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Техника | | |
Гловацкий О.Я., Сапаров Б.Б., Сапаров А.Б., Хамидов Б., Махкамова А.Р. – Гидравлические исследования водоподводящих сооружений ирригационных насосных станций [abs] | 5 | pdf |
Hydraulic studies of water supply facilities of irrigation pumping stations
Glovatskiy O.Ya., Saparov B.B., Saparov A.B., Xamidov B., Mahkamova A.R.
Research Institute of Irrigation and Water Problems, Tashkent
Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers
Nukus branch Navoi State Mining Institute
The purpose of the development is to harmonize the hydraulic devices for the operation of the units and the pumping station in the conditions of water distribution control on the mathematical model of the channel-front chamber. When performing the work, the methods of hydraulic research of the structure for various sections in the system of the Karateren pumping station are used. As mathematical dependencies for calculating the control actions of the guiding walls, the laws of discrete action. The test results make it possible to clarify the sufficiency of the back pressure to prevent cavitation tests in the pump impeller. A relationship has been established between the coefficients of the cavitation coefficient, the calculated speed coefficients and the number of revolutions for setting the efficiency. The wear of the elements of hydromechanical equipment for supplying cavitation and an abrasive drive leads to a deterioration in the operation of the pumps, a decrease in their efficiency and significant losses. The reasons for the decrease in pressure during cavitation can be the wrong location of the unit in relation to the water level of the tailwater, associated with the peculiarities of their operation. Efficiency increase, improvement of hydraulic conditions for supply to the pump impeller and reduction of cavitation wear was achieved in the new design of the pump and the front chamber, contains guide planes. This method of use when carrying out imitation studies of transient hydraulic processes of implementing the method of controlling modes by the water level of the downstream of pumping units. The use of guide walls allows you to redistribute the levels along the length, thereby increasing the efficiency of control of water supply structures during the operation of pumping stations. These methods are used in the modernization of the Karateren and Bek-Yab pumping stations.
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Абубакиров А.Б., Курбаниязов Т.У., Ережепов К.Д., Уснатдинов А.Б. - Кайта тикланувчан энергия манбали электр таъминоти тизимини реактив куввати манбаларининг куп фазали токларини кучланишга узгартириш датчикларни метрологик тадкики [abs] | 10 | pdf |
Metrological analysis of control sensors multi-phase currents of reactive power of the system
power supply with renewable sources energy
Abubakirov A.B., Kurbaniyazov T.U., Erejepov Q.D., Usnatdinov A.B.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
In this work, the issue of ensuring the accuracy of sensors and means of electronic data processing is relevant in connection with the widespread introduction of microprocessor devices and electronic meters in the control and management system of reactive power of the power supply system. The reactive power of the power supply system is characterized by malfunctions of the multiphase primary current sensor, as well as other primary measuring devices: the value of the primary currents in the real sensor differs from the value generated by the conversion to the secondary value. Magnetic susceptibility to alternating current, geometric dimensions, the influence of external magnetic fields and other factors that are characteristics of the switching parts of varying primary currents, one way or another, cause the signal conversion process in the sensor. These conditions determine the signal conversion errors in the sensor. In the power supply system, the principle of converting signals from an electromagnetic sensor is analyzed to convert multiphase primary currents of reactive power sources into voltage, and possible cases of compiling a table are determined, which makes it possible to determine the switching reliability. The results of the study of the static, dynamic and metrological characteristics of the sensor for converting multiphase primary currents of reactive power sources to the secondary voltage, as well as indicators of the reliability and operational state of the sensor elements are presented.
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Ауезов О.П., Турсымуратов С.Е. – Рабочий орган хлопкового культиватора для обработки почвы в бороздах [abs] | 15 | pdf |
Cotton cultivator working body for tillage in furrows
Auezov O.P., Tursimuratov S.E.
Karakalpak Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies, Nukus
The article substantiates the reasons for the formation of soil crusts, heterogeneous in hardness, in cotton furrows after irrigation and poor-quality processing of them with the existing working organs of the cultivator. The analysis of the cultivator’s padded paw is given, containing a rack and attached to it with the help of a cheek, a razor with a one-sided flat-cutting blade. Weed shares are available with left-hand and right-hand razors and are installed in pairs on the working section of the cultivator. They serve for pruning the roots of weeds and surface loosening of the soil in the aisles to a depth of 6 cm, and they are mainly used for the first inter-row cultivation of cotton. These shares are usually installed in front of the cultivator’s deep loosening duckfoot share. The cultivator working body in the form of a hemispherical razor with knife attachments, which are installed on its front edge, has been developed. Knife nozzles are made in the form of a dovetail with a double-sided blade with their nose protruding forward, perpendicular to the tangent lines on the spherical surface of the razor. Razors at the moment of movement of the unit, at the beginning, soil cutting knives with a double-sided blade are introduced into the soil and create good conditions for easy penetration of its edge to a depth of 5-6 cm. and cutting the roots of weeds. The upper blades of the soil-cutting knives cut in parallel lines the upper solid layer of soil and its edges are crumbled into lumps. The lower blades of the soil-cutting knives loosen the lower, less solid layer of soil, thereby creating good conditions for the deep-burrowing duckfoot share mounted on the back of the razor. Thus, the completeness of the destruction of weeds and the loosening of the upper and lower soil layers of the inner surface of the cotton furrow are simultaneously ensured.
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Байманов К.И., Шаниязов Г.Т., Байманов Р.К. – Устойчивость русел и гидравлические сопротивления водотоков [abs] | 17 | pdf |
Hydraulic resistances and stability of watercourse channels
Baymanov К.I., Shaniyazov G.Т., Baymanov R.К.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
The article discusses the results of some theoretical and experimental studies of hydraulic resistances and stability of watercourse channels by scientists from the CIS and abroad. The analysis of mass full-scale data on the Darcy coefficient (Shezi) of earth channels covered in a sandy mobile bed is carried out. The regularities of the occurrence of small and medium-sized forms of channel formations at the bottom of mobile channel beds, the scale of the impact of low-frequency turbulent structures, are revealed. Based on the analysis of the data of field studies and the formula of G. Einstein, a dependence for determining the ridge resistance was obtained. Criteria for the stability of watercourse channels based on quasi-uniformity of the kinematic structure of the flow have been developed.
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Байманов К.И., Тореев А.Л., Узаков Т.Дж., Мамбетсалиев М.З. – О продольных уклонах равнинных рек [abs] | 27 | pdf |
The longitudinal slope of lowland rivers
Baymanov K.I., Toreev A.L., Uzakov T.J., Mambetsaliev M.Z.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
The article discusses methods for determining the longitudinal slopes of rivers, notes their advantages and disadvantages. The author analyzed various methods of determining the longitudinal slopes of rivers. It was revealed that the weighted average slope adopted in the hydrometeorological service, determined by the graphosenalitic method, does not fully reflect the essence of the effect of slopes on the speed of water movement. In the article, the author advises to use the differential equation of uneven motion to determine the slopes of the water surface in the lower reaches of lowland rivers. The criteria ratio of slopes, characterizing the stability of the river channel in the longitudinal direction, was revealed. The hydraulics-morphological method of determining the level and longitudinal slope of the free surface of the flow, as well as the quantitative criterion of the movement of river flows, is continued.
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Химия и химическая технология | | |
Калыбаев А.Е., Наубеев Т.Х., Бердимбетова Г.Е., Калбаев С.Е. – Углеводный состав растений Astragalus Bacaliensis [abs] | 33 | pdf |
Сarbohydrate composition of the Astragalus bacaliensis plant
Kalibaev A.E., Naubeev T.X., Berdimbetova G.E., Kalbaev S.E.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
In the article, in order to isolate various types of polysaccharides, the aerial parts and roots of Astragalus basaliensis were first inactivated with a chloroform-ethanol mixture to remove low molecular weight and dyes, then the raw material was extracted with alcohol. Sucrose and fructose were found in the alcoholic extract by paper chromatography. The components of the alcoholic extract of the oligomers were determined by paper chromatography using sucrose and fructose as standards. As a result, Astragalus basaliensis was found to contain sucrose on the surface and fructose and sucrose in the roots. Further, water-soluble polysaccharides and pectin substances were isolated according to the previously described method, polysaccharides were obtained, the data are given.
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Туремуратов Ш.Н., Наурызбаева З.Ш., Исмайлов Б.М., Туремуратова А. — Физико-химические свойства аэрозолей солевых бурь в регионах Приаралья [abs] | 36 | pdf |
Physical and chemical properties of salt storm aerosols in the regions of the Aral Sea
Turemuratov Sh.N., Naurizbaeva Z.Sh., Ismaylov B.M., Turemuratova A.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The physic-mechanical and physic-chemical properties of the aerosol salt storm that formed in 2018 in the Aral Sea region were studied. It is shown that under the conditions of a strong dust-salt storm in the waters of the Aral Sea region, an atmospheric aerosol was formed, which contains dispersed particles of colloidal size from 1 to 100 nm. Studies of the physicochemical and chemical properties of salt dust that fell after a salt storm showed the content of water-soluble and insoluble salts in the form of виде Na2SO4, NaCl, CaSO4•2Н2О , CaCO3, MgCO3, CaМg(HCO3)2, MgSO4 and clay, silty and sandy minerals.
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Камалов Дж.К., Камалов М.Н., Рахимбабаева М.Ш., Мухамедгалиев Б.А. – Повышение антикоррозионных свойств эпоксидных полимерных вяжущих композиций [abs] | 42 | pdf |
Increasing anti-corrosion properties of epozy polymeric binding compositions
Kamalov Dj.K., Kamalov M.N., Rahimbabeva M.Sh., Muhamedgalyev B.A.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
Toshkent Institute of Architecture and Construction
The article shows the possibilities of modifying the ED-20 epoxy resin with new phosphorus-containing polymers based on phosphorous acid on based from Central Kizilkums with epichlorohydrin. It was found that with the introduction of a small amount of polymer modifiers containing phosphorus-halogen in its composition into the epoxy composition with a one-time decrease for hardener, the curing rate of the composition increases and the anticorrosive properties are improved. The main regularities of the modification process are revealed. Polymeric binders differ significantly from mineral binders The adhesion of polymer binders to other materials (in particular, to aggregates) is significantly higher than that of mineral binders. The speed and conditions of hardening of polymer binders can be varied within wide limits; in general, they harden much faster than cements. Compressive strength, and especially tensile and bending strength of polymeric binders is higher than that of mineral binders. But when using thermoplastic polymers, it must be remembered that their strength quickly with increasing temperature. In general, cured polymer binders have a rather low thermal resistance depending on the composition and structure of the polymer, and is in the range of 60-250°C The overwhelming majority of polymer binders are waterproof and chemically resistant: they resist well the action of acids, alkalis, saline solutions, and solvents.
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Камалов Дж.К., Хасанова О.Т., Камалова Д.М. – Исследование горючести и выбор породы древесины для строительных конструкций [abs] | 46 | pdf |
Resershese fire wood for production building construction
Kamalov Dj.K., Khasanova O.T., Kamalova D.M.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
Tashkent State Technical University
Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Construction
In this article researches some questions of a obtain to smoke and toxics compounds mixing waste gaze in fire woods. Work out some recommendations by to selecting type wood in production building constructions. The study of the processes of ignition and combustion of wood and synthetic polymers, as well as well as various composite materials based on them, is currently acquiring extremely important practical importance. Interest in this rapidly developing field of science is due to the urgent need to create scientific foundations for the purposeful synthesis of non-combustible polymeric materials, rational technology for obtaining fire-safe materials, predicting their operating conditions, excluding the possibility of the occurrence and spread of fires, since the production of polymeric materials is one of the fastest growing areas of the chemical industry. The increase in the production and consumption of various polymeric materials with different technical differences is somewhat limited due to a number of disadvantages and the increased frequency of their zoning.
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Махмудов М.Ж., Свайкосов С.О. – Модификация низкооктанового бензина для улучшения его эколого-эксплуатационных характеристик [abs] | 51 | pdf |
Modification of low-octane gasoline to improve its environmental performance
Makhmudov M.J., Svaykosov S.O.
Bukhara Engineering-Technological Institute
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
In recent years, with an increasing number of ground vehicles with internal combustion engines, the need for fuel, including motor gasoline, has increased significantly. It is known that during the operation of vehicles, a large number of exhaust gases are emitted into the atmosphere, containing such substances as carbon oxides, nitrogen oxides and benzapyrenes. The main source of education benzapyrene are aromatic hydrocarbons, primarily benzene. In this regard, the content of aromatic hydrocarbons in motor gasoline is subject to strict environmental requirements Euro-5. The paper uses a set of classical and modern research methods that allow us to determine the physical, physical and chemical characteristics, functional composition, to study the processes occurring in the original automobile gasoline and gasoline subjected to various processes of ennobling, in particular, dearomatization, as well as to establish the chemical composition, structure, chemical nature and their stability. It should be noted that the industry gasoline AI-80 does not meet the quality requirements of the European Standard. As the object of research was taken gasoline AI-80. All studies were conducted in accordance with State standards and generally accepted practical guidelines for the analysis of petroleum products. In order to meet the European specifications of gasoline Euro-5, it became necessary to develop processes for refining gasoline. The benzene-containing fraction of low-octane gasoline was determined. The optimal parameters of the hydroisomerization process in the presence of Nickel-and tungsten-based catalysts have been established. The method of modification of low-octane gasoline produced by the oil refining industry to improve the environmental situation of the environment and reduce the amount of aromatic hydrocarbons in motor gasoline is presented. The results obtained can be the basis for conducting research on a large scale in the laboratory, as well as production tests.
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Биоэкология и сельское хозяйство | | |
Отенов Т., Гроховатский И.А., Оспанов А.Ж., Отенова З.Т. – Виды тамарикса, произрастающие в Каракалпакстане [abs] | 58 | pdf |
Tamarix species growing in Karakalpakstan
Otenov T., Grohovatskiy I.A., Ospanov A.J., Otenova Z.T.
Botanical Garden of the Karakalpak Scientific Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The research is devoted to the study of species of the genus Tamarix as one of the representatives of the flora of Karakalpakstan. Their importance and growing conditions are given. The number of species growing in Central Asia and Karakalpakstan is noted. A description of the life form is given. The morphological and biological characteristics of widespread species are given. It is indicated that the species of the Tamarix grows better on wet valley soils, and outside valleys on sandy soils. This plant is anemochora and entomophile. Species of Tamarix are very light-requiring plants. Some species belong to xerophilic and halophilic groups. This plant breeds by seed and vegetative means. The wood is used for small forgeries, turning and carving works. It has been established that the growing season of the species of Tamarix begins from the second decade of March and lasts until November. The plant grows from 231 to 261 days. It is salt and drought tolerant plant. This plant is medicinal and melliferous plant. The species of the Tamarix is a fodder plant for livestock in desert pastures in the autumn-winter period. It is used as a colorant and as a good fuel. It is promising in landscaping due to its general graceful appearance and beautiful inflorescences. Tamarix can be used in groups, hedges and landscape design in squares and parks. It can be used in forest reclamation in all regions of Karakalpakstan.
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Кутлымуратова Г.А., Мамбетуллаева С.М. – Современное экологическое состояние растительного сообщества тугайных экосистем Южного Приаралья [abs] | 63 | pdf |
The modern ecological state of vegetable association is in tugai ecosystems of South Prearalye
Kutlymuratova G.A., Mambetullaeva S.M.
Nukus State Pedagogic Institute
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
In the article the questions of estimation of the ecological state of vegetable association are examined in the tugai ecosystems of Priaralye. Worsening of ecological terms sharply influenced on flora composition of tugai vegetation. As a result instead of mesophylls grassy plants extend the natural habitat xerophile, halophilus plants.As a result instead of mesophylls grassy plants extend the natural habitat xerophills, galophillsplants. Tugais can save to 80% of superficial flow in the rivers and lakes from surrounding territories and, the same, play a considerable role prevention of silting-up of Amudaryaand her inflows. Besides it, forest jungles provide natural drainage and prevent the resalinization of soils in this district. Tugaisof Amudarya are characterized a few of specific composition. So, for example, in Baday-tugay: trees and bushes make - 17%, perennials — 45,0%, one-year — 32,0%. On specific composition large families are Chenopodiaceae (69), Poaceae (57), Asteraceae (33), Brassicaceae (27), Fabaceae (24), Cyperaceae (23), Polygonaceae (18), Boraginaceae (16), Tamaricaceae (10). Other met in a single amount. In the conditions of making progress reduction of flow of water in the basic river-bed of Amudarya again well-educated kairsdry and trickle sand or easy elements of soil. Jungles of Tamarixs and in this case develop well, a willow (Salix) settles among them. Overgrew she is sometimes ousted even Tamarixs, and then an association becomes forming young streamside Tugais.
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Мамбетуллаева С.М., Тлегенов М.Т. – Оценка экологической сопряженности пространственной организации симпатрических видов грызунов в низовьях Амударьи [abs] | 68 | pdf |
Estimation of the ecological conjugation of the spatial organization of sympathy types of rodents in the lower reaches of the Amudarya
Mambetullaeva S.M., Tlegenov M.T.
Karakalpak Scientific Research Institute of Natural Sciences Karakalpak branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article presents the results of studies of the dynamics of the settlement of sympathric types of rodents in the territory of Amudarya. Analysis of the conjugation of biotopic features of sympathy types of rodents Meriones meridianus and Meriones tamriscinus has shown that the formation of sustainable joint settlements of various types of environmental requirements indicates the optimal sustainable conditions for their habitat. It is shown that one of the mechanisms of isolation of midday comber gerbils in mixed settlements is the discrepancy in the time of ground-based activity. Such a factor can reduce the level of interspecific competition in some types of rodents. According to the size of the ellipses of biotopic indicators of contact settlements, it is clear that in its settlements, the sympathy species of Meriones Meridianus and Meriones Tamriscinus occupy a fairly wide biotopic niche. For a joint settlement of populations, where a sustainable microstatic disagreement of species was noted, a biotopic niche used by the studied species is very wide. As a result of studying the spatial relationship between the midday and combers, in mixed settlements, the absence of a pronounced spatial separation of these species was revealed, which is confirmed by similar studies.
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Аймуратов Р.П. – Анализ кормовых растений Каракалпакской части плато Устюрт [abs] | 72 | pdf |
Fodder plants of Ustyurt and their used in improvement of degraded areas of the Aral Sea
Aimuratov R.P.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Desertification and land crises are currently one of the main economic, political and environmental problems facing many countries of the world. The development and entry into force of the United Nations Convention has become a practical step towards taking effective measures to combat the various levels of desertification and the land crisis in countries facing severe drought and desertification. The development and entry into force of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Countries Experiencing Severe Drought and Desertification paved the way for the adoption of effective measures to combat desertification at all levels to prevent landslides in order to achieve sustainable development in the affected areas of Uzbekistan. The world's leading scientific institutions pay special attention to the study of fodder plants, their species composition and geobotanical properties. Of great importance is the study of the ecological and biological characteristics of food and life forms of plants in different zones. This, in turn, requires the study of the main dominant plant species, fodder plants, the identification and selection of the most promising species for phytomelioration of the degraded areas of the South Aral Sea, which are of great scientific and practical importance.
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Нарымбетов Б.Ж. – Климатические изменения в Южном Приаралье [abs] | 77 | pdf |
Climate changes in the Southern Aral Sea region
Narymbetov B.J.
Karakalpak Scientific Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article discusses climate changes in the Southern Aral Sea region that occurred in the second half of the twentieth and early twenty-first century. Since the 60s of the XX century, significant natural changes have been taking place in this region. The main attention is paid to the change in temperature and humidity in this region. An important role here is played by the increase in the area of the drained bottom of the Aral Sea. Aerosol particles carried out from the drained bottom significantly affect the air temperature. Special attention is paid to the convective removal of aerosol from the heated soil surface.
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Медицина | | |
Кабулов М.К., Оразалиев Б.Х., Эгамов И.М., Оразалиев Г.Б., Кабулов Т.М., Юсупов Ш.А. - Гастрэктомия – «золотой стандарт» в лечении рака желудка [abs] | 83 | pdf |
Gastrectomy – the "gold standard" in the treatment of stomach cancer
Kabulov M.K., Orazaliev B.H., Egamov I.M., Orazaliev G.B., Kabulov T.M., Yusupov Sh.A.
Nukus branch of the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Surgery
Beruniy District Medical Association of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Karakalpakstan
Khorezm branch of the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan
This article analyzes the data of stomach cancer, which is the most common disease in the world and provides methods of its surgical treatment. In stomach cancer of proximal localization, gastrectomy is considered the main surgical operation, i.e. complete removal of the stomach and connection of the esophagus with the small intestine. The authors performed this operation in 77 patients. Based on the classification of T.Siewert (1996), 3 types of surgery were applied; its results were comparatively analyzed. During the operation, two types of esophageal-intestinal anastomosis were mainly used: Gilyarovich and Davydov. After surgery, 34 (44.1%) patients had various complications. Of the 77 operated patients, 9 (11.6%) patients died after surgery. The 3-year survival rate after surgery was 28.8%, and the five-year survival rate was 20%. In case of stomach cancer after surgery, chemotherapy and immunotherapy are recommended.
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Экономика | | |
Шакаров А.Б. – Ёшлар тадбиркорлигини ривожлантиришда тижорат банклари кредитларидан самарали фойдаланиш (АТБ «Агробанк» Жиззах вилоят, Фориш филиали мисолида [abs] | 89 | pdf |
Effective use of commercial bank credits in development of youth entrepreneurship
(on the example of jscb "agrobank" jizzakh region, forish branch)
Shakarov A.B.
Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service
Theoretical and practical recommendations developed as a result of scientific research can help improve the mechanisms of financing small business and private entrepreneurship by increasing the efficiency of the use of soft loans of commercial banks in the development of entrepreneurship. Theoretical and methodological bases of the organization of small business and private entrepreneurship are studied; the theoretical and methodological bases of financing of small business and private entrepreneurship created by young people through commercial banks were covered; The description of the activity and economic indicators of the branch of JSCB "Agrobank" Jizzakh region, Forish district were analyzed; development of proposals on the effective use of loans from commercial banks in the development of youth entrepreneurship. This article describes the goals and objectives, scientific and practical significance and scientific novelty of the work, the economic significance of entrepreneurship and the importance of youth participation in its development, the regulatory framework for the development and support of youth entrepreneurship in our country. The views on the features are highlighted.
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История, философия, правоведение,
религия, социология и политология | | |
Пуговкина О.Г. - Социальная категория «бывшие» в Туркестане-Узбекистане в официальных и статистических документах 1917-1930-х годов [abs] | 94 | pdf |
The social category "the former people" in Turkestan-Uzbekistan in official and statistical documents of the 1917-1930s
Pugovkina О.G.
Institute of History Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
In this article, based on various sources as the reports of political figures, statistical collections, official correspondence, verbatim reports, periodicals, there reconstructed the practice of existence of the social category “the former people” in Soviet Turkestan-Uzbekistan. It should be noted that this category had been encompassed by the Soviet authorities in the republic the representatives of the colonial elite - officials, officers, old intelligentsia, representatives of the non-Bolshevik party, the bai, former village elders, former volost elders, former aryk-aksakals, former people's judges, representatives of the Jadid movement.
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Турсунметов А.А. - Туркестанская автономия в публикациях современных англоязычных исследователей [abs] | 99 | pdf |
Turkestan autonomy in the publications of modern English-speaking researchers
Tursunmetov A.A.
The Institute of history of the Academy of Sciences of the republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
The article takes into consideration the English-language representations of the brief history of the Turkestan autonomy of 1917-1918. The foreign narrative is interesting in that it offers different perspectives on this issue, including its prehistory: Jadidism and the cultural aspect, national will, rethinking the largely fabricated Soviet approach based on class antagonism and the participation of British imperialists. Such a review allows us to show that the political experience of Turkestan autonomy, often referred by them as the Kokand autonomy, should not be considered in any exclusive context or concept.
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Махмудов О.А. - «Малейшее несправедливое или даже неосмотрительное применение предоставленной Вам власти будет сочтено актом запоздалого возмездия»: уникальный архивный источник по политике Российской империи на Западном Памире [abs] | 102 | pdf |
"The slightest unfair or even imprudent applying ... of power granted to you will be considered as an act of belated retaliation": an unique archive source on politics of the Russian Empire on the West Pamir
Makhmudov O.A.
Institute of History Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
One of the most interesting pages of the colonial history of the Russian Empire is policy on its territory. The personal views and traits of Russian officials operating in the Pamirs have often determined and influenced Russia's policy here. A striking example is the events preceding the establishment of direct control of Russia in the Western Pamir possessions, which, according to the results of the "Pamir demarcation" of 1895, were part of the Bukharan Emirate. These territories were imposed on Bukhara by the Russian Empire for political reasons and against the will of the former. All this led to numerous conflicts between Bukharan officials, the local population and the ranks of the Pamir detachment who supported them. As a result of the aggravation of relations between the parties in 1903, and then in 1904 it was decided by the authorities of the Russian Empire to establish direct administration here, but preserving the legal status of the Bukharan territory. To a large extent, the adoption of this decision was facilitated by the messages and reports of A.A.Cherkasov, the Secretary of the Russian Political Agency in Bukhara. The unique document being published from the funds of NUUz represent the views and attitude of A.A.Cherkasov. It encompasses some of the views of colonial functionaries of that time and their attitude towards the local population. The introduction of this document into scientific circulation makes it possible to more fully understanding and study the history of colonial politics of the Russian Empire.
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Кенжаева Н.С. - Материалы Государственного архива Российской Федерации как источник по истории изучения экспедиций на Памир в конце 20-х–30-х гг. ХХ в. (краткий обзор) [abs] | 107 | pdf |
The files of the State Archive of the Russian Federation as a source on the historiography of expeditions to the Pamirs in the late 1920s - 1930sof 20-th century (short review)
Kenjaeva N.S.
Tashkent Region Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute
Among one of the most ambitious research activities carried out by the Soviet government in Central Asia are scientific expeditions sent to the mountainous regions of Tajikistan in the late 1920s and 1930s 20-th century. These expeditions were extremely important. Exactly thanks to them the vast areas of inaccessible mountainous regions were studied, which until then had been little or completely unexplored. It should be noted that these expeditions were of multipurpose nature and during that time there were studied various problems from different scientific fields. Such large-scale scientific research had never been carried out in the region before. Among the archives containing the files on this issue, a significant set of documents is kept in the State Archive of the Russian Federation (GARF). The article contains a brief preliminary overview of the funds and files of this archive, containing information on the history of expeditions to the mountainous regions of Tajikistan in the late 1920s - 1930s of 200th century.
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Адилов Ж.Х. - Александр Бекович-Черкасский юриши тарихига доир янги ёндашувлар (Ватан тарихшунослиги мисолида) [abs] | 112 | pdf |
New approaches to the history of the campaign of Alexander Bekovich-cherkassky
(on the example of national historiography)
Adilov J.Kh.
The Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
This article is devoted to the historiography of the history of the campaign against the Khanate of Khiva, organized by the Russian state in 1714-1717 under the leadership of Alexander Bekovich-Cherkassky. The article analyzes the works of modern historians of Uzbekistan on this topic from the point of view of historiography. The article notes that the approach to covering the history of the campaign has changed compared to previous periods and shows the factors of these changes. In particular, during the historiographical analysis it was revealed that the works of the imperial and Soviet periods were written exclusively from the point of view of the interests of the Russian state, but not the Khanate of Khiva. Another important aspect studied in the article is the identification of the number of troops who participated in this campaign, based on the involvement of a wide range of sources and studies of the previous period. Geographical studies conducted during the campaign and their results were also subjected to a thorough analysis. The analysis of modern research conducted in this regard shows that this topic is being studied within the framework of an interdisciplinary approach. Also, at the end of the article, unexplored or contradictory aspects of the hike are revealed.
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Сейтимбетов М.К. - Каракалпакстан аймагынында жол катнаслары хаккында тарийхый маглыуматлар (XIX асир акыры - XX асир басы) [abs] | 119 | pdf |
Historical information about communication routes in the territory of Karakalpakstan
(late XIX-early XX centuries)
Seitimbetov M.K.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
The article deals with the transformation of the whole of Central Asia including the territory of Karakalpakstan into a colony of tsarist Russia. Based on the socio-economic and political interests of the tsarist government, expeditions were organized to the lower reaches of the Amu Darya in the late 19th-early 20th centuries. During this period, caravan and waterways were used as the main road communications in the internal and external communications of the South Aral Sea. In addition, along the caravan routes that have linked east and west for centuries, navigation has been established along the Amu Darya and the Aral Sea. Particular attention was paid to the use of the Amu Darya for transport purposes after the conquest of the Khiva khanate by tsarist Russia. The goal of tsarist Russia was to reach the East through the Amu Darya. The issue of diverting the Amu Darya to the Caspian Sea and ensuring an uninterrupted waterway was studied by the members of the expedition sent to Central Asia by the Russian Academy of Sciences. Numerous scientific works, monographs and diaries were written by Russian researchers, travelers and scientists who came from Central Russia to the lower reaches of the Amu Darya. These sources are stored in the Russian State Library and the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. There is no doubt that these sources, monographs and diaries kept in Russia are of great historical significance. These sources contain valuable information on the history, culture and ethnography of Central Asia, including the South Aral Sea. At the same time, the information recorded in these sources about road communications and transport in the Southern Aral Sea serves for a comprehensive study of the history of our people.
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Акимниязова Г.А. - Роль каракалпакских купцов в развитии торговли региона (вторая половина XIX – первая четверть XX вв.) [abs] | 123 | pdf |
The role of Karakalpak merchants in the development of trade in the region (second half of the XIX – first quarter of the XX centuries)
Akimniyazova G.A.
Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
The article reflects the study of the professional activity of the Karakalpak merchants, the peculiarities of the composition in the region of this category of persons. This article is an attempt to fill the existing gap in national historiography on the study of the role of the Karakalpak merchant class in the development of trade relations. The interest in the merchant class and its individual representatives, the identification of its role in the development of the region is primarily due to the fact that the merchant class, as the most mobile estate, is an association of economically active representatives of all social groups of society. That is why, by examining the social structure and activities of the merchant class, it is possible to determine the main trends in the development of the entrepreneurial sphere and society as a whole. The sources given in the work allow us to expand and supplement our knowledge of the socio-economic history of Karakalpakstan during the heyday of the agrarian society and the beginning of the region's appeal to the industrial society.
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Сейдабуллаева Н.Т. – Сиёсий блогосфера ва унинг узига хос хусусиятлари [abs] | 126 | pdf |
Political blogosphere and its features
Seydabullaeva N.T.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
The article provides information on the prospects for studying the influence of the blogosphere on the political process through scientific research, bilateral analysis of the political discourse of the blogosphere, the specifics of establishing dominant meanings in the blogosphere and the specifics of competition between the blogosphere, and others. Studying the role of the blogosphere in the distribution of power in foreign democracies, the main problem is how strong the connection between the virtual space and real politics, the sphere of political life, and how they influence the behavioral strategies of political participants in the blogosphere. the formation of institutions in the traditional socio-political space.There are statistics on the annual growth of Internet users, the increase in Internet traffic. The study of blogging as a social phenomenon, the relationship between individuals and society and their social regulatory roles are discussed in the results of social research. At the same time, it was noted that in the new technological environment, the political and communicative process will be actively carried out through new media, including the blogosphere, which is becoming a source of political information.
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Хошниязов Ж.Х., Бекимбетов А.М., Отениязов П.Ж. – Каракалпак фольклоры Азербайжан алымлары итибарында [abs] | 130 | pdf |
Karakalpak folklore in the spotlight of Azerbaijan vesearchers
Khoshniyazov Zh.Kh., Bekimbetov A.M., Oteniyazov P.Zh.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Gumanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Literature and oral creativity of the Turkic peoples, including the Karakalpak and Azerbaijani peoples, are closely related. The history, culture, literature, folklore, customs and traditions of these peoples date back to ancient times. The role of scientific contacts in the transfer of these unique samples of creativity to future generations is invaluable. Doctor of Philology, Professor Nizami Mammadov has been studying literature and folklore of the Azerbaijani and Karakalpak peoples for several years. His daughter Shabnam Mammadova also studied literature and literary ties of these peoples and, based on the results of these studies, she defended her Ph.D. thesis in philological sciences. At present, Sh.Mammadova is conducting research at the Institute of Folklore of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. In the center of attention of scientists is the author's monograph "Azerbaijan-Karakalpak folk-epic connections", published in Baku by the publishing house "Science and Education". In the monograph, she comparatively studied Azerbaijani and Karakalpak folklore, noting the similarities and national characteristics. The monograph presents historical and scientific information about the oral work of the Turkic peoples. In particular, issues related to the ethnogenetic history of the Azerbaijani and Karakalpak peoples were raised. The researcher analyzed words related to the languages of the Oghuz and Kipchak peoples.
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Максетова Ф.А. – «Саятхан Хамире» дастандагы тийкаргы хэм персонажлар образлары типологиясы [abs] | 133 | pdf |
Typology of main and character images in the "Sayatkhan Hamra" dastan
Maksetova F.A.
Karakalpak Scientific Research Institute of Humanities of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
This article presents creative methods of dastan performers which revealing the images of the main characters of major epic works. When talking about the heroes of the epos "Sayathan Hamra" shown their subjection to social requirements, commitment to national customs and practices, traditional notions of love and devotion. In the dastan "Sayatkhan-Hamra" there are also "hidden" contributing forces. This is the image of Oshik Ahmad. The purpose of his equipment on the journey with his son is to provide him with assistance in necessary cases and all-round support, to show assistance to facilitate the achievement of Hamr's happiness. Various actions of this image are introduced in order to enhance the humorous subtext in the dastan. He is a fully supportive father and fulfills the function of a mythological image that helps the heroes overcome difficulties on their way to happiness. In addition, the features of use supernatural forces in dastans, the great experience of our ancestors in creating dastans with national characteristics and some of their changes in connection with the requirements of the social environment are given. In addition to these are features of the using supernatural powers in the epos, which was given a great experience of our ancestors in the creation of epos with national characteristics and some of their changes in connection with the requirements of the social environment.
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Палымбетов К.С. – «Бадик» хэм «Гулапсан» айтымлары хаккында [abs] | 140 | pdf |
About the songs "Badik" and "Gulapsan"
Palymbetov K.S.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article is about such early genres of Karakalpak folklore as badik and gulapsan. The author cites the facts of the existence of shamans among the Karakalpaks, which is confirmed by scientific research of such scientists as N.Davkaraev, K.Aimbetov, N.A.Baskakov, N.Zhapakov, K.Maksetov, K.Mambetov, K.Allambergenov, A.Tazhimuratov. Among the Karakalpaks, various kinds of rituals were widespread, which were carried out by shamans, porkhans, taups (healers). Badik and gulapsan were used to eradicate diseases such as measles, paratyphoid and other skin diseases, as well as diseases, while preventing pestilence in cattle - in these cases they were executed, naming the disease itself. In the article, the author expresses his point of view by analyzing the texts of the chants. The author proves the magical influence of the word on the consciousness, thinking of people who, having no idea about the secrets of nature, not having elementary concepts about the world around them, attributed mythical properties to objects and phenomena of nature, endowing the word with magical power.
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Зарипова З.С. – Умай ана тууралы халыклык тусиниликлер [abs] | 144 | pdf |
Folk concepts about mother Umai
Zaripova Z.S.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanities Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article describes the image of the female goddess of fertility, the patroness of Umai, who occupies a significant place in the folklore of the Turkic peoples. In this paper, an attempt is made to generalize in the course of comparing this character in the Turkic tradition with female deities in the Karakalpak epics. In her character, the goddess Umai among many neighboring Turkic peoples is very similar, and among them the image of Umai was formed at the level of the Mother of God. It is said that the epic information about the Goddess Umai in mythological representations is widespread among the Turkic peoples of Sayano-Altai, Kazakhstan, Central Asia and has been studied in scientific research. The references in the Orkhon runic inscriptions translated by V.V. Radlov in the first edition of the ancient Turkic runic texts as “the patron goddess» reminds of the age of the image of Umai. The article describes the concepts of White Umai and Black Umai. It tells about the presence of two queens of life and death. About their meanings and beliefs of different peoples. It is mentioned about scientific activities in the territory of Karakalpakstan and valuable finds that were found with the hard work of our scientists. Including that these findings and valuable materials, except for domestic scientific materials, are not published in international scientific materials and scientific journals. The article briefly describes the connection of Umai with the Huma bird. Umai has an antromorphic appearance and, according to some indirect characteristics, it can be assumed that she is a solar deity and has a birdlike appearance. The scientific points of view of world scientific figures are given. The article describes the preservation of the Umai cult among the Karakalpak peoples to the present day. They especially adhere to the cult of Umai in difficult postponements of childbirth. The author briefly describes the meanings of the image of Umai in the emergence and embodiment in the heroic epics of Karakalpak folklore of the images of heroines of fearless, intelligent, loyal, brave, militant skilled women.
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Орынбаев Т.Б. – XIX асир каракалпак лирикасынын адебий кубылыс сыпатында изертлениуи [abs] | 150 | pdf |
The study of XIX century karakalpak lyric as a literary phenomenon (On the example of K.Jarimbetov's monograph «Genre features and the history of the development of karakalpak lyrics of the XIX century»)
Orinbaev T.B.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
The article considers the peculiarities of studying karakalpak lyrics of the XIX century as a literary phenomenon on the example of a monograph by literary critic K.Jarimbetov. During the period of independence, our literary heritage was studied on national and universal principles.New methodological developments and paradigms were implemented in the study of karakalpak literature at the beginning of the XXI century. During this period, the karakalpak literature of the XIX century was studied from a new theoretical and artistic-aesthetic point of view. New forms of lyrics appeared in karakalpak classical literature of the XIX century. They were mastered as a result of literary contacts and literary influences.Methods of studying the influence of Islamic religion and philosophy on the lyrics of the XIX century have appeared in the modern karakalpak literary science. For many years, the literary scientist K.Jarimbetov conducted scientific research on the karakalpak lyrics of the XIX century. In 2004, as a result of his scientific research, he published a monograph «Genre features and the history of the development of karakalpak lyrics of the XIX century».The genre system of karakalpak lyrics of the XIX century was first widely studied in the studies of K.Jarimbetov.
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Досымбетова А.А. – Бахтыяр Генжемуратов лирикасында лирикалык конфликт [abs] | 157 | pdf |
Lyrical conflict in Bakhtiyar Genjemuratov's lyrics
Dosimbetova A.A.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
The article examines the issue of lyrical conflict based on the lyrics of B. Genjemuratov. The issue of lyrical conflict has not been sufficiently studied in literary studies. This explains the relevance of the topic taken for the article. The peculiarities of the emergence of lyrical conflict are analyzed. The connection of lyrical conflict with the creation of the image of a lyrical hero is studied. On the basis of the contradictions between society and man, and between people, the peculiarities of the conflict in the lyrical work are studied. The effect of lyrical conflict on the mental state of the lyrical hero is discussed. In almost all of the poet's poems there is a conflict between the lyrical hero and the environment. That is, as a result of the fact that the events in the environment contradict the wishes of the lyrical protagonist, there are contradictions. In this way, the poet conveys his thoughts, feelings, emotions and views on the problems of society through lyrical conflict. In this way the character of the lyrical hero is created. The creation of lyrical conflict is associated with the poet's creative talent as one of the artistic methods that reflects the artistic meaning. The article also discusses the methods of conveying ideas in the works of the poet.
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Даниярова Г.П. – Хазирги каракалпак лирикасында кус символы (И.Юсупов лирикасы мысалында) [abs] | 161 | pdf |
Bird symbol in modern Karakalpak lyrics (on the example of lyrics I.Yusupova)
Daniyarova G.P.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitariens Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article discusses the symbolic meaning of the images of birds used in the lyrics of the People's Poet of Karakalpakstan and Uzbekistan, the National Hero of Uzbekistan I. Yusupov. The symbol of the bird is widely used in art and artistic communities. Therefore, the image of birds is in the center of attention of all poets and writers. Taking into account these differences, the symbolic meaning of a number of birds used in the lyrics of the poet I. Yusupov is analyzed. In poet's poems a number of bird images are analyzed: Nightingale, Crane and Owl are specified on the examples that have their own poetic idea. In particular, it is said that the symbolism of the image of the nightingale was used in the works of Berdakh, a bright representative of the Karakalpak poetry of the XIX century. Special emphasis is placed on the literary analysis of Russian literary critics. At the same time, nature is an important background for expressing the inner experience of the lyrical hero and, including birds, is an object that has a symbolic meaning.
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Жаримбетова Т.К. – Коркем-хужжетли повестьлерде стильлик изленислер [abs] | 166 | pdf |
Methodological research in artistic documentary stories
Jarimbetova T.K.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanities Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
This article discusses the importance of studying the genre features of artistic documentary stories, the formation of theoretical concepts, its differences from a fictional documentary essay, mastery of the author’s style and skill in creating a plot and composition, image and character. Documentary stories tell us the real events, the real persons, in this way, we know more information about famous’s people life, working condition, their speeches, talking to people and decision. The writer, based on real life heroes, facts, we chose the storyline of the work to analyze the events and characters of the story of fiction that arose from real times and eras. Our this article analyses the document, image, character and artistic imagination in the plots of the famous documentary stories “Sapalak palvon” by A.Atajanov and “Song of the birch” by K.Mambetov. It is clear, that any kind of documentary work is primarily based on real documents that exists in life and in the past. Documentary stories are based on the destinies of people who lived or live with us. In these aspects, documentary works differ from autobiographical, biographical, memoir, historical, humorous, contemporary stories. For this reason, in this article, on the basis of scientific, theoretical and literary materials, genre and artistic differences in documentary stories in Karakalpak literature have been considered and appropriate conclusions have been drawn.
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Тлеуниязова Г.Б. – Доретиушилик лабораторияда авторлардын оз колжазбалары устинде ислеу техникасы [abs] | 170 | pdf |
Technique of work on the author's manuscripts in the creative laboratory
Tleuniyazova G.B.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanities Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
In this article, some issues related to the creative laboratory of writers were discussed. The experience of writers and poets working on their manuscripts is of great importance in their creative laboratory. In the article this issue poet B.Genjemuratov's lyrics are lit up on the example. B the need to express the completed, common sense, forgiveness or thoughts of the lyrical hero in artistic integrity before уz.In Genjemuratov's lyricism, the deviation from the norms of speech and literature in poetic Egypt and the fact that this method occurred as a result of poetic research in the poet's creative laboratory was clarified by comparing his manuscript and printed copies. The article analyzes the artistic intention of the poet in the selection of the artistic voice in the manuscript, printed copies and reproductions of the poem" Zygiles". The author gives the conclusion that during his conversation with the poet, he has several notebooks of manuscripts, in which the poet's understanding of the technique of working with the text enriches the Karakalpak literary science with interesting information. The experience of writers working on artistic texts and manuscripts is evidenced by the fact that they are of great importance in the understanding of the secrets of their formation and improvement as a creator, in the interpretation of the work of art on the basis of an autobiographical approach.
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Бекбергенова А.У. – Жазыушы доретиушилик лабораториясында диалог хэм монологтын хызмети (А.Абдиевтин «Жин жыпырлар уясы» романы мысалында) [abs] | 174 | pdf |
The role of dialogue and monologue in the creative laboratory of the writer (on the example of A.Abdiyev's novel "Zhin zhypyrlar uyasy" ("Nest of devils")
Bekbergenova A.U.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article deals with the skill of using the poetics of the artistic word in the writer's laboratory. It draws attention to the novel by the famous writer A.Abdiyev "Zhin zhypyrlar uyasy" ("The Nest of devils"). The author is involved in the scientific analysis of the achievements and shortcomings of the writer's work "Zhin zhypyrlar Uyasy". The writer's correct statement of the inner experiences of the novel's characters is noted. There is a high assessment given to the writer's skill in depicting the life of heroes in a subjective and pishological way in the scientific research of famous Karakalpak literary scholars K.Allambergenov, K.Kurambaev, P.Nurzhanov, Zh.Esenov, Z.Bekbergenova, G.Begmuratova. The author of the article appropriately emphasizes, since the writer correctly used the techniques of artistic display. The writer's masterful depiction of the appearance, faces, actions, and inner world of the characters is noted. There is an attempt to reveal the close connection of the portrait of the heroes with the plot events. Also, the writer's use of internal monologues in the work not only aims to reveal the hero's pishology, but also aims to indicate the bitter truth of life on the basis of tragic events in the fate of the two heroes, as well as images of the main problems of the period in their lives. The author notes a comprehensive in-depth study in the future of the writer's novel "Zhin zhypyrlar Uyasy", which is one of the topical issues of today.
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Утемуратова Х. – Жазыушынын доретиушилик лабораториясын уйрениу маселеси [abs] | 179 | pdf |
Studying the writer's creative laboratory
Utemuratova H.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
This article analyzes the problem of the writer's creative laboratory. Scientists T.Aleksandrova, R.Fatkhrakhmanov touched upon this problem in their research. The article is devoted to one of the actual problems of Karakalpak literary studies. The author identified the search for the poet H.Davletnazarov and the artistic features of the genre of poetry. We are also talking about the study of the creative laboratory of the poet. Determination of the individual style of the poet is of great importance. The article has advanced the actual problem of literary studies forward. The author has reached scientific and practical conclusions on the issued problem. The corresponding conclusions are made about the heroes and their images. This article marks the contribution of the poet to the development of Karakalpak poetry. As a result of the creative talent of the poet for the disclosure of the actions of the heroes and their images, they are proved on the examples of ways to use the artistic image tool. The article is important in revealing new facets of the poet K.Mambetov, J.Khoshniyazov, Z.Bekbergenova, K.Rakhmanov, Sh.Seitov and X.Davletnazarov. In this article, the author describes the history of the creation of the first book of the poet H.Davletnazarov. An overview of works devoted to the study of the writer's creative laboratory is given.
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Курбанбаева Б.Р. - Каракалпак тилинин арка диалектине тан этнографизмлердин курылысы бойынша турлери [abs] | 182 | pdf |
Types of structures of the ethnographisms of the northern dialect of the Karakalpak language
Kurbanbaeva B.R.
Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
The customs and traditions of the Karakalpak people are an invaluable heritage which is of great importance and has been passed down from generation to generation, from father to son during the captivity. In the northern dialect of the Karakalpak language, such units which are used in connection with the customs and traditions of the people are used with the peculiarities of the dialect. It is important to collect such lexical units in our language, to study them in comparison with the words that used in connection with the customs and traditions of other peoples, and to analyze them from a scientific point of view. According to the structure of these units, they can be found in the form of a single word, as well as in the form of a compound word. Ethnographisms in the form of singular words are affixed and non-affixed. Ethnographisms in the form of compound words are found productively in the form of compound, combined words. Karakalpaks living in the northern regions of the Republic of Karakalpakstan live side by side with Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Turkmens and other ethnic groups. Therefore, in their language there are a lot of borrowings from other languages. Also, in the dialect, words are synonymous with each other, synonymic rows are formed, and synonymous ethnographies are used productively. In the article, we have studied the characteristics of the words (ethnographies) of the traditions, customs related to the northern dialect of Karakalpak language in comparison with the modern Karakalpak literary language, the southern dialect of Karakalpak language, Konimex Karakalpak dialect and colloquial speech of the people.
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Юсупова Б.Т. - Каракалпак тилиндеги фразеологизмлерде сеслик такирарлар [abs] | 185 | pdf |
The phonetic repetitions in phraseologisms of the Karakalpak language
Yusupova B.T.
Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
The phraseological system of the Karakalpak language consists of various elements and units. Here the phraseologies are seen as a compound unit in every aspect. One of the distinctive features of phraseologies is the sound (phonetic) repetition, which is part of the phraseologism as a method of artistic creation. Phraseologisms, as one of the most important means of description of the language of fiction, are involved in the formation of its figurative, expressive, artistic character, in which their phonetic combinations, phonetic harmony ensure the musicality and effectiveness of phraseologism. Analyzing the linguistic differences of all genres of folklore, and fiction, it is clear that they have a significant place of phraseologies, invaluable artistic value, artistic function. The language of poetic works is formed in accordance with certain poetic patterns (number of syllables, rhythms, rhythme, etc.), in which, especially in phraseologies, the phonetic repetitions in them are distinguished by their characteristic artistic function. The main portable meanings in the phraseologies are also re-changed, semantically re-created, new meanings are added, and in the rows of poems they are used in accordance with the content of the idea of the poet, and are structurally transformed. In this case, word masters create playfulness of meaning, create phraseological puns, skillfully use the phonetic combinations of words. Thus, it creates basis for the rebirth of phraseologies for stylistic purposes. Phonetic combinations in such phraseologies, phonetic harmony, euphonic character are combined with figurative, variable meanings, creating a wonderful harmony and art. Especially in the language of humorous and satirical works such phraseologies are used very reasonable, sharp, figurative, expressive. The article analyzes such phraseologies formed on phonetic repetition in the phonostylistic direction based on the language of the satirical poems of the Karakalpak poet B.Kazakbayev.
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Мусаев А.А. – Коракалпок тилида каузативликнинг грамматик ифодаси [abs] | 190 | pdf |
The grammatical expression of causation in the Karakalpak language
Musaev А.А.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
This article explores the lexical meaning of the verb and the category of causality applied to a linguistic phenomenon that represents an effect on an object and as a result of which the state of the object changes. The study highlights the different approaches and views of several linguists on language units that form causative meanings. There are conflicting views on the structure of causation and its categorical issues in the Turkic languages. This is due to the fact that some linguists rely on linguistic research and analysis of European languages, which are similar in their analysis of lexical meanings, grammatical forms and syntactic combinations that have causative meaning. It should be noted that in European languages, such as in English, Russian, there are no definite morphological indications that form causative meanings. However, the Turkic language has special suffixes that convey the emphasized meaning. This article represents the category of causativeness in the Karakalpak language that can change the state of the object by adding the suffixes -t?r, -d?r, -?r, -ir, -q?z, -kiz, -??z, -giz, -qar, -ker, or by forcing a person to perform certain actions compulsively. Examples of causative meanings in the article are taken from Karakalpak literary texts which was written by Karakalpak writers.
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Ибрагимов Ю.М., Ибрагимова З.Ю. – Махмуд Кошгарийнинг «Девону лугати-т-турк» асари тарихий васика [abs] | 194 | pdf |
About the relationship of the lexical layer of “Devoni” by Mahmud Kashgariy and the modern Uzbek dialect
Ibragimov Y.M., Ibragimova Z.Y.
Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
In the article "Devonulug'atitturk" by Mahmud Kashgari, the division of Turkic tribes and clans living in the XI century, place of life, customs, examples of folklore, commonalities and differences in their languages are described in a comparative-historical aspect. Synharmonic variants of the lexical layer, different features such as ambiguity, synonymous, homonymous, antonymic are compared. The author called Kirgyz, Kipchak, Oguz, Tuxsi, Yagma, Chigil, Igroq, Yaruq languages as "pure Turkic language". According to the phonetic and morphological features of the Turkic languages, Mahmud Kashgari: 1) Eastern group: Chigil, Tugsa, Yagma languages. The language of the urban population in Kashgar, i.e. Hakan-Turkic and the language of the tribes before Mochin. Languages of the Eastern group have a consonant (t) at the beginning of the word: tevey; middle tongue sound (y): yindju men / mun, etc; 2) western group: such as emak, kipchak, oguz, becheneg, bulgar, suvar. The language of the tribes that inhabited the lands stretching from Rome to the east. Languages belonging to the Western group resonate at the beginning of the word (d): devey camel; (j) - (zero) jinjuinju; ben ‘m’en; bun ‘mun’ soup and so on. He shows them all on a round map in the shape of a globe. While Arab cartographers drew a round map like the one at the time, depicting Medina in the center, Kashgari marked the center of the map with cities inhabited by Turks such as Kashgar, Barsgan, and Bolosogun. Devonulug'atitturk is valuable not only as a linguistic work, but also as a historical document of its time.
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Альниязова Г.А. — Каракалпак накыл-макалларында шарт мейилдин функционал-семантикалык озгешеликлери [abs] | 197 | pdf |
Functional and Semantic Features of the Conditional Mood in Karakalpak Proverbs and Sayings
Alniyazova G.A.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Gumanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
In article functional and semantic features of grammatical forms as a part of a complex sentence with a conditional clause are considered. Special attention is paid on the correlative use of aspectual-temporal forms of a verb in different parts of a complex sentence. Distribution of aspectual-temporal forms of a verb at designation of a real and irreal condition is absolutely different.
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