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Техника | | |
Ауезов О.П., Айтмуратов М.Т., Шарипов Р.В., Семченко А.В. – Совершенствование приспособления для промывки системы питания двигателей внутреннего сгорания [abs] | 5 | pdf |
Improvement of the device for flushing the power supply system of internal combustion engines
Auezov O.P.1, Aitmuratov M.T.2, Sharipov R.V.2, Semchenco A.V.2
1Nukus branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University, 2Volgograd State Agrarian University, Russia
In the article on the basis of the analysis, the places and parts of the internal combustion engine power supply system most susceptible to contamination and their causes are determined. The disadvantages of the known method of cleaning the power supply system are indicated. A device for chemical cleaning of the power supply system is proposed. The improved device, in contrast to the known method, is connected by the body to the intake manifold, instead of the engine air filter, using a cone adapter. The engine speed during flushing is controlled by a flap that changes the amount of air supplied to the engine. The flushing liquid is sprayed through the nozzle, supplied through the tube from the pneumatic station. The sprayed flushing liquid, in contrast to the known method, cleans all its elements as it passes through the intake tract, and then additionally cleans the combustion chamber and exhaust system according to the known method. The cleaning of the power supply system is carried out in two stages: the fuel supply system is cleaned by a known method, then the intake tract is cleaned by the proposed method, and the combustion chamber with the most persistent deposits and the exhaust system are thus doubled cleaning. The use of the proposed device and method makes it possible to significantly reduce the maintenance of the internal combustion engine's power supply system.
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Айтмуратов М.Т., Жумамуратов Д.К. – Показатели работы чизель-культиватора с жестким и упругим креплением рабочих органов [abs] | 7 | pdf |
Work indicators chisel - a cultivator with hard and elastic attaching the working bodies
Aitmuratov M.T.1, Jumamuratov D.K.2
1Volgograd State Agrarian University, Russia, 2Nukus branch of the Tashkent State Agrarian University
This article presents the device and the principles of operation of the hinged-elastic fastening of the chisel-cultivator stand to the frame. According to the results of theoretical and experimental studies, with elastic fastening of the working bodies to the frame, the productivity of the machine-tractor unit (MTA) increases by 15-18%, fuel consumption is reduced in 10% as compared to rigid fastening. The quality of soil cultivation improves. But at the same time, with elastic fastening, such indicators as metal consumption and the complexity of the machine design increase. Therefore, to assess the efficiency of using the proposed design, a ranking method was chosen. The values of particular indicators of the efficiency of usage have been determined and reduced to their dimensionless form. The importance of private performance indicators is in the range from 0.058 to 0.223. Using the values and importance of particular indicators of efficiency, a complex criterion of the efficiency of using a chisel cultivator with rigid and elastic attachments to the frame has been calculated. Calculations have shown that MTA with elastic attachments to the frame is more efficient.
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Аимбетов И.К., Сапарниязов Б., Бекмуратова П., Аимбетова З. – Инженерно-геологические исследования основания плотины № 1 Шорбулакского водохранилища [abs] | 11 | pdf |
Engineering and geological studies of the foundation of the dam No. 1 of the Shorbulak reservoir
Aimbetov I.K., Saparniyazov B., Bekmuratova P., Aimbetova Z.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article presents the results of determining the physical and mechanical parameters and the salinity of the soils lying at the base of the projected dam No. 1 of the Shorbulak reservoir. The results of studies of soils lying up to a depth of 82 m showed that the base soils are represented by Aeolian fine-grained sands, hard swollen bentonite clays, fine-grained sands, dry soil, sandstones of very low strength, dusty pitches of Neogene age. At the explored depth, the underground waters are not opened. Studies have shown that the soils are highly aggressive in their action to concrete prepared on ordinary cement. The maximum content of Cl chlorine ions in the soil is 890 mg / kg, the maximum content of SO4 sulfate ions is 2760 mg/kg.
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Аимбетов И.К., Изимбетов Е.Т., Бекимбетов Р.Т. – К вопросу исследования влияния канала Дослык и озера Ащикуль на водно-солевой баланс грунтов города Нукуса [abs] | 15 | pdf |
On the issue of studying the influence of the Doslyk canal and the Aschikul Lake on the water-salt balance of the soils of the city of Nukus»
Aimbetov I.K., Izimbetov E.T., Bekimbetov R.T.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article presents the results of the study of hydrogeological conditions and salinity of underground waters and the analysis of existing studies of the influence of salts on buildings and soil properties of the city of Nukus. It is established that the hydrogeological conditions of the city are influenced by the hydrological regime of the Doslyk canal and the level of the mirror of the Aschikul Lake. A lithological section was constructed and based on the results of calculations using the MODFLOW computer program, it was constructed. The generated map of the movement of water flows between the Doslyk channel and the Aschikul lake is proposed to use the MODFLOW computer program to assess the hydrogeological conditions and the water-salt balance of the soils of the Southern Aral Sea region.
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Химия и химическая технология | | |
Ерназаров У.К., Бауатдинов С., Нарымбетов Б.Ж., Бауатдинов Т.С. – Фазовый состав глауконитсодержащей породы месторождения Крантау [abs] | 22 | pdf |
Phase composition of glauconite-bearing rocks from the Krantau deposit
Ernazarov U.K., Bauatdinov S., Narymbetov B.Zh., Bauatdinov T.S.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
A comprehensive study was carried out using physical methods (optical emission spectroscopy, a scanning electron microscope with an energy dispersive analyzer and X-ray diffractometry) of the chemical and mineralogical composition of glauconite-containing sand from the Krantau deposit. The contents of some rock-forming elements (Si, Fe, and K) vary widely, while others (Al, Mg and Ca) vary insignificantly. The polymineral composition contains particles related to glauconitehydromica (muscovite and illite), as well as crystalline phases of primary minerals (quartz, feldspars, oxides and hydroxides of iron and aluminum).Visual observation on an optical microscope showed that the spheroidal particles are encapsulated in a thin layer, presumably of an iron-alumel-siliceous composition, and consist of elongated thin sheets of glpukonite and glauconite-related hydromicas, cemented not parallel to each other, presumably siliceous-argillaceous substance.
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Туремуратов Ш.Н., Избасканова Г.Е., Джуманазарова Г., Туремуратова А. – Влияние гидротермальной обработки и минеральных наполнителей на физико-механические свойства известково-белитовых вяжущих систем [abs] | 27 | pdf |
Affects of Hydrothermal treatment on physico-mechanical character of lime-belit astringent
Turemuratov Sh.N., Izbaskanova G.E., Djumanazarova G., Turemuratova A.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Is it For the first time revealled possibility of the improvement physico-chemical and physico-mechanical characteristic dispersion lime-belit astringent, got on base of the marls Akburly and Porlytau, by regulations of the processes hydrotaction structurizations by means of local mineral microfillers in normal and hydrothermal condition, is installed dosages of the fillers, is realized mechanisms of their action. Has been studied physico-mechanical character of lime-belit astringent under hydrothermal treatment. Hydrothermal treatment enabled calcium hydro-silicates formation, which boost physico-mechanical character and processing structurization of lime-belit astringent. Studied physico-mechanical characteristic lime-belit astringent in condition their hydrothermal processing. In condition hydrothermal processing is formed hydro-silicates calcium, which promotes increasing physico-mechanical characteristic and processes structurization IBV.
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Биоэкология и сельское хозяйство | | |
Орел М.М., Матжанова Х.К., Турманова О., Алламбергенова Р., Дильманова Н. – Подбор деревьев и кустарников, устойчивых к почвенно-климатическим условиям Южного Приаралья для улучшения деградированных земель [abs] | 31 | pdf |
Selection of tree Species and shrubs that are resistant to the soil and climatic conditions of the Southern Aral Sea region or to improve degraded lands
Orel M.M., Matjanova Kh.K., Turmanova O., Allambergenova R., Dilmanova N.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article provides new data on the selection of tree and shrub vegetation for the purpose of landscaping during the restoration of degraded lands. Seven incisions of soils from the root layer of the Kazakhdarya, Takhtakupyr (Beltau APJ) area were studied for the content of water-soluble salts, the degree and quality of salinity, the mechanical composition of the studied areas, as well as the content of humus and nutrients (NPK). Chemical analyzes of soils showed that the studied areas belong to the category of clayey, loamy, often with significant salinity. The nature of the salinity is chloride-sulfate and sulfate, which shows that these areas are unproductive for plants due to the chloride type of salinity. The amount of humus, potassium and nitrogen in the root-inhabited horizon is average in all areas, which requires additional application. The phosphorus content is everywhere satisfactory. Taking into account the experience of earlier carrying out phyto-reclamation works, the article gives recommendations of a desalinating and ameliorative nature for improving soils, a list of wild and cultivated salt-tolerant plants that can significantly improve the quality of soils at the initial stage. The article provides a list of the most salt-tolerant species, as well as introduced and acclimatized tree and shrub species that can grow in local conditions.
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Абдураимов О.С., Махмудов А.В., Аймуратов Р.П., Алламуратов А.Л., Сарибаева Ш.У., Мавланов Б.Ж. – Редкие виды диких родичей культурных растений Республики Узбекистан [abs] | 37 | pdf |
Rare species of wild relatives of cultivated plants of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Abduraimov O.S1., Mahmudov A.V1., Aymuratov R.P 2., Allamuratov A.L1., Saribaeva Sh.U1., Mavlanov B.J1.
1Institute of Botany of Academy Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 2Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article studies rare species of wild relatives of cultivated plants of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The literature data and the results obtained in the course of field research indicate that in the flora of the Republic there are 25 families of wild relatives of cultivated plants, 222 species belonging to 105 genera. This indicator is 5.10 % of the total flora of Uzbekistan. When analyzing the results in the context of plant families, the main share is represented by representatives of Poaceae (63 pcs.), Fabaceae (32 pcs.), Rosaceae (27 pcs.), Amarantaceae (19 pcs.), Amaryllidaceae (12 pcs.), Asteraceae (12 pcs.), Brassicaceae (11 pcs.). 9 of these species are listed in the next edition of the "Red Book" of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Based on the samples stored in the National Herbarium Fund (TASH) and the results obtained in the course of field research, maps of the distribution of rare species were compiled. It is noted that these types of economic value are food, vitamin, medicinal, decorative. The results obtained will be used in the field of species protection and long-term monitoring work on them.
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Ишанкулова Д.У., Хайдаров Х.К., Турсунбоев Х.Е., Очилов У.А. – Перспективные и экологически устойчивые виды древесных и кустарниковых растений в Узбекистане [abs] | 43 | pdf |
Prospective and ecologically resistant species of tree and shrubs in Uzbekistan
Ishankulоva D.U.1, Khaydarov Kh.Q.2, Tursunboyev Kh.E.3, Ochilov U.А.2
1Djizak State University,, 2Samarkand State University, 3Karakalpak State University, Nukus
Development of the economy of Uzbekistan for 2020-2025 and stabilization of the social structure until 2030, beautification and improvement of cities and villages is one of the main issues of our government. The beauty, charm and charm of our city and streets largely depend on how tastefully planted the green plants planted and cared for here. To this end, this article provides a list of promising trees and shrubs adapted to the environment of Uzbekistan, as well as scientific information about their homeland and importance. These include: forsythia (Forsythia intermedia Zabel.), Namatak (Rosa canina L.), Japanese quince (Chaenomeles japonica (Thunb.) Lindl.), Purple or Judah tree (Cercis siliquastrum L.), Syrian hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus L.), paper tree (Brossonetia papyrifera L. (Vent)), Indian lagerstromi (Lagerstroemia indica L.), common ligustrum (Ligustrum vulgare L.), catalpa (Catalpa bignonioides Walter.), birch (Betula pendula f. dalecarlica (L.). fil. Schneid.), aylant (Ailanthus althissima Mill Swingle.), willow (Salix bobylonica L.), linden (Tilia platyphyllos Scop.), pavlovniya (Paulownia tomentosa (Thunb.) Steud.), nastarin (Syringa vulgaris L.), ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.), Japanese spirea (Spiraea japonica L.), hybrid willow (P. nigra x P. pyramidalis Rozier.), balsam willow (Populus balsamifera L.), mackerel (Maclura pomifera (Raf.) CK Schneid.).
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Ибрагимова З.Ю., Бехмухамедов А.А., Давронов К.С., Тонких А.К., Баракаев М.Б. – Влияние низкочастотного электромагнитного поля на урожайность хлопчатника в вегетационном периоде [abs] | 47 | pdf |
Influence of low-frequency electromagnetic field on cotton yield in the vegetation period
Ibragimova Z.Yu.1, Bekhmukhamedov A.A.2, Davronov K.S.2, Tonkikh A.K.2, Barakaev M.B.2
1Nukus branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University, 2National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
The purpose of this study is to study the effect of pulsed EMF on the yield of cotton for 10 days at the stage of laying fruit elements and flowering. In the main experiment, the action of constant electric and magnetic fields and variable industrial frequency of 50 Gts at the stage of laying fruit elements on July 20, along the beds with experimental plants, an insulated wire was laid, acting as an antenna, which was connected to the output of the generator. The treatment of cotton plants with a pulsed low-frequency EMF (with a pulse repetition rate of 4 Gts, a pulse filling frequency of 100 kGts and a magnetic induction of about 10 mTl) was carried out continuously for 10 days. The cotton cultivar Bukhoro-102 is most susceptible to EMF indifferent years, this variety increased the yield with normal water supply by 25.2% and 37.3%, and with insufficient water - by 26.46% and 32.6%.for other varieties, the increase in yield varies from 5.3% to 26.4%. It can be concluded that the treatment of cotton plants with EMF at the flowering stage in general increases many indicators of development and, most significantly, increases the number of bolls, which leads to an increase in the total yield of cotton.
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Тлеумуратова Б.С., Нарымбетов Б.Ж. – Конвективный вынос аэрозоля и его климатический форсинг [abs] | 54 | pdf |
Convective removal of aerosol and its climatic forcing
Tleumuratova B.S., Narymbetov B.Zh.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
In the article, for the first time the convective removal of soil microparticles from desert surfaces is considered as a factor of increasing of summer air temperature in the Southern Aral Sea region. A two-block mathematical model has been developed to study this processes. The first block is intended for calculating the mass concentration of aerosol in the atmosphere surface layer due to convective flows. The quantitative estimate obtained in the first approximation with a number of assumptions showed the significance of the convective removal of aerosol, increasing the aerosol concentration to 1,2 mg/m3 in the Southern Aral Sea region. In the second block of the model, the temperature rise of the air layer adjacent to the underlying surface (0-3 m) is calculated during molecular heat exchange by soil particles emitting from a desert surface heated to 70-80 K. As a result of numerical experiments with different types of monodisperse aerosol with variations in the thickness of the thermal boundary layer it was revealed that the greatest warming effect (up to 6 K) is inherent for particles with submicron sizes and sharply decreases according to a power law for particles with a radius of more than 1 ?m (0.02 K at R> 4 ?m). Calculations for a real polydisperse aerosol showed an increase in air temperature during the daytime by an average of 0.4K. The absence of precipitation in the Southern Aral Sea region in July-August, which counteracts the convective removal of soil aerosol by washing out the aerosol from the atmosphere and wetting the underlying surface, ensures a continuous supply of aerosol particles into the atmosphere, which increases the climate-forming effect of the process under consideration. The significance of the studied forcing is shown in view of the progressive desertification of many regions of the earth.
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Тлеумуратова Б.С., Мамбетуллаева С.М., Уразымбетова Э.П., Утемуратова Г.Н., Олламберганов Ф.Ф. – Особенности моделирования динамики численности популяций в условиях Аральского кризиса [abs] | 59 | pdf |
Peculiarities of modeling the dynamics of population in the conditions of the Aral crisis
Tleumuratova B.S.1, Mambetullaeva S.M.1, Urazimbetova E.P.1, Utemuratova G.N.1, Ollamberganov F.F.2
1Karakalpak Scientific Research Institute of Natural Sciences Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus, 2Karakalpak State University, Nukus
The article investigates the long-term joint dynamics in the conditions of the Southern Aral Sea region of the population size of the most typical for this region system “fox-rodents-plants”. It is shown that the specifics of the dynamics of natural processes in a crisis (in this case, the Aral crisis) require the development of special simulation models taking into account the control parameters and order parameters of the destabilized ecosystem. The classical models of the Lotka-Volter “predator-prey” type, built for a normally, steadily functioning ecosystem, turn out to be inadequate for crisis conditions. A method is proposed for reconstructing the observation series when there is a shortage of data on the long-term dynamics of the abundance of any species based on the relationships of this species with another well-studied species. In this case, the response functions, the method of analogies and the coherence of the dynamics of the number of species are used, which is especially manifested in terms of synergetics in a crisis. Since the coherence of processes is characterized by consistency in their rate and coincidence of the points of features (extrema, inflections, etc.), the coefficients of coherence of the rate of change in population size and rates dynamics of equations calculated as the correlation coefficients, respectively, of the first and second derivatives of the equations approximating the population dynamics.
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Кубланов Ж.Ж. – Моделирование влияния выноса солей на соленость воды Аральского моря [abs] | 67 | pdf |
Modeling the effect of salt removal on the salinity of the Aral Sea water
Kublanov J.J
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article discusses the mathematical model of the Aral Sea drying and the dynamics of the average annual influence of salt removal on the water of the Aral Sea. The Aral Sea water area is divided into three parts: Northern (Small Aral), Western and Eastern (Big Aral). Here are presented the results of "Takeaway saline of water salinity" modeling feedback. Also presented statistical data on the average dynamics of the water salinity of the Aral Sea over decades. Calculations have shown that the average annual effect of salt removal in the water of Aral in the first decade was less, and the next decade the average annual effect of salt removal in the water of Aral has increased. For example: in the first decade, the average annual effect of salt removal in the water of the Eastern Aral part of the Aral Sea was 2.0 g/l, then in the next decade it increased to 17.8 g/l. Calculations have shown the main amount of salt removal affects the territory of the eastern part, the average amount of salt removal affects the southern part and the western part of the Aral Sea and a small amount of salt removal affects the small Aral. The paper presents some conclusions of the process under consideration.
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Тошева Д.М., Поляруш С.В. – Полиморф ДНК маркерлар тахлили [abs] | 72 | pdf |
Analysis of polymorphic DNA markers
Tosheva D.1, Polyarush S.B.2
1Republican Center of Forensic Expertise under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 2Institute of Immunology and Human Genomics of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
DNA polymorphisms are the different DNA sequences among individuals, groups, or populations. Polymorphism at the DNA level includes a wide range of variations from single base pair change, many base pairs, and repeated sequences. Genomic variability can be present in many forms, including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), variable number of tandem repeats (VNTRs, e.g., mini- and microsatellites), transposable elements (e.g., Alu repeats), structural alterations, and copy number variations. Different forms of DNA polymorphisms can be tracked using a variety of techniques; some of these techniques include restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) with Southern blots, polymerase chain reactions (PCRs), hybridization techniques using DNA microarray chips, and genome sequencing. During the last years, the recent advance of molecular technologies revealed new discoveries of DNA polymorphisms. DNA polymorphisms are endless, and more discoveries continue at a rapid rate. Mapping the human genome requires a set of genetic markers. DNA polymorphism serves as a genetic marker for its own location in the chromosome; thus, they are convenient for analysis and are often used as in molecular genetic studies, in particularforensic genetic research.
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Экономика | | |
Шакаров А.Б., Холбоев У.Х. – Теоретические основы социальной инфраструктуры [abs] | 80 | pdf |
Theoretical Foundations of Social Infrastructure
Shakarov A.B., Xolboyev U.X.
Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service
The balanced development of society is based on the relationship of both economic and social development factors. At the same time, the social development of society can be considered, inter alia, by assessing the development of the social infrastructure of individual institutional components (states, enterprises), as well as the mass character, availability of the goods produced and consumed by them. Social infrastructure is a collection of industries. subsectors of the economy and types of activities, the functional purpose of which is expressed in the production and sale of services and benefits for the population.
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Шакаров А.Б., Улашев Х.А. – Свободные экономические зоны как фактор благоприятной бизнес-среды Республики Узбекистан [abs] | 82 | pdf |
Free economic zones as a factor of a favorable business environment in the Republic of Uzbekistan
Shakarov A.B., Ulashev Kh.A.
Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service,
This article discusses the concept of free economic zones, the procedure for their creation and functioning, provides open statistical data on the activities of the FEZ of Uzbekistan. The article reveals the purpose, content and tasks of such types of economic zones as a free economic zone, a special scientific and technological zone, a tourist and recreational zone, free trade zones and a special industrial zone. The main features of the development of FEZ in Uzbekistan are revealed. In the work, as a result of the analysis of the activities of free economic zones, a number of problems and issues of solving which will effectively affect the further development of free economic zones in Uzbekistan have been identified.
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Quryozov D.I. – Xorazm viloyatida sanoatning rivojlanisni ekologik va iqtisodiy imperativalarini tashkil etish usuli [abs] | 85 | pdf |
Methodology for the formation of environmental and economic imperatives for the development of industry in the Khorezm region
Quryozov D.I.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article reveals the role and place of industry in the structure of the economy of the Khorezm region and its impact on the level of income of the population, analyzes the main directions of the industry development based on the implementation of investment projects. Based on the assessment of the regional system of regulation of the environmental component of anthropogenic activity, as well as the existing shortcomings in it, the ecological and economic imperatives of industrial development in the region are substantiated. These imperatives represent a purposefully formed toolkit for influencing the sustainable development of the industry taking into account resource-saving and environmental components.
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История, философия, правоведение,
религия, социология и политология | | |
Нуржанов С.У. – Аллаяр Досназаров в канун образования Каракалпакской автономной области [abs] | 89 | pdf |
Allayar Dosnazarov on the eve of the formation of the Karakalpak Autonomous Region
Nurjanov S.U.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitariаn Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article is devoted to the activities of Allayar Dosnazarov between November 1924 and February 1925. During this period, there was a struggle between groups of the national elite in the region. The first group was represented by A. Dosnazarov, the second group by K.Adinaev, the third group included the so-called Europeans sent from the center. Upon arrival in the region, A. Dosnazarov heads the Organizing Bureau and starts organizing district apparatus of the party. The contradictions are exacerbated by the difficult economic situation and the low standard of living of the population. K. Adinayev's withdrawal from the Organizing Bureau further complicated the situation. The heavy atmosphere also persisted during the First Constituent Congress of the KAR. After the congress, it was decided to dismiss A.Dosnazarov. A group of employees from the center were sent to the Karakalpak party organization to KAR for "health." The analysis shows that during this period A.Dosnazarov did a lot of work, outlining the main directions of development of the region and the formation of the control apparatus.
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Таджиева Р.С. – Состояние сельского хозяйства Каракалпакстана в 1946-1985 годы [abs] | 93 | pdf |
The state of agriculture in Karakalpakstan in 1946-1985
Tadzhieva R.S.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The current situation related to problems in agriculture is directly related to historical prerequisites. The article offers a general overview of the history of agriculture in 1946-1985 in the context of the main problems of its development. Some branches of agriculture are considered: cotton growing, gardening, rice growing. The measures taken by the state in the post-war years (tax policy, strengthening of collective farms, artels, social security for the rural population) did not improve the position of the working people and the situation in the agrarian development of the republic. Tough centralized leadership, a difficult economic situation in the villages, a lack of qualified personnel, natural and climatic conditions had a negative impact on the development of this sector of the national economy. In the conditions of Karakalpakstan, irrigated agriculture has always occupied a special place, being the basis of all agriculture. Problems in the field of land reclamation and irrigation played an important role in the deterioration of the state of sown land, low productivity and a decrease in the productivity of irrigated agriculture. The material broadly covers the reasons for the decline in agriculture, provides examples of government wrong decisions that led to such a situation. Agricultural production in the years under consideration did not move forward at such a fast pace as determined by the target figures of the five-year plan. Despite serious shortcomings, the agriculture of Karakalpakstan developed and supplied the state with agricultural products.
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Сейдаметова Г.У. – Уровень жизни сельского населения Каракалпакстана в 1950-е годы [abs] | 97 | pdf |
Level of livelihood of rural population of Karakalpakstan in the 1950s
Seydametova G.U.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
The work is dedicated to one of the important issues in the study of history — the everyday life of the rural population. The analysis captures the life of the villagers in general and the issues of housing provision in rural areas of Karakalpakstan in the 1950s. The research includes description of the state of agriculture, collective farms, the role of subsidiary farming in everyday life, as well as socio-economic and demographic changes in the studied period of time. The main problems of the rural population are identified, and the assessment for improvement of the household and housing issues of the rural residents is provided. In addition, the work is based on the principles of critical interpretation of sources, systematization and comparative data analysis. The methodology of the work is based on local material. The localized approach to the research focuses on the peculiarities of the development of household and housing problems of rural residents of a particular region, in this case Karakalpakstan, during the specified period. The scientific novelty of the research is highlighted by the fact that it analyzes the history of the everyday life of the rural population in Karakalpakstan in the 1950s, based on the study of the archival, statistical data and author’s field materials, for the first time in national historiography. The problems of the social sphere of the region and the ways of their solution by the republican authorities are described with consideration of detailed statistics.
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Давлетияров М.М. – Методологические аспекты изучения социальных институтов [abs] | 101 | pdf |
Methodological issues of the study of social institutions
Davletiyarov M.M.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Where there are traditions and customs, no matter how modern society becomes, there are traditional social institutions characteristic of that society. Social institutions are called upon to organize joint activities of people in order to meet certain social needs. A social institution is a complex configuration of customs, traditions, beliefs, attitudes, rules-regulators, and laws that have a specific purpose and perform specific functions. A social institution is viewed as a social system. It is a system of values, norms, rules, ideals, as well as patterns of activity and behavior of people and other elements. Each of the elements performs a specific function that is important to maintain the integrity of the system. The destruction of one of the institutions of culture leads to disruptions in the system of social interaction. The important functions of a social institution include its educational function. Recently, globalization has had a huge impact not only on the socio-economic life of society, but also on the private life of people, on the formation of regional cultural values. The establishment of Soviet power could not immediately change the centuries-old canons of life of the peoples of this region. Tradition was viewed in Soviet times as a dying phenomenon, incapable of either really resisting modern forms of life, or coexisting with them.
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Утепбергенова А.К. - К истории Каракалпакского радиотелевизионного передающего центра [abs] | 106 | pdf |
On the history of the Karakalpak Radiotelevision Transmitting Center
Utepbergenova A.K.
Nukus branch of the Institute of Art and Culture of Uzbekistan
This article illuminates the stages of development of communication technologies in the field of broadcasting in Karakalpakstan. The author conditionally divides the passed path of this industry into two stages, which differ both in qualitative and quantitative terms. The work of television broadcasting in the republic began in 1964 and by the end of the 1980s had achieved some successes. Compared to other regions, Karakalpakstan switched to color television a little earlier, when in some union republics television was still black and white. The author found that during the period of operation of the Nukus TV and Radio Centre before independence, only three reconstructions of its material and technical base were carried out here. The article shows the development of broadcasting in Karakalpakstan during the period of independence and the transition to digital television in 2018. This made it possible to increase the stability of the transmitted TV signal, image and sound quality.
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Кудайбергенова Д.А. – Каракалпак хаял-кызлары тагыншакларынын семантикалык ахмийети [abs] | 109 | pdf |
Semantic features of Karakalpak jewelry
Kudaybergenova D.A.
The State Art Museum of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Nukus
The article is based on the semantic essence and use of Karakalpak women's jewelry. It also discusses the stages of development of jewelry, its structure, aesthetic significance and similarities with neighboring peoples. Jewelry, which is an example of the art of jewelry, is an integral part of the history of national-artistic culture, which helps to study the lofty goals of the people in the distant past. Jewelry has been considered a superstition among the peoples of Central Asia for thousands of years. Even the very profession of the “zargar” “jeweller”, his workshop, the anvil, the sound of the hammer, the tools which were regarded as sacral object, the constant exposure to the “sacred flame”, the precious and non-ferrous metals and stones, the ornamental motifs, the very shape and usage of the jewellery items – all this was regarded as possessing mystical force. The traditions of the Karakalpak people are inextricably linked with unique symbols that are mainly reflected in women's jewelry. This article reveals the understanding of human perceptions of the material world, the world of sophistication and divine power based on jewelry.
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Филология | | |
Палымбетов К.С. – «Коблан» дастанында поэтикалык символлар [abs] | 114 | pdf |
Poetic symbols in the "Koblan" dastan
Palymbetov K.S.
Regional Center for Retraining and Advanced training of Public education Workers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Nukus
The article deals with the peculiarities of the use of poetic symbols in the composition of the Karakalpak folk dastan "Koblan". It notes the role of symbols in the figurative transmission of the expressed idea and in a figurative meaning. The use of symbols by their nature in the "Koblan" dastan, both in material and conceptual meaning, has been proved. Symbols in the dastan are not used in their direct meaning, but in a figurative way and conveyed in an allegorical way, and through the examples given from the dastan it is proved through the positive and negative images of the heroes. For example, in the dastan "Koblan" the main character is depicted as a symbol of the national ideal, his dreams and hope and who will receive equality and freedom for his family, and the negative characters Alip dev, Boke dev, Kobikli dev, Alshagyr dev, Sharykly dev, Alalay dev, Bulalay devs are a symbol of deceit and evil. In the dastan, the name of the hero, his equipment, the guardian of his horse, the banner of warriors, ethnonyms of the clan, animals, birds, colors mean symbolic meaning, they also play an artistic and aesthetic role in conveying events, is an artistic detail in deepening the heroic idea of the work. In the plot of the dastan, the symbol is used as a necessary condition in figurative expression and is found in a simple and complex form and is used in a figurative sense.
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Хошниязов Ж. - Профессор К.Айымбетовтын еске тусириулеринин илимий хэм амелий ахмийети [abs] | 118 | pdf |
Scientific and practical significance of the memoirs of Professor K. Ayimbetov
Khoshniyazov J.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Professor Kalli Aimbetov is the founder of Karakalpak folklore and literature. He is a selfless scientist, an observer of various life events, positively influencing the minds of our people. His book, “Memories from Past Days”, confirms this idea. The history of cities, villages, the way of life of peoples, customs, rituals, traditions are deeply analyzed. His works "In the city of Chimbay", "From the memoirs of Turtkul" are of folklore and ethnographic character. Quoted in the categories "Karakalpak villages", "Matchmaking", "Traditions, customs", "Life experience", "People of all professions", "Non-professional people". The scientist characterized the terms of the year and focused on their practical and scientific aspects. The author commented on the social news of Karakalpakstan. The difficulties of the war of 1941-1945, the great heroism of the people are noted. The scientist cited the years and events of folk and ethnographic expeditions. The scientific works of adherents of science are mentioned. Memories of K.Aimbetov "Karakalpak villages" also tell about the life of their ancestors. In this article, the author talks about the creativity and scientific activities of professor K.Aimbetov. The work of a scientist should be an example for every young generation, for young scientists.
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Календерова А.М. — Хазирги дауирде балалар фольклорында Ярамазаннын ахийети [abs] | 124 | pdf |
The meaning of "Yaramazan" in modern children's folklore
Kalenderova A.M.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Lyrical lines of the genre of children's folklore "Yaramazan" is currently of particular importance in the life of the Karakalpaks. In the science of folklore, they are classified as genres of a religious nature. It is known from history that the first Yaramazan conspiracies appeared in the Turkic-speaking peoples with the spread of the Islamic religion. The author in the article, from the experience of research and collected field materials, concludes that this genre has now become a traditional song of the Karakalpak children. And it has its own existence in the modern life of children, as well as adults. Modern children are able to compose and compose lyrical lines themselves, which in the science of folklore is called "picking up". And the author, having thoroughly studied the traditional Muslim post "Yaramazan", draws conclusions about the existence of this genre in the period of global computerization as a new form of children's play folklore.
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Бекбергенова З.У. — Каракалпак жырауларынын изертлениу тарийхынан (1-макала) [abs] | 126 | pdf |
From the history of the study of the Karakalpak zhyraus
Bekbergenova Z.U.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The profession of zhyrau is closely connected with the centuries-old history, ethnography, culture and traditions of our people, passed down from father to son, from generation to generation, from century to century. Scholars interpret the word "zhyrau" as “melody” and “epic”. Zhyraus are not only the ones who memorize the finished works, but also the ones who add, subtract and correct them when reciting this work. Just as the mastery of the performers of the epics has its own characteristics, so do the students of the narrator and the methods of teaching. That is why the profession of a blacksmith is being studied as a spiritual wealth that has been passed down from father to son, from generation to generation through the teacher-student tradition, and has not lost its value in our time. Zhyraus in each period have continuously developed their text, enriching the content of the epics, which are specific to the vital needs of society, the ideals of the people, the spiritual world. For this reason, the jiwars were held in high esteem among the people. The article examines the Karakalpak epics of the first folklore and literature researchers such as N.Davkaraev, K.Aimbetov, I.Sagitov in Karakalpak folklore since the 1920s. thoughts on specific individual performance and improvisational skills are analyzed.
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Бекбергенова М.Д. – М.К.Нурмухамедов мийнетлеринде типология маселелери [abs] | 130 | pdf |
Questions of typology in the works of M.K.Nurmukhamedov
Bekbergenova M.D.
Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
This article explores the theoretical concepts of historical-comparative typology issues, which are considered significant in the study of world literature. There is given an overview of the research work of Academician M.K.Nurmukhamedov on the XXth century Karakalpak prose, also it is widely discussed the emergence of Karakalpak prose in the XXth century Karakalpak literature, the development trends, the achievements of the XXth century in the field of national prose. Along with the literary heritage and national traditions in the development of Karakalpak prose of the XXth century, it is noted that we can see a significant contribution to science of Academician M.K.Nurmukhamedov, moreover it is highlighted the literary experience of other peoples, literary relations between writers, the exercise of literary influence and the writer's personal mastery of literary works. Also on the issue of typology in the works of academician M.K. Nurmukhamedov reveals the principle of scientific research on the issues of folklore of the peoples of Central Asia and the similarities of images and plot analogies of the famous Russian poet A.S.Pushkin's "Fairy Tale of the Tsar Saltan".
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Матимов К.Г. – ХХ асир каракалпак адебиятында импровизация дастури (А.Мусаев, Т.Жумамуратов, И.Юсупов доретиушилиги мысалында) [abs] | 133 | pdf |
The tradition of improvisation in Karakalpak literature of the twentieth century (on the example of the works of A.Muosaev, T.Jumamuratov, I.Yusupov)
Matimov K.G.
Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
Improvisation is the main artistic poetic creative program of folk oral art. Improvisation played an important role in the work of poets of the XIV-XVIII centuries, in the literary work of Karakalpak poets and poetesses of the XIX-XX centuries, in the program of epic performance. The article theoretically states that the improvisation program is an important process in the literary creative process in art forms, especially fiction. The author evaluates the improvisational program as a program or literary creation technique in literary-artistic and poetic creation. The poet-improviser concludes that improvisation techniques and artistic poetic forms, artistic styles in the creation of a song are formed in his poetic world. The article states that the works of XX century Karakalpak poets A.Musaev, T.Jumamuratov, I.Yusupov, synthesized with folklore programs, were created with the traditions of improvisation. In conclusion, it is said that the works of poets in the genre of folklore, songs, didactic, humorous and praiseworthy genres were created in the tradition of improvisation.
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Алламуратов Г.А. – Ш.Сейитовтын «Халкабад» тетралогиясында динамикалык портрет [abs] | 138 | pdf |
Dynamic portrait in Sh.Seyitov's novel-tetralogy “Khalkabad”
Allamuratov G.A.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
The article discusses the portrait in novels and its poetic service. The portrait has two components - static and dynamic. If the first implies being in the image of natural (external feature) and social (costume) constants, the second includes gesture forms of depicting the protagonist, which is related to the inner life, its variability, a momentary. In our work, the dynamic portrait is analyzed as the main subject. This is how a dynamic portrait is defined in literary dictionaries. A dynamic portrait is not a detailed image, but an image of events and dialogues, that is, some details specific to the appearance of the character given during the action. Such portrait details (facial expressions, body position and movement, gestures) take up more space in the remark and serve to express the character’s current state of mind. The character's attitude to the plot or event in the work, the psychological impact of which is portrayed through appearance, takes place with a dynamic portrait. That is, based on the study of dynamic portraiture, we gain a deeper understanding of the nature and psychology of the image. When we analyze contemporary Karakalpak novels, we can see that portraits serve as the driving force of the plot in the novel’s composition, as well as the poetic features of the image. In our work, in the novel-tetralogy "Khalqabad" by the writer Sh. Seyitov, on the basis of scientific analysis of the portrait, we try to determine his image-making skills, originality.
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Матёкубова Т.Р. - Адабий таъсир ва ижодий индивидуаллик [abs] | 144 | pdf |
Literary influence and creative personality
Matyakubova T.R.
Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature
The article examines the issue of the literary influence and creative originality of the poems of the Uzbek poet Ghafur Ghulom and the Karakalpak poet Ibraim Yusupov. It is analyzed that Ghafur Ghulam served as the school of creativity of Ibraim Yusupov, and that he had a creative influence on the poet. The role of humor in the work of Ghafur Ghulam is unique, and this article explores Ibraim Yusupov's reliance on the ideological and aesthetic direction of the master's work in relation to satire and humor. The researcher examines "The Trick of my old woman" by Ghafur Ghulam, "Sallona-Sallona borar bir jonon" by Ibragim Yusupov and other poems, notes the skill of both artists in creating a humorous image. Through a comparative study of their works, it is argued that Ibraim Yusupov was influenced by the work of Ghafur Ghulam and was able to show that he was a mature artist. The researcher Ibragim Yusupov compares the high feelings of patriotism expressed in his poems with those of G. Ghulom. In this article, the author comes to the conclusion that the famous Karakalpak poet I. Yusupov is a creator with his own style and skill, and the works created by him are still of great importance.
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Камалова Д.Э. – Новеллада конфликт хэм драматизм (А.Султанов новеллалары мысалында) [abs] | 147 | pdf |
Conflict and drama in the novel (On the example of the novels by A.Sultanov)
Kamalova D.E.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article examines the works of the novel genre in Karakalpak literature, which is not only a traditional plot, dry presentation and boring composition, but a special expression, acute conflict, unexpected plot saturated with dramatic events on the example of short stories by the Karakalpak writer A. Sultanov. The plot of most of the author's novels is based on ideas such as humanity, human relationships, family problems, human feelings and emotions, devotion to love and ends with an unexpected decision through a peculiar way of expression. These features of the author's novels differ from other short stories. For example, in his first short story "After the Rain", purity, conscience and honor of a person above all human lines are skillfully expressed in the image of Kutlimurat, and in a number of short stories "Intimidation", "Education", "Punishment" it is indicated that some parents are indifferent to raising children in the family and society, in the life of parents, tragic scenes of fate are reflected. The fate and lifestyle of a blind child in the author's short story "The Sea is Raging" is analyzed in comparison with the novel "The Blind Musician" by the Russian writer V. Korolenko. In the work, the struggle for survival between man and life is conveyed as the main conflict. An interesting plot in the novel, as well as a presentation of turning events and incidents, are widely covered by the example of A. Sultanov's work "Guilty Without Guilt." The transmission of acute conflict and drama inherent in the novel is explored in the aspect of scientific literature.
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Мамбетназарова Р.К. – Художественные особенности произведений жанра путешествия в годы независимости [abs] | 151 | pdf |
Artistic featuresof works ofthe travel genrein the yearsof independence (on the example of travel notes by Z.Ishmanova and J.Iskenderov)
Mambetnazarova R.K.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article deals with the works of the travel genre in the Karakalpak literature in the years of independence. Travel notes on the basis of a trip to foreign countries of Karakalpak poets and writers, cultural and art workers, as well as young people who have traveled abroad on an educational program are investigated. Their impressions of what they saw are comparatively studied, a characteristic is given to the sights of European countries. It is noted that each travel or travel expands not only the biography, but also the geography of the writer's work. The study of the development of the travel genre, its subject of image, genre content and form is relevant at the present time. The article comparatively examines how a representative of the older generation pays more attention to the history of the country's attractions and deeply analyzes what she saw, then the young man admires what he saw more, only superficially and with enthusiasm describes the nature and sights of the country. The author comes to the conclusion that the travel genre is an independent genre of fiction with a certain range of essential features, the main of which are the principle of genre freedom, the central role of the author-narrator, the subjectivity of the author's approach to what is depicted, the synthetic nature of the genre, the presence in it of elements of other genres of fiction, literature and journalism.
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Даниярова Г.П. – И.Юсупов лирикасында «терек» концепти [abs] | 154 | pdf |
The concept of "tree" in lyrics I.Yyusupov
Daniyarova G.P.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article examines the symbol of the tree used in the lyrics of the national poet of Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan, the hero of Uzbekistan I.Yusupov as a whole. In the legends of the Turkic peoples, the tree is recognized as a means of presenting existence. Tree– center of the Earth. In the archaic fund of culture of the Kazakhs and Kyrgyz Central Asia – in the legends, folklore, some fairy tales there is an understanding of the "world tree", uniting three worlds - underground, above-ground, heavenly. In Poetry I.Yusupov, the entity of the images "Black Iva", "Rich Poplar", "Maple" is largely related to the thousand– year history, culture and climatic conditions of the peoples of Central Asia. In recent years, the language and national consciousness in the humanities. The problem of the relationship between from this point of view, along with the tree symbol used in the poet poems, the scientific concept of the term "concept" was also mentioned. Therefore, in this article, the tree symbol associated with the concept of the Motherland, which occupies a special place in the essence of poetry I.Yusupov, is examined separately as an image and appropriate conclusions are made.
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Айымбетов М.К. – Каракалпак тил билиминин калиплесиу тарийхы хаккында [abs] | 160 | pdf |
About the history of the formation of the scientific study of the Karakalpak Language
Aimbetov M.Q.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article highlights the first research work of the Karakalpak language. It also sets out important historical events of that time. The results of long, difficult routine work, in turn, gave important results in phonetics, vocabulary, morphology and syntax, which took a worthy place in Turkology. These achievements are primarily associated with the name of N.A.Baskakov, in which a proper assessment of the scientific activity of the scientist-Turkologist is given.
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Казымбетова З.М. - Ж.Избасканов поэзиясында каратпа агзалардын стиллик колланылыуы [abs] | 163 | pdf |
Stylistic use of addresses in the works of J. Izbaskanov
Kazimbetova Z.M.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
Addressing in the form of a word or a combination of words, and are sometimes expressed as a group of words, and is directed to a person who is addressed to. The most important feature of the reference is the speaker's attitude to the listener. With the same address, the speaker attracts the attention of the listener, and after that he expresses his opinion. By meaning, addresses are in the sense of accentuation, warning, gratitude, satisfaction, affection, exclamation, discontent, anger towards the listener. The address has strong emotionality in the middle and at the end of the sentence. Usually the address is pronounced according to the sentence in which it is found. Intonation in it determines the character of the exclamation mark. The repetition of the address also expresses expressiveness. Decimals lexical-semantically can be applied to the listener, the speaker himself, animate or inanimate subjects. From the point of view of morphological inversion, addresses are most often derived by nouns and pronouns. Addresses can be directed to several listeners at the same time. Its expressiveness depends on the nature of the semantics of the sentence in which it participates.
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Мамутова У.У. — Хазирги каракалпак тилинде данекерсиз коспа гаплердин изертлениу тарийхы [abs] | 166 | pdf |
History of the study of clauses without conjunctions in the modern Karakalpak Language
Mamutova U.U.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article is devoted to the history of the study of non-union complex sentences in general and Turkic Linguistics. As a result of the analysis of modern concepts of non-union complex sentences, the heterogeneity of such sentences and the need to rethink and search for new directions of research are shown. The necessity of separating non-union complex sentences into a separate group in the Karakalpak Language is substantiated. It is said about the need for an adequate definition of such types of non-union complex sentences that cannot be qualified either as complex-composed or as complex-subordinate. It is substantied that the allocation of non-union complex sentences into an independent group will contribute to a better disclosure of their nature and essence.
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Жаримбетов Е.К. – Каракалпакстан Республикасынын гарезсизликке шекемги кунделикли баспасозинде адебияттаныу темасынын саулелениуи маселелери («Еркин Каракалпакстан» хэм «Каракалпакстан жаслары» газеталары мысалында [abs] | 170 | pdf |
The problems of the reflection of literature topics in the daily press before the period of independence of the Republic of Karakalpakstan ( on the examples of the newspapers “Еркин Каракалпакстан” (“Free Karakapkastan”) and “Каракалпакстан жаслары” (“Youth of Karakalpakstan’)
Jarimbetov Ye.K.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
The given article takes up matters on reflecting the theme of the analysis of literature works in the periodical press of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, specifically in the newspapers “Еркин Каракалпакстан” (Yerkin Qaraqalpaqstan- Free Karakalpakstan) and “Каракалпакстан жаслары” (Qaraqalpaqstan Jaslari – Karakalpakstan Youth). During 1920-1990 these newspapers published a lot of literature works and materials that reflected matters on the history and theory of the literature. Thus, based on the analysis conducted and evidence collected, the article shows the development of a separate independent journalism trend which reflects literature and literature studies related matters along with other matters such as political, social, economic, cultural and spiritual aspects of life in the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
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Абдимуратов А., Палуанов Б. – Писательская публицистика в контексте актуальных вопросов общественной жизни народа [abs] | 177 | pdf |
The writer`s publicism in the context of actual issues of the people`s public life
Abdimuratov A., Paluanov B.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
This article analyzes the journalistic work by T. Kaipbergenov. The specific features and uniqueness of the writer's journalism are studied and revealed in the context of topical issues of the public life of the people. It is argued that the activity under study is a completely special, different from the work of other journalists, a form of publicity reflection of reality in which the author's civic position is embodied on local newspaper and magazine and other types of operational texts dedicated to modern socio-political facts, processes and containing both amazing logical and conceptual means, as well as to a special emotional and stylistic form. Based on the analysis carried out by ourselves, it can be concluded under our investigated activity a type of journalistic reflection for reality by Kaypbergeov is a completely special and different from other journalists’ creations. It is very difficult to make a short conclusion about the author's style of Kaipbergenov – as a publicist, so he is a unique, emotional, actively influencing the audience author in modern Karakalpak press. We can consider that the style of the author's journalistic works is simple, understandable, deep and meaningful. There is a combination of simplicity and depth of his journalistic works` contest is further evidence for author's writing talent.
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Педагогика и психология | | |
Турумбетова З.Ю. – Узбекистон Олий таълим муассасаларининг халкаро хамкорлиги [abs] | 181 | pdf |
International cooperation of higher institutions of Uzbekistan
Turumbetova Z.Yu.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
In order to establish contacts with foreign higher educational institutions of the NDPI named after Ajiniyaz, 10 professors and teachers won scholarships, Axel funds and grants, and also improved their qualifications in educational and research centers in the USA, England and Russia. It is also planned to attract investments from foreign universities, international educational organizations and foundations in order to introduce advanced technologies in science and education, exchange experience, provide training and internships for students and teachers abroad. We are talking about cooperation of higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan with prestigious foreign universities and colleges.
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Сообщения | | |
Рахимова Т., Рахимова Н.К. - Эколого-фитоценотическое состояние ценопопуляций Salsola Chivensis Popov и Caragana Grandiflora (Bieb.) DC. на плато Устюрт [abs] | 186 | pdf |
Ecological and phytocenotic State of cenopopulations Salsola Chivensis Popov and Caragana Grandiflora (Bieb.) DC. on the Ustyurt plateau
Rakhimova T., Rakhimova N.K.
Institute of Botany Academy of Sciences of the Rebublic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
The article is devoted to the study of the ecological and phytocenotic state of cenopopulations of rare species Salsola chivensis and Caragana grandiflora on the Ustyurt plateau. S.chiwensis is listed in the “Red Book” of the Republic of Uzbekistan as a relict species of Northern Uzbekistan with status 3. Found only in Ustyurt and Kyzylkum. It grows on gray-brown gypsum and marly soils. C.grandiflora - distributed in the Aral deserts. Occurs on dry stony-gravelly soils, on the plain and in the foothills. Both species are fodder in Karakalpakstan. To assess the state of cenopopulations in different habitats, the ontogenetic structure was studied. It was revealed that the studied cenopopulations of S.chiwensis and C.grandiflora are normal, but incomplete due to the absence of a fraction of young individuals. Ontogenetic spectra of cenopopulations correspond to the characteristic ones and reflect the biological characteristics of the species. They are centered with an absolute maximum on individuals of the middle-aged generative state. This is due to the gradual increase in the life span of individuals in the generative period and the elimination of individuals in the juvenile state. The study showed that the similarity of biological characteristics in the studied species, comparison of ontogenetic real spectra with the characteristic one indicates a stable state of the studied cenopopulations in the Karakalpak part of Ustyurt.
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