadirov F.B., Jumanova S.G., Babakulova N.B., Kanyazova A.A.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
Тashkent University of Architecture and Construction
Possibility of the syntheses new polymeric fire-retardants are shown on base departure to chemical industry and secondary raw materials resource of our republic. On base got experimental result is designed mathematical model soon burning-out wood. On got analytical equation are calculated velocities of the combustion of the fire-resistant material under corresponding to importance of the factor of the deceleration. The brought results of the studies to velocities of the burning-out wood, including modified fire-retardants, and is installed influence of the modification on reduction of the velocities and depths carbonization. Some recommendations of the practical application of the development is designed.
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Абдукадиров Ф.Б., Камалов Дж.К., Хасанова О.Т., Айтжанов О.Дж. – Новый полимерный огнебиозащитный состав для модификации древесины [abs] | 48 | pdf |
A new fire-and bioprotection composition for modification woods
Abdukadirov F.B., Kamalov Dj.K., Khasanova O.T., Aytjanov O.Dj.
Тashkent University of Architecture and Construction
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
Tashkent State Technical University
The new polymeric fire-and bio safety compositions is Designed for surface modification to wood on base phosphorus-and sylyconcotaining join. Explored some specific particularities of the combustion and thermicdestruction wood material, as well as is shown reduction amount standing out at combustion modified woods gas. The use of FC + KOS compositions leads to a decrease in moisture absorption and water absorption by 30-50%. Studies of the biostability of wood in the presence of the developed impregnating compositions were carried out under various operating conditions. As a result of laboratory tests, it was found that control samples were overgrown with fungi by 85%, intensive development of mycelium of all types of test cultures of fungi and sporulation are observed on them. A comparative analysis of the new composition developed by us with industrial compositions showed that the composition based on FA and PEGS, in terms of the main indicator - composition consumption to achieve the required bio - and flame retardant efficiency, surpasses most modern compositions.
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Биоэкология и сельское хозяйство | | |
Мамбетуллаева С.М., Алимова С.З., Авезова У.М. – Особенности динамики численности и репродуктивных процессов популяции ондатры (Ondanra Zibethica) в условиях Южного Приаралья [abs] | 52 | pdf |
Features of the dynamics of the number and reproductive processes of the Ondatra Zibethica population in the conditions of the Southern Aral Sea area
Mambetullaeva S.M., Alimova S.Z., Avezova U.M.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
Urgench State University
The article presents the results of studies to identify the characteristics of the dynamics of the number and reproductive processes of the Ondatra Zibethica population in the conditions of the South Aral Sea region (Karakalpakstan and Khorezm region). The biology of reproduction is studied quite well and illuminated in the literature, however, studies in this direction are relevant, since reproductive processes are one of the most important periods in the life of rodents that determine the number of the entire population. Age ratios in the total annual catch are completely dependent on the intensity of population reproduction and change in accordance with the dynamics of habitat conditions. Deterioration of watering of lands and drying up of lakes leads to their qualitative transformation and reduces the yield of young animals. A comparative analysis of the dynamics of the number of the Ondatra Zibethica population and the dynamics of the drain river. The Amudarya showed the existence of the relationship between these two processes, where the trend lines indicate that the two processes tend to decrease. In the speakers there is a maximum maximum. This can be explained by the differences in the nature of the fluctuations of the number of Ondatra Zibethica and the drainage of the Amudarya river. In the first case, these are natural fluctuations in the number of the Ondatra Zibethica population, in the second, fluctuations are climatic. The lack of a response of the number of the ondaters to the sharp short -term changes in river runoff, even with a temporary lag, suggests that the dynamics of Amudarya drain is not the main, but the background factor of the dynamics of the population of Ondatra Zibethica.
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Бегдуллаева Г.С., Ибрагимов М.Ю., Калмырзаева Г.О. – Состояние эпидемического процесса паразитарных болезней среди населения Каракалпакстана [abs] | 57 | pdf |
State of the epidemic process of parasitic diseases among the population of Karakalpakstan
Begdullaeva G.S., Ibragimov M.Yu., Kalmirzayeva G.O.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
Karakalpakstan Medical Institute, Nukus
In the complex of measures aimed at improving the healthcare system in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, a special place is given to the prevention and treatment of parasitic diseases, the spread and general incidence, which, in recent years, has changed little. In this article, the presentation of the material is based on the systematics of pathogens, which made it possible to master the properties of a group of parasites, based on their morphology and other biological properties, the patterns of pathogenesis of the diseases they cause. Perceiving the parasite as an antigen, the human body develops immunity, but immunological methods are still insufficiently used in the diagnosis of parasitic diseases. For a better understanding of the presented material, the authors provide the dynamics of the incidence of parasitic diseases among the population of Karakalpakstan, general information on the intensity of invasion and the calculation of the population affected by parasitic diseases.
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Розумбетов К.У., Есимбетов А.Т., Матчанов А.Т., Нажимов И.И. – Оценка физического развития спортсменов методом индексов [abs] | 60 | pdf |
Assessment of physical development of athletes by the index method
Rozumbetov K.U., Еsimbetov А.Т., Маtchanov А.Т., Nazhimov I.I.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
Nukus branch of the Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Livestock and Biotechnologiyies
This article assessed the state of physical development of modern athletes by the method of indices. An anthropometric study was conducted in 156 student-athletes aged 21 to 24 years studying at the Faculty of Physical Culture of Karakalpak State University. The ethnic composition of athletes: 7.05% Kazakhs, 0.64% Georgians, 11.54% Turkmens, 32.69% Uzbeks and 48.08% Karakalpaks. Classification of sports: representatives of game sports (football, volleyball, basketball, handball) - 49%; martial arts (freestyle wrestling, kurash, judo, karate, boxing, taekwondo) – 38%, cyclic, speed-power (rowing, gymnastics, athletics) – 13%. The measurements were carried out using modern instruments, and based on these measurements, the body mass index, the Pinier index according to the Chernorutsky classification, the chest index, the index of the length of the arms and legs were calculated. Normosthenic (57.05%) and hypersthenic (37.82%) types prevailed in the athletes' body constitution. According to the body mass index, 78.85% of normal and 17.94% of overweight and obesity were detected. According to the chest index and the leg length index, dolichomorphy was observed in 30% of athletes.
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История, философия, правоведение,
религия, социология и политология | | |
Сапарниязов А. – Обзор русских источников по истории каракалпаков XVIII в. [abs] | 65 | pdf |
Review of Russian sources on the history of the Karakalpaks of the XVIII century
Saparniyazov A.
Karakalpak Scientific Research Institute of Humanities of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
In this article, the author, without claiming to be exhaustive, reviews the most famous Russian historical sources on the history of the Karakalpaks of the XVIII century. In the process of studying historiographical materials, special attention is paid to the reports of representatives of various expeditions, which contain such important historical data about the Karakalpaks. In the work, the applicant analyzes the works of such authors as Kirilov I., Nesterov A., Russov S., Rychkov P., Tatishchev V., Khanykov Ya. and many others. Most of these sources were published in various years of the XIX century. Their appearance was associated with the increased attention of imperial Russia and the adjacent Central Asian territories. The article emphasizes that not all the works under consideration can be considered specifically scientific research, in some of them the material was only collected, but not systematized and not subjected to special analysis from the standpoint of scientific rationality. Nevertheless, Russian sources on the history of the Karakalpaks of the XVIII century, along with other material artifacts, can show unknown pages of the history of the Karakalpaks of the period under consideration. Rare and peculiar information about the Karakalpaks and other peoples of Central Asia has been preserved here. When writing the article, traditional methods of source studies and concrete historical research were used. First of all, a set of methods of scientific criticism of sources is used in order to extract information from them and recreate events reflecting the socio-economic and political history of the Karakalpaks of the studied period.
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Махмудов Ш.Ю. – Роль религиозных деятелей в дипломатических связях между Кокандским ханством и Османской империей [abs] | 70 | pdf |
The role of religious leaders in diplomatic relations between the Khoqand khanate and Ottoman Empire
Mahmudov Sh. Yu.
Institute of History of Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, Tashkent
At the center of the diplomatic relations of the Khoqand khanate with China, which was formed at the beginning of the 18th century, during this century was the issue of East Turkestan. There are many studies on this in historical science. At the same time, it should be noted that Khoqand rulers only from the beginning of the 19th century began to pursue an active foreign policy and paid great attention to establishing diplomatic relations with other states. In this process, aimed at the development of political, military, trade, economic and cultural relations with other countries, great attention was paid to the personality of the ambassador and, based on the traditions that had been formed during the development of the Uzbek statehood, a careful selection of this responsible figure was carried out. In the article, based on the information of numerous historical works created in the 19th century, official correspondence and archival documents, it is analyzed and proved that in most cases in the diplomatic relations of the Khoqand Khanate, the embassadors were headed by representatives of religious circles. Among them were Sayyid Mir Kurban, Muhammad Zahid Khoja, Sayyid Yakubkhan Tura, sent to the Osmanli state - representatives of the ulama, which is confirmed by archival documents from the Osmanli archive. In particular, they contain valuable information about the personalities of these ambassadors. The study of these documents makes it possible to state that the embassadors headed by religious leaders achieved tangible results than the embassadors sent to the Osmanli state under the leadership of major merchants or statesmen.
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Шарафиддинов А. – Фаргона водийсида замонавий тиббиёт муассасаларининг вужудга келиши ва уларнинг ахволи (XIX аср охири –XX аср бошлари) [abs] | 77 | pdf |
The emergence and state of modern medical institutions in the Ferghana Valley (late XIX - early XX century)
Sharafiddinov A.
Fargona State University
The article is devoted to the issues of the emergence and state of modern medical institutions after the conquest of Ferghana by the Russian Empire. It should be noted that densely populated areas and hot climatic conditions have had a negative impact on the health status of the population and sanitary conditions. Tuberculosis, psoriasis, guinea worm, malaria, etc. were widespread among the population, which led to frequent untimely deaths among the population. The population, as in ancient times, mainly used the services of local doctors - tabibs. After the establishment of Russian rule in the Fergana Valley, modern medical institutions appeared and they began to provide medical care to the population. The first medical institutions were opened first in Kokand, then in New Margelan, as well as in other cities of the Ferghana Valley. This article, based on new archival data and information from other sources, analyzes the process of opening medical institutions of the European type - hospitals, outpatient clinics and pharmacies in Kokand, New and Old Margelan, Andijan, Namangan and Chust, as well as some issues of the activities of doctors and paramedics. In particular, as archival documents show, in order to identify the causes of various diseases, they first studied climatic conditions, drinking water, and even they carried out peculiar experiments. With the opening of medical institutions of the European type, the indicators of using the services of their population gradually increased. The article also analyzes the achievements and missed shortcomings in the field of medical care.
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Кенесбаев О.Ж. – 1946-1991-жыллары Каракалпакстандагы жамийетлик шолкемлер хэм бирлеспелери классификациясы [abs] | 83 | pdf |
Classification of public organizations and associations were operating in Karakalpakstan in 1946-1991
Kenesbaev O.J.
Karakalpak Research Institute for the Humanities of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
This article is devoted to the problem of classification of public organizations and associations operating in Karakalpakstan in 1946-1991. The author notes that public organizations form the basis of civil society institutions and are of great importance for the effectiveness of socio-economic reforms carried out today in our state, as well as for the protection of citizens from the social side and the realization of their interests. In their development, these social institutions have passed a certain historical path. In Soviet times, the basis of public organizations was the Communist Party, youth and women's organizations, trade union organizations. At the same time, they consisted of associations of creative figures, writers, composers, artists, architects, and sports figures. The historical chronology of the study includes the period from the Second World War to the independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The article provides information about the structure, personnel and tasks of public organizations and associations divided into several groups. The activities of the parties and кomsomol organizations operating during the period under study are disclosed based on the sources of the central state archive of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. The methods of logical classification, historicism, objectivity, chronology were used in the article.
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Сайтов А.Т. – Перемены в сознаниях людей в условиях трансформации (на примере Каракалпакстана) [abs] | 86 | pdf |
Changes in the consciousness of people in the conditions of transformation (on the example of Karakalpakstan)
Saytov A.T.
Karakalpak Research Institute of the Humanitaries of the Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
In our historiography there are not so many works devoted to the problems of socio-economic and political transformation of the post-Soviet period. In modern science, there is a growing interest in research that allows us to identify various causes of the development of modern society. Historical changes at the end of the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21st century led to an intensification of the globalization process. In many countries there were systemic changes at all levels and in all spheres of society. The period of transition of society from one historical stage to another is reflected in the memories. Some substitutions of social and moral values for economic criteria cause indignation of the authors of memoirs. The changes in consciousness and the "new image" of a person, his behavior, thinking, value directions arе reflected by the inner feelings of the authors. The process of transformation affected the cultural life and everything connected with it. Against the background of negativity, the positive moments of the new attitude are also noted. A man gained freedom in the new conditions. There were no more constraints – as a result, new ideals and different forms of behavior, on the one hand, negatively affected the personality. On the other hand, the spread of the values of individualism was reflected in such features as personal success, the opportunity to realize their potential and show business qualities.
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Кудайбергенова Д.А. – Функциональность и разновидность украшений шашбау [abs] | 92 | pdf |
Functionality and variety of decoration «shashbaw»
Kudaybergenova D.A.
Karakalpak Research Institute of the Humanitaries of the Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
This article summarizes the materials on the decoration for plaits of the Karakalpak women and proposes their typology, discusses the origin of some types of decoration for plaits, their development and functionality, traces the connection of some types of decoration for plaits with hairstyles and conducts a comparative analysis with the decorations of neighboring peoples. The Karakalpaks attached great importance to the types of jewelry, their ethnic and local properties. All types of decoration for plaits ornaments visually seemed to lengthen the hair of the girls. They took their rightful place in folk traditions. The sources for the article were information found in the literature, field materials, as well as exhibits of the State Museum of Arts of the Republic of Karakalpakstan named after I.V.Savitsky. The author distinguishes the main two types of traditional Karakalpak decoration for plaits and various sub-types. Decoration for plaits as a whole are an important element of the female image, which has a utilitarian and sacred meaning. On the one hand, it helps to maintain a certain hairstyle, is a social marker, reflects aesthetic ideas, and, on the other hand, hair and its manipulation are in the sacred sphere and are associated with fertility, prosperity, life and death.
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Бекбаулиев А.Т. – Вклад Хорезмской археолого-этнографической экспедиции в изучение кердерской культуры [abs] | 95 | pdf |
The contribution of the khorezm archaeological and ethnographic expedition to the study of the Kerder culture
Bekbauliev A.T.
Karakalpak Research Institute of the Humanitaries of the Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
In this article, the author analyzed the study of the Kerder culture by scientists of the Khorezm archaeological and ethnographic expedition. The Khorezm archaeological and ethnographic expedition, led by academician S.P. Tolstov, is the discoverer of the ancient culture of Karakalpakstan for the general public. Academician S.P. Tolstov gathered around him an excellent team of student enthusiasts. In addition to his students, S.P. Tolstov attracted historians, ethnographers, linguists, geodesists and other scientists to research work. The studies of the Khorezm archaeological and ethnographic expedition covered not only ancient settlements, but also monuments of the medieval period. In the 50s. of the last century Academician S.P. Tolstov began to explore the right bank of the Amu Darya. Here in 1956 he explored the Kuyuk-kala settlement. The study of this settlement showed the difference between material culture and Khorezm. Later, the generalization of all materials made it possible to conclude that a separate archaeological culture existed on the territory of Karakalpakstan. Subsequent studies showed the presence of several settlements and monuments related to this culture, later named after the canal of the same name flowing through this area-Kerder. The territory of the Kerder culture includes the modern territories of the Northern regions of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
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Филология | | |
Жаримбетов А.К. – Каракалпак кахарманлык эпосларында мифологиялык образларды жаратыуда жанландырыу усылынын колланылыуы [abs] | 99 | pdf |
The use of personification in creating of mythological images in Karakalpak heroic epik poems
Jarimbetov A.K.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitaries Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The given article analyzes the use of personification as a literary trope based on the examples taken from the Karakalpak epic poems “Alpamis” and “Qoblan”. This can be reasoned by the frequency of the use of the trope as a literary device in creating mythological images in epic heroic poems. Through the analyses of the examples the article aims at presenting the relationship between the heroes and the ‘pirs’- spiritual patrons or deities (their communications, patrons’ support and salvation of the heroes to overcome challenging moments). The above-mentioned Karakalpak epic poems are very rich in examples that present the relationship between the pirs and the heroes through wide use of personification as a literary device.
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Сайымбетов Ш. – Каракалпак поэмаларында аллитерация хэм ассонанслар [abs] | 103 | pdf |
Alliteration and assonances in karakalpak poems
Sayimbetov Sh.
Karakalpak Scientific Research Institute of Humanities of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Each writer in his work artistically depicts social life, the reality of life, the peculiarities of the period through words or phrases. Therefore, a comprehensive study of the role and meaning of the words used in the work, its peculiar features in increasing the artistry, expressiveness of the works is one of the urgent tasks in literary criticism. The use of broad in meaning and meaning, deep figurative words in lyrical works with skill increases the aesthetic quality of a work of art. Especially in poetic works, the artistic representation of words in various forms is also connected with their speech structure. Therefore, the article studies the specific features of alliteration and assonances from the scientific and theoretical point of view of a number of literary scholars. In poetic works, the use of identical vowel sounds at the beginning of a work or the repeated use of vowel sounds creates assonance, and the repeated use of identical consonant sounds forms an image with the technique of alliteration. Alliteration and assonances occupy an important place in the rhyming of poetic words. The article draws attention to the disclosure of the main features of alliterations and assonances in the structure of poems, comprehensively analyzes the features of their use in Karakalpak poems.
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Аvazov N.H. – Behbudiy va Hoji Muin ijodida millat talqini [abs] | 107 | pdf |
The interpretation of the nation in the works of Behbudi and Haji Muin
Avazоv N.H.
Tashkent State Institute of Art and Culture
The article shows the creation of Mahmudhoja Behbudi of Uzbek dramaturgy in Turkestan, his role as a leader of modernists in the development of the nation, as well as the appearance of new writers and works under his influence. compared in scientific studies. Behbudi and Haji Muin made a great contribution to Uzbek literature. The purpose of the scientific article is to show the progress of the nation, and the idea of preventing illiteracy is also promoted and conveyed to the reader. The study focused on the fact that after Haji Muin Behbudi, he was a very prolific creator in journalism and dramaturgy, being a direct follower of Behbudi's difficult articles written for the development of the nation. Haji Muina "Appeal to the youth", "Who writes our national history", "Woe of the earth", "A question of language", "About the wedding and mourning ceremony", "Who were we, what did we do?", "Signs of the last time" , "Let's not see or burn" and dozens of other proverbs are brought into the analysis, which focuses on the progress and problems of the nation. In particular, in his article "Appeal to Youth": "The development of every nation begins first of all with ordinary schools"... "If we want to protect our religion and our nation well, we must first reform our school, where happiness is heard, according to".
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Утамбетова А.Ж. – Бердактын поэтикалык дуньясы хэм онын тарийхый тамырлары [abs] | 111 | pdf |
The poetic world of Berdakh and its historical roots
Utambetova A.J.
Karakalpak Research Institute for the Humanities of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article studies historical events in the life of the Karakalpaks as part of the Khiva Khanate: popular liberation uprisings, the activities of Aidos-bey, his desire to create a separate state, his death as a result of the deceitful policy of the khanate, the fragmentation of the Karakalpak biys, the limitations of their worldview, the low level of national self-consciousness, which served as an important factor in the creation of Berdakh's historical poems. The veracity and realism of the poet's works, directed at the system of the khanate and representatives of the ruling circles, led to the persecution of the epic dastans of Berdakh, the difference in their assessment. The creative path of the poet and the poetic world.reflected in the historical epic dastans, require a holistic and versatile consideration. By studying the problem of the poetic world of Berdakh and its historical roots on the example of his historical epic dastans, the author comes to the conclusion that the people's liberation uprising led by Aidos biy showed the courage and courage of Aidos, who opposed the oppression of the Khiva Khanate, the policy of the Khanate aimed at to incite national hatred; the changes that took place in the life of the Karakalpaks under the influence of the policy of colonial Russia contributed to the deepening of Berdakh's artistic thinking, expanding the content of his historical epic dastans.
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Даниярова Г.П. – Символ хаккындагы илимий пикирлер тарийхынан [abs] | 116 | pdf |
From the history of scientific opinions about the symbol
Daniyarova G.P.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitaries Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article presents the scientific and theoretical views of scientists on the symbol. The meaning of the term symbol, its functions and meaning in art are summarized by the views of the scientists who conducted the research: A.A.Takho-Godi, A.F.Losev, Odoevsky, A.A.Potebnya, K.Jung, L.I.Timofeev. There are theoretical ideas of Uzbek literary critics: Sh.Turdimov, theorist T.Bobaev and Karakalpak literary critics: S.Akhmetov, K.Mambetov, K.Zharimbetov, K.Orazymbetov, B.Genzhemuratov, Z.Bekbergenovа, A.Dosymbetovа. It is noteworthy that the initial information about the symbol was supplemented in the treatises of Plato, and later in the philosophical views of his students, in particular, with the valuable ideas of Porferius. It is especially important that the symbol attracted the attention of Russian scientists, a number of scientific and theoretical books were written. Obviously, the need to look at the symbol from a theoretical point of view, especially the regulation of views on the features of the use of a symbol in fiction, is a matter of modern Karakalpak literature.
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Досымбетова А.А. – 1960-жыллардагы каракалпак пейзаж лирикасындагы коркем эстетикалык кубылыслар [abs] | 119 | pdf |
Artistic aesthetic phenomena in Karakalpak landscape lyrics of the 1960s
Dosymbetova A.A.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
In the article, one of the important issues in Karakalpak literary studies is studied the development phenomena of landscape lyrics in Karakalpak poetry in the 60s of the 20th century. In this era, the phenomena of expressing the spiritual world of man and expressing new artistic opinions began to be realized in Karakalpak poetry. Such artistic researches in the direction of poets also influenced the development of landscape lyrics based on new orientations. Natural phenomena are now not only the background of seasonal events, but also the object of lyrical depiction. In poetry, the tendency to convey the phenomena of the spiritual world of the lyrical hero, his views on the phenomena in society, through landscape images has increased. In this period, the phenomenon of the synthesis of aesthetic feelings and ideas was also observed. The artistic and aesthetic effect of depicting natural scenes has increased. Scenes of nature were transformed into landscape images thanks to the artistic research of the artists. In the article, artistic images in landscape lyrics, natural phenomena, and artistic phenomena that transform natural organisms into artistic images are studied in relation to the works of Sh. Seytov, M. Seytniyazov, U. Pirjanov.
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Отарова Т.Ж. – Поэзиялык шыгармаларда портрет жаратыу усыллары [abs] | 125 | pdf |
Methods of creating a portrait image in poetic works
Otarova T.J.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitaries Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article discusses the ideological and artistic role of the portrait in creating beautiful words and images in Karakalpak literature on the example of the lyrical songs of the Karakalpak poets of the twentieth century A.Ajiniyazov and T.Sarsenbaev. When studying this issue, on the basis of a number of theoretical and scientific facts, two forms of portraiture are studied: the internal portrait and the problem of the beauty of the appearance. For example, special attention was paid to the artistic service of details: the face, eyes, eyebrows, eyelids etc., which played an important role in revealing the portrait, image and character of the hero. These details were widely used in the lyric poems of these poets. In particular, the difference between the creation of a portrait of a lyrical hero and the creation of a portrait in the genre of prose and drama of fiction is analyzed on specific examples taken from the songs of poets. Methods for creating a portrait of the hero of lyrical songs about love and women were analyzed on the basis of the songs by T.Sarsenbaev «Сени суйген едим солдат уактымда» (I loved you when I was a soldier), «Мухаббат маусимлери» (Times of love), «Келиншек келер» (The bride will come) and A.Ajiniyazov «Кыз он жети жасында» (Girl is 17 years old), «Самат ауылынын Сахибжамалы» (beauty of Samat village), «Тагы да саган» (Once again to you) and others, as well as at the end of the article a number of scientific conclusions are given.
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Каниязова Ж.О. – Ш.Сейтовтын «Шырашылар» хэм Ш.Халмырзаевтын «Кыл копир» романларында типологиялык уксаслыклар [abs] | 128 | pdf |
Typological similarities in novels of Sh.Seytov “Torchbearers” and Sh.Kholmirzaev “Life in the balance”
Kanyazova J.O.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
In the article, a comparative analysis is made on the plot of the novels “Torchbearers” (1986) by the Karakalpak writer Shaudirbay Seytov and “Life in the balance” (1984) by the Uzbek writer Sh. Kholmirzaev. The common and distinctive aspects of the two novels are revealed: the chosen theme for the works, events (revolutionary period), images (revolutionary, raiders and representatives of the common people); the author's position on the described events is objective; the life of people suffering from ideological wars is vividly reflected. We can see the same compositional device in both novels for constructing a plot and creating an image of a hero on specific examples. In addition, it is noted that both novels are characterized by the assignment of artistic tasks to dialogues and monologues, such as creating images of characters and developing the plot of the work, as a result of which the writers managed to give a clear idea of that era and individualize the language of the characters. Methodological studies of this kind were a new phenomenon in the literary process of the 1980s. It is concluded that the similarity of the two works is due to the fact that their authors live in the same political system and the proximity of the author's position to the socio-political events of the described period.
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Мамбетназарова Р.К. – Жанр путешествия в каракалпакской литературе (на примере «Путешествия в семь стран» Матена Сейтниязова) [abs] | 135 | pdf |
Travel genre in the Karakalpak literature (on the example of «Travel to seven countries» by Maten Seitniyazov)
Mambetnazarova R.К.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitaries Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
This article examines the views of scholars on the essence of the travel genre in Russian, Kazakh and Uzbek literature. Against this background, the travel genre in Karakalpak literature is studied on the example of travel notes in Maten Seitniyazov's «Travel to seven countries». The information and facts that served as the plot for the works of this genre are given and the travel essay of the Karakalpak poet is analyzed. The purpose of the traveler's journey, his observations, and conclusions about the unknown countries and places are noted. The genre essence of travels, its documentary and artistic forms, evolution, and development are studied. The author determines the main characteristics of the works of this genre, which are: free and synthetic genre, the story is told on behalf of the narrator, a certain route, observations, and conclusions. The article points out that journeys, travels, and trips are among the oldest means of communication between people, not surprisingly, therefore, the appearance of numerous travel notes, and stories, from which later emerged a unique, special genre - the travel essay. It is studied that travel notes are capable of combining elements of various genre forms - essay, reportage and others on a structural and content level, i.e. literary travel is open to synthesis with other types of literature.
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Нажимов П.А. – Каракалпак дастанларында метафоралык хэм градациялык тенеулер [abs] | 138 | pdf |
Metaphorical and gradational comparisons in the Karakalpak Epics
Najimov P.A.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitaries Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article analyzes different ways of identifying semantic and stylistic features of comparison in the Karakalpak language. Metaphorical and gradational comparisons are used in identifying semantic and stylistic features of comparison in the Karakalpak language. Comparisons are one of the universal means of cognition. All sorts of objects, events that occur in the universe are realized by comparing one with another. Comparisons are studied as a logical category in philosophy, as expressive means of artistic knowledge in literary studies, and in linguistics as a stylistic trope. In many sources, the metaphor is used as an abbreviated comparison, or a comparison in the meaning of an extended metaphor. The metaphor is based on comparisons and juxtapositions. The author identifies their specific features in the article.According to the author, comparisons are used in the direct meaning, metaphorical comparisons in the figurative meaning. Therefore, all comparisons cannot be used in the meaning of metaphorical comparisons. Stylistic applications of gradation and gradational comparisons are the same.
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Досжанова Г.Д., Усенова У.К. – Т.Матмуратов шыгармаларында улыума колланыушы хэм шекленген лексикалык бирликлер [abs] | 141 | pdf |
Widely used and limited lexical units in the works of T. Matmuratov
Doszhanova G.D., Usenova K.U.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
This article deals with the semantic and stylistic features of the language units in the works of the Karakalpak poet T. Matmuratov that are part of the widely used and limited vocabulary. The examples of the poet's work show the features of the widely used vocabulary, which occupies a certain place in the vocabulary of the Karakalpak language and is often used in everyday life. Also, the information is given about the frequent exaggeration of limited groups of words in the poet's works, which are unproductively used in the literary language. The group of such words includes elements of colloquial speech, vulgarisms, professional words, taboos and euphemisms. The poet skillfully uses the units of colloquial speech to achieve emotional impact and create beautiful figurative lines, as well as the features of the colloquial speech itself. The poet's works provide information about vulgarisms used in colloquial speech contrary to the norms of the literary language, and examples show their semantic differences. In the poetry of T. Matmuratov there are words related to a certain profession, used by people of this profession. The author focused on the differences in the meaning of various terms used in medicine, jurisprudence and pedagogy. The poet illuminates the customs and traditions of the Karakalpak people and the inner experiences of a person, provides information on the correct use of taboos and euphemisms.
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Киличов Н.Р. – Турк-уйгур ёзувидаги кадимги туркий ёдгорликлар тилидаги жуфт отлар семантикаси [abs] | 144 | pdf |
Semantics of double nouns in the language of ancient Turkic monuments in the Turkic-uighur letter
Kilichov N.R.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
This article analyzes the semantics of paired nouns in the vocabulary of the ancient Turkic language monuments in the Turkic-Uigur writing. The pairing of words is a unique lexical and morphological feature of the samples of the ancient Turkic language, especially the monuments of the Turkic-Uigur writing. The examples are taken from the works “Altun Yaruk” and “Huastuanift”, which are examples of the ancient Turkic language, and theoretical ideas are built on these examples. It can be said with confidence that a number of formations, pairs of words that exist in modern Turkic languages, formed by means of word-building suffixes - in general, the morphological form of a word is a morphologically formed lexical unit in the period of the ancient Turkic language. To prove our point of view, we can give an example of the fact that in all samples of the ancient Turkic language, words in pairs form new derivative words. The semantic volume of paired nouns formed by root or derivational suffixes is described, that is, such features as pairing of words and serving to enhance the meaning, expression of a common meaning, synonymy and antonymy between the components of paired words are highlighted. Along with the description of the semantic aspects of noun pairs, such as meaning transfer, meaning expansion, meaning narrowing, the development of the meanings of some lexical units in them is explained, and their comparison with the vocabulary of modern Turkic languages is carried out.
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Оразбаев Э.Ю. – Туркий тилларда арабча узлашмалар асосида хосил булган илмий терминлар (узбек, коракалпок, туркман тиллари мисолида) [abs] | 149 | pdf |
Scientific terms formed on the basis of Arabic borrowed in Turkish languages (on the example of Uzbek, Karakalpak, Turkmen languages)
Orazbayev E.Yu.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
In the article, in a comparative-historical aspect, the characteristics of scientific terms formed on the basis of Arabic borrowings in the Turkic languages, in particular, the Uzbek, Karakalpak, Turkmen languages, are studied. The language conditions necessary for the transformation of acquired words into the active vocabulary of the acquired language are indicated. Reasonable opinions were expressed regarding the codification and standardization of scientific terms within national languages. Scientific terms based on Arabic borrowings are compared with their counterparts in the Karakalpak and Turkmen languages based on the vocabulary of the Uzbek language. It is known that borrowed Arabic vocabulary was studied within the framework of national languages, that is, on the example of specific lexical units of the Turkic language. However, it should be noted that the semantic and structural features of the scientific terminological system as part of Arabic borrowings in the Turkic languages have not been studied separately and monographically in a comparative historical aspect based on the vocabulary of two or more Turkic languages. Given this, the article focuses on a comparative study of the position of Arabic borrowings as scientific terms on the example of the Uzbek, Karakalpak and Turkmen languages. Based on a comparative study of scientific terms in the Turkic languages, as well as having information about the meaning and semantic use of borrowings in the lexical unit of these languages, it is possible to eliminate problems in their explanatory and translation dictionaries.
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Казаков И.Р. – Гидронимик индикаторларда миллий-маданий тафовутлар тасвири [abs] | 153 | pdf |
Illustration of national-cultural differences in hydronomic indicators
Kazakov I.R.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
In this article, hydronymic indicators describing the national-cultural characteristics of the Uzbek and Karakalpak peoples are studied. As a result of the comparison of the hydronymic indicators related to the culture of languages related to each other, first of all, it is said that the difference between sounds is embodied, and this situation is more clearly visible in the analysis of words. It was noted that the Uzbek literary language was formed on the basis of the Tashkent-Fergana literary language, and the Karakalpak literary language was formed on the basis of the Kipchak dialect, and it was noted that these two languages have been feeding each other since time immemorial. Due to social necessity, the Karakalpak language adopted the view that units representing many water-related places were acquired from the Uzbek language. It is noted that the adopted name related to water in the Uzbek language also had an impact on the national-cultural view of the Karakalpak people, at first they formed a phonetic landscape in the minds of the speakers, which allowed the Karakalpaks to name these hydronymic indicators based on their cognitive discipline. Although most of the hydronymic indicators in both languages are consistent in content, based on their different form, the concept of "phonetic landscape of the world" is applied. It has been proved that by comparing the languages and cultures of sister nations, the similarities are highlighted more than the inter-linguistic and inter-cultural differences. It has been suggested that identifying specific aspects rather than general aspects should be considered as a priority in linguistic and cultural research. On this basis, it is determined that any kind of interpretive perfection can be achieved. It has long been thought that the Uzbek language was influenced by other Turkic peoples, and the Karakalpak language was directly influenced by the national-cultural view of the Uzbek people, their vision of the world.
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Айтмуратов А. – Каракалпак тилинде санлы технологиялык терминлердин курамы бойынша турлери [abs] | 157 | pdf |
Types of digital technology terms in the Karakalpak language according to their content
Aitmuratov A.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
Having carefully studied the terms in the vocabulary of the Karakalpak language, their unification in accordance with the laws of the objective development of literary languages and bringing them to a certain standard of use, the development of a theoretical basis for systematization are put on the agenda. So, terms are one of the important issues from both theoretical and practical sides. When studying the formation of digital technological terms in the Karakalpak language, one can see that they were formed according to several models of word formation and took their place in the language. The article focuses on the ways of creating digital technological terms in the Karakalpak language and the peculiarities of their use. Therefore, it is very important to study the meaning of terms in the field of digital technologies, analyze them in detail, and create an appropriate theoretical and methodological base.
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Абдимуратов А. – Культура в контексте публицистики писателя [abs] | 160 | pdf |
Culture in the context of the writer’s publicism
Abdimuratov A.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
The article analyzes the journalistic work of T. Kaipbergenov, People's Writer of Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan. The peculiarities and originality of the writer's journalism on cultural issues as a basic manifestation of the national spirit and consciousness are examined and highlighted. It is argued that Kaipbergenov, who was actively interested in current issues of the nation and society, always had in mind the problems of culture. He made an important contribution to the development of this issue not only as a writer, but also as a publicist. For the author as a publicist, the issues of spirituality of the masses, both in our republic and abroad, were always of paramount importance, with the bias of a writer. The people themselves, as shown by numerous journalistic works of the author, have a high spiritual and cultural level, and the works of the publicist are a convincing proof of this. The theme of culture in Kaipbergenov's journalism has many different features. The fact that the culture of the Karakalpak people manifests itself most clearly in the form of oral folk art has directly influenced the writer's journalism. That is why almost every publicistic speech of T. Kaipberegnov contains folk parables, legends, proverbs and so on. In them he not only constantly deals with cultural issues, but his journalism itself is based on folk culture.
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Некролог | | |
Озбекстан Республикасы Илимлер академиясы Каракалпакстан болиминин президиумы хэм Каракалпак гуманитар илимлер илим-изертлеу институтынын жамаати – Жалгасбай Хошниязов | 164 | pdf |
Памяти ученого | | |
Нажимов П., Пахратдинов К., Бекбергенов К. – Тилши илимпаз хэм устаз - Календер Абдимуратов | 166 | pdf |
Перечень работ, опубликованных в «Вестнике Каракалпакского отделения Академии наук Республики Узбекистан» в 2022 году | 167 | pdf |
Правила для авторов | 172 | pdf |