С о д е р ж а н и е | | |
Химия и химическая технология | | |
Бауатдинов С., Бауатдинов Т.С., Таджиев С.М. – Глаукониты Каракалпакстана и их механический и термический анализ [abs] | 5 | pdf |
Karakalpakstan glauconites and their mechanical and thermal analysis
Bauatdinov S., Bauatdinov T.S., Tadzhiyev S.M.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry
Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, Tashkent
In article results of researches of Karakalpakstan glauconites, their mechanical and thermal analysis are resulted. Results of researches have shown that glauconites of the Krantau deposit are presented basically by the clay form, with the maintenance of clay of 30,98-65,18%. The experimental analysis carried out by us has shown that investigated samples of Karakalpakstan glauconites have high enough values of loss of weight that specifies that glauconites contains the inflating mixedlayer smektit-illite phase. Mechanical and thermal analyses of Karakalpakstan glayconites allow to draw conclusions that they are expedient for using for reception new mikroelemental, meliorantcontaining, mixedcomposite mineral fertilizers.
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Биоэкология и сельское хозяйство | | |
Акрамова Ф.Д., Шакарбаев У.А., Арепбаев И.М., Азимов Д.А. - Гельминтофауна птиц отряда Anseriformes – гусеобразных птиц Приаралья [abs] | 10 | pdf |
Helmints faun of birds of the squad Anseriformes brids of Aral Sea
Akramova F.D., Shakarbaev U.A., Arepbaev I.M., Azimov D.A
Institute of Zoology Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
The structure of helminth-faunistic complexes consisting of 59 species belonging to 4 classes - Cestoda, Trematoda, Acanthocephala and Nematoda was analyzed for anseriformes in the Aral Sea region. Helminth communities of anseriformes wild ornithology fauna and helminth communities of domestic ducks and geese are identified.
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Аденбаев Е., Темирбеков Р.О., Исраилова И.О. – Морфология и биология аральской шиповки Cobitis Aurata Aralensis канала Ташсака бассейна реки Амударьи [abs] | 15 | pdf |
Morphology and biology of Сobitis Aurata Aralesis Kessler of Tashsak canal of Amudarya river
Adenbaev E., Temirbekov R.O., Israilova I.O.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article presents the information about the biology of Cobitis aurata aralensis Kessler and about the comparison of morphological features on various reservoirs. Morphological researches were conducted according to 20 plastic and 5 meristic features. The data about spawn, fertility and nutrition of Cobitis aurata aralensis Kessler from the reservoir of the Republic of Uzbekistan and ponds of lower delta of the Amudarya river is given in the article.
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Утемуратова Г.Н. – Оценка роли экзо-эндогенных факторов в формировании популяционной динамики домовой мыши (Mus Musculus) в условиях Южного Приаралья [abs] | 18 | pdf |
An estimation of role of exо-endogenous factors in forming of population dynamics to Mus Musculus in the conditions of Southern Aral Sea area
Utemuratova G.N.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences Karakalpak Branch of Akademy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
In this article the estimation of role of exо-endogenous factors is conducted in forming of population dynamics of household mouse (Мus Мusculus). For an analysis used: quantity of population in the real and previous moments of time, meteorological terms (temperature of air, speed of wind, amount of fallouts, thickness of snow-cover etc.), feed capacity of lands, gidromode of Amudariya and moisture of territory. From the parameters of reproduction were analysed following: general spring and autumn to the quantity (percent of hit of youngs of wild animal); amount of pregnant females (counting all females regardless of age). The conducted analysis showed that the stake of explainable dispersion of all ecological factors in the dynamics of quantity of population of household mouse is high enough and makes from 82% to 88%. Other stake of dispersion is conditioned, by the untaken into account factors (illness, predators, recurrence of sunny activity etc.).
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Торениязова Л.Е. – Влияние элементов биотических и абиотических факторов на развитие насекомых в агробиоценозе Каракалпакстана [abs] | 21 | pdf |
The Influence of elements of biotic and abiotic factors on the development of insects in the agro biocenosis of Karakalpakstan
Toreniyazova L.E.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
In the article given the results of studying the main elements of abiotic and biotic factors, influencing on the development of the insects living on agricultural crops in the conditions of Karakalpakstan. The Influence of elements of biotic and abiotic factors on development and distribution of the pest types living in this biotope has been defined.
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Мамбетуллаева С.М., Бекмуратова Б.М. – Биоэкологические особенности гребенщиковой песчанки (Meriones Tamariscinus) в низовьях Амударьи [abs] | 24 | pdf |
Bioenvironmental features of Meriones Tamariscinus in lower reaches of Amudarya river
Mambetullaeva S.M., Bekmuratov B.M.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The questions of study of bioenvironmental features of population of Meriones Tamariscinus are examined in the article, in the conditions of lower reaches of Amudarya river. Because of reduction of tugai and reed jungles and other negative factors sharply territory of distribution and quantity of mesophylls types grow short. It is marked that the highest quantity is marked in autumn, after stopping of genesic period. In lower reaches of Amudarya river is registered on the average in a dung in spring 5,4-6,4 embryos, pregnant females, made 35-37%. Meriones Tamariscinus plays an important role the transmission of causative agent of dangerous and infections.
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Уримбетов А.А. - Некоторые этологические особенности каракульских овец сур каракалпакского породного типа в условиях северо-западных Кызылкумов [abs] | 27 | pdf |
Some etological features кarakul sheep sur of the Karakalpak breed type in the conditions of northwest Kyzyl-kum
Urimbetov A.А.
Scientific Research Institute Karakul sheep Breeding and Ecology of Deserts, Samarkand
In article contains observations of motor activity. Defensive behavior in sheep of all types of behavior. Special care for the lambs in the period 15-20 days after their birth. Form of behavioral reactions ewes. Visual observation and use of the timekeeping method. Parental and defensive behavior of karakalpak type karakul sheep of sur type on pastures of Northwest Kyzylkum.
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Отенов Т.О., Гроховатский И.А., Отенова З.Т., Отенова Ф.Т. – Интродукция и биоэкологические особенности хвойных растений в Каракалпакстане [abs] | 30 | pdf |
Introduction and Bio-ecological Features of Conifer Plants in Kalakalpakstan
Otenov T.O., Grohovatskii I.A., Otenova Z.T., Otenova F.T.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
This study devoted to introduction and survey of conifer plants and their bio-ecological character which have been observed at the territory of botany park of Karakalpakstan. This article gives information about their geographical background and bio-morphological character of some types of these conifer plants. This article also gives information about speed of growth and development of the plants, the periods of their blossom and fruitfulness. This article also highlights how these plants can stand in different soil, drought and froze. Has been mentioned the seeds having local production will certainly boost the sustainability of the plants and will give a great economical effect.
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Тажетдинова Д.М., Курбаниязова Г.Т., Палуаниязова Д. - Распространение эндемичных видов растений на территории Каракалпакстана [abs] | 35 | pdf |
Distribution of endemic plant species in the territory of Karakalpakstan
Tajetdinova D.M., Кurbaniyazova G.T. , Palwaniyazova D.
Institute of Botany Academy Sciences of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
This article presented information about the endemic species in Karakalpakstan. As a result of the study, 7 endemic species (Lappula parvula, Euphorbia sclerocyathium, Allium rhaven, Climacoptera ptiloptera, Atriplex pratovii, Scorzonera bungee, Rubia cretacea) were found in Karakalpakstan. Also provided is information on the ecology and distribution of endemic species. The geographical distribution of 7 endemic species in Karakalpakstan was compared and analyzed. Compiled GIS maps.
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Туреев А.А., Исмаилов У.Е. - Динамика изменения солевого и питательного режима почвы с переходом на коротко-ротационный севооборот в условиях засоленных земель Республики Каракалпакстан [abs] | 39 | pdf |
Dynamics of change of salt and nourishing mode of soil with passing to shortly rotary crop rotation in the conditions of in salt earth of Republic of Karakalpakstan
Tureev А.А., Ismailov U.Е.
Nukus branch of the Tashkent State Agrarian University
In the article the questions of dynamics of change of the salt and nourishing mode of soil come into question with passing to the shortly rotary crop rotation in the conditions of in salt earth of Republic of Karakalpakstan. Data of the field researches show the large dynamics of permeability to water for the first year of vegetation. On results researches the farms of Republic of Karakalpakstan are recommended by rotary crop rotations with a chart 1:2 with cotton’s 66%. For the fertility-improving of soil and to use the productivity of cotton plant as predecessors of sorghum, corn and sesame, after their cleaning up bringing organic fertilizer from a calculation a 10 ton/of ha.
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Тухтабоева Ю.А. – Распределение зеленых водорослей (Chlorophyta) в основных почвах Ферганской долины [abs] | 43 | pdf |
The distribution of green algae (Chlorophyta) in the main soils of the Fergana Valley
Tukhtaboeva Yu.А.
Namangan State University
The species diversity of the algoflora composition was studied. The light gray earth contains 20, the typical gray earth 25, dark gray earth 44, typically brown soil 45, light sables count 43 species of algae. In serozem the greatest diversity reached (18) representatives of the family Chlamydomonadaceae (Lewin J.C., 1950). Pomer of elevated terrain in typically brown and light brown soil along with unicellular, colonial forms were more common for filamentous species of the genus Ulothrix (Kutzing F.T., 1833), Stichococcus (Nakano, 1988), Hormidium, Trentopholia (Linnaeus, 1967). The southern exposure of these soils is richer (31.8%) than the northern (19%). With the carbonization of the soil section, the species diversity and their cell size decrease.
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Стрельцова Л.Ф., Хожиматов О.К., Акчурина Н.М., Абдиниязова Г.Ж. – Специфический набор вторичных веществ у лекарственных растений как фактор проявления их адаптационных особенностей [abs] | 46 | pdf |
A specific set of secondary substances at medicinal plants as a factor of manifestation of their adaptation features
Streltzova L.F., Khojimatov О.К., Akchurina N.M., Abdiniyazova G.J.
Institute of Botany of Uzbek Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Institute of Natural Sciences of Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
In the article the questions of the role of secondary metabolites in medicinal plants are considered. The attention that they are especially demanded as operating fissile connections is paid. Generally, it is shown in protective mechanisms, as a result of preservation of normal metabolism. The associativity of processes in new conditions is reached by individualization of particular connections. These are such substances as glycosides, flavonoids, essential oils and pitches.
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Ешчанова С.Ш., Асаматдинова А., Кудайбергенова У.К. - К вопросу экологической оценки изменений состава среды как фактора риска для здоровья населения Южного Приаралья [abs] | 50 | pdf |
To question of ecological estimation of changes of composition of environment as risk factor for health of population of Southern Aral Sea area
Eshchanova S.Sh., Asamatdinova А., Kudaybergenova U.K.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences Karakalpak Branch of Academy of sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
In the article the questions of ecological estimation of the modern state of changes of composition of environment come into question as a risk factor for the health of population of South Aral Sea area. Analysis of indexes of the ecological state, characterizing the degree of contamination of components of landscapes (air, water, soil) and morbidity of population of area allowed to educe leading risk factors for the separate forms of diseases. Undertaken studies allow to estimate the degree of possible ecological risks on the health of population of administrative districts, and also to define diseases most considerably reactive on the change of ecological situation in the region of Aral sea area.
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Айтжанов Б.У., Сейтбаев Р.С., Айтжанов У.Е., Торешов П.А. – Определение жирно-кислотного состава белка и масличности у перспективного сорта подсолнечника КК-60 в условиях Каракалпакского НИИ земледелия [abs] | 53 | pdf |
Determination of fatty acid composition, protein and oil content in a promising sunflower variety KK-60, under the conditions of the Karakalpak Research Institute of Agriculture
Aitjanov B.U., Seitbaev R.S., Aitjanov U.E., Toreshov P.A.
Karakalpak Scientific-research Institute of the Husbandry, Chimbay
In our studies, the task was to determine the oil content and protein in seed kernel of the promising sunflower variety KK-60. The studies were conducted with samples of sunflower seeds of the harvest of 2018, created by breeders of the Karakalpak Research Institute of Agriculture. 15 samples of sunflower seeds were presented for analysis. As a result of the research, data on moisture content, quantitative protein content and oil content were obtained in a double repetition for each sample. Sunflower samples with high oil content and high protein content were identified.
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Айтжанов У.Е., Сагатдинов И., Айтжанов Б.У. – Возможность селекции создания новых сортов хлопчатника, устойчивых к водному дефициту в условиях Каракалпакстана [abs] | 56 | pdf |
The possibility of breeding and creating new varieties of drought- resistant cotton in the conditions of Karakalpakstan
Aitjanov U.E., Sagatdinov I., Aitjanov B.U.
Karakalpak Scientific-research Institute of the Husbandry, Chimbay
The effect of hybridization of the initial forms on the range of variability according to economically valuable traits, as well as on the possibility of the emergence of drought-resistant high-yielding recombinants appears in older generations under conditions of simulated drought. Resistant lines can be obtained using cell selection, for this it is desirable to use induced mutagenesis. Derivation of a drought-resistant variety in the conditions of Karakalpakstan, it is desirable to study the global gene pool taking into account the position of adaptive selection of genetic diversity in conditions of water deficiency. Characteristic feature of plant adaptation to drought is a sharp increasing of osmotic potential due to increasing of organic cells. From these studies, we found that drought is a complex trait, which is provided by the mechanisms of tolerance. To obtain a stable line using cell variability, induced mutagenesis is a powerful tool.
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Жумаев И.З., Усманов П.Б., Хушматов Ш.С., Есимбетов А.Т., Рустамов Ш.Ю., Журакулов Ш.Н., Виноградова В.И. – Изучение инотропного и антиаритмического действия некоторых изохинолиновых алкалоидов [abs] | 59 | pdf |
Studying of inotropic and antiarrhythmic action by some isoquinoline alkaloids
Jumaev I.Z., Usmanov P.B., Khushmatov Sh.S., Esimbetov A.T., Rustamov Sh.Y., Jurakulov Sh.N., Vinogradova V.I.
Institute of Biophysics and Biochemistry at NUU, Tashkent
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
Institute of Plant Chemistry, Tashkent
Studies have shown that the mechanisms of F-24 and N-14 alkaloids have a negative inotropic effect. The inotropic effect of these alkaloids was determined by a decrease in blocking of the Na+ and Ca2+L-channels and respectively, [Ca2+]in cardiomyocytes. The antiarrhythmic effects of F-24 and N-14 alkaloids are also describrd. We studied the antiarrhythmic effect of alkaloids on an arrhythmia model called aconitine-mediated papillary muscle. It was found that the antiarrhythmic effects of alkaloids were identified from blockade of Na+ channels.
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Экономика | | |
Махмудов У.С., Кремков М.В. - О перспективах создания территориальных инновационных газо-химических производственных кластеров в Узбекистане [abs] | 64 | pdf |
About the perspectives of the regional innovation gas-chemical production clastersformation in Uzbekistan
Makhmudov U.S., Kremkov M.V.
Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, Tashkent
There were discussed the perspectives and peculiarities of the regional innovation gas-chemical production clasters formation in Uzbekistan. It were maid the suggestions for such pilot clasters for example on the biggest gas-chemical complexes base as JV«Uz-Kor Gas Chemical» in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and JV «Shurtan gas-chemical complex» in the Kashkadariya region with the participation of the Uzbekistan academy of sciences research institutions, universities, heat power stations and the corresponding innovation infrastructural organizations.
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Худойкулов С.К. - Соликларни прогноз килиш ва режалаштиришнинг макро ва микро даража амал килиши ва уларнинг узаро таъсири [abs] | 69 | pdf |
Prognostication and planning of taxes on micro and macro levels and their cooperation
Khudoykulov S.K.
Tashkent State Economics University
The correct building of the state budget and the regular financing of social services are closely connected depend on forecasting and planning of taxes. The processes of tax forecasting and planning have a distinctive feature. In this article, we are discussing about the importance similarity and differentiation of tax forecasting and planning as well as the importance in building the budget.
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Жаббаров К.Й. - Ялпи талаб ва ялпи таклиф уртасидаги мувозанатни таъминлаш - иктисодий инкирозларни олдини олишнинг асосий йуналишларидан бири сифатида [abs] | 76 | pdf |
Achieving a balance between aggregate demand and aggregate supply is one of the main aspects of preventing an economic crisis
Jabbarov K.I.
National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
The article deals with aggregate demand and aggregate supply, factors affecting them, as well as the conditions for ensuring a balance between aggregate demand and aggregate supply. The article examines ways to prevent economic crises by ensuring a balance between aggregate demand and aggregate supply, as well as innovative development of the economy. At the end of the article, the author provides scientific suggestions and practical recommendations based on the results of the research.
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Калонов М.Б. – Совершенствование методологических основ становления и развития управленческого учета в транспортных организациях [abs] | 82 | pdf |
Improvement of methodological bases of formation and development of management accounting in transport organizations
Kalonov M.B.
Tashkent State Economics University
The article aims at calculating the cost structure of road transport companies. Their scientifically-based classification is crucial for the proper organization of costs accounting for motor transport companies. Particularly, cost estimation is needed primarily to evaluate product cost and to estimate benefits derived from all costs. This is an indirect costs directly attributable to a particular type of transport services and other related services. In particular, the cost of car transport services can not be reduced to production volumes, but can only be reduced by increasing the scope of their activities.
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Темирханова М.Ж. – Совершенствование роли финансового учета и финансовых результатов, их затрат в развитии туризма в научно-теоретические основы исследования [abs] | 84 | pdf |
Improving the role of financial accounting and financial results, their costs in the development of tourism in the scientific and theoretical foundations of the research
Temirhanova M.J.
Tashkent State Economics University
The article considers the is sues of improving the role of financial accounting and financial results, the ircosts in the development of tourism in the scientific and the ore ticalfoundati on soft hestudy. One of the main is suesis the improvement of financial accounting and reporting based on international standard soft our is min the world. Cost-effective en essof tourism enterprises and assessment of the ir infrastructure. The formation of financial statement sin tourismenterprisesonthebasisofinternationalstandardsprovidesthemwithinformationsupport. Taking this in to account, development of the tourist servicees marketin our country, improvement of the scientific and methodological basis for calculating the account in gandreportingsystembasedoninternationalmethodologyisofgreatimpor tance.
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Хидоятов Д.А. – Предпосылки и особенности развития государственно-частного партнерства в образовательной системе Республики Узбекистан [abs] | 88 | pdf |
Pre-conditions and features of development of state private partnership in educational to the system Republics of Uzbekistan
Xidoyatov D.A.
Tashkent State Economics University
The article is devoted to the role of public-private partnership in the modernization of the educational system of Uzbekistan. The measures aimed at improving the quality of educational services, which will contribute to improving the quality of human capital.
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История, философия, правоведение,
религия, социология и политология | | |
Нуржанов С.У. – Трансформация социальных установок в каракалпакском обществе (постановка проблемы) [abs] | 91 | pdf |
Transformation of social options is in karakalpak society (statement of a problem)
Nurjanov S.U.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Article is devoted to an issue of interference of social installations and historical processes. On the example of development of the Karakalpak society problems of social history of the XX century are put. The attempt of judgment of functioning of traditional society in the 1920-1930th years is made. Issues of interaction of the power and society in new socio-political conditions are traced. Questions of transformation of social installations and formation of new social values are raised.
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Джумашев А., Уразова Л. – Отражение повседневной жизни города Нукуса в мемуарах (50-70 годы ХХ века) [abs] | 96 | pdf |
Reflection of daily life of Nukus city in memoirs (50-70 years in XX centuries)
Djumashev A., Urazova L.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article deals with the history daily life of Nukus city in memoirs. The authors of this article analyzed the memoirs of state and cultural figures of Karakalpakstan. It showed the daily life of the city of Nukus in 50-70 years of the 20th centuries. Memoirs of A.Kunnazarov, I.Shagilov, S.Kaniyazov and K.Uteniyazov give us interesting pictures of daily life, housing, clothes, nutrition, leisure time of Nukus. Summarizing the above memoirs, the article reflects daily life of Nukus in 50-70 years of the XX centuries.
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Камалова Р.С., Курбанова З.И. – Трансформационные процессы в традиционной пище каракалпаков в ХХ веке [abs] | 99 | pdf |
Transformation processes in traditional food of karakalpaks in the XX century.
Kamalova R.S., Kurbanova Z.I.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article deals with the transformation of food traditions in the Karakalpaks in the twentieth century. The reasons for these changes are identified, as well as the degree of preservation of the traditional food culture. Analyzed are the forms of interaction with people of different nationalities within the republic, contributing to the mutual exchange of experience in the field of nutrition.
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Сапарниязов А. – Оренбургская экспедиция (1734-1744 гг.): предыстория событий [abs] | 104 | pdf |
The Orenburg expedition (1734-1744): prehistory the of events
Saparniyazov A.T.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The author, using the historical data, has tried to recreate a history of a social and economic and political life of Kara kalpaks prior to the beginning of the Orenburg expedition. On the basis of the analysis of the available literature and contemporary records on the given problem the author opens background of events of the Orenburg expedition, allocates the basic moments (facts) serving to the beginning given expeditions.
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Идрисов Р. - Книжно-издательское дело в Каракалпакстане в 1940-1950-е годы [abs] | 106 | pdf |
Book–publishing deals in Karakalpakistan of in 1940-1950 years
Idrisov R.B.
Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
The article deals with the history of formation of publishing deals in Karakalpakstan in the first halfs of the XX century. The first bookstores were appeared in the four regions. The interest to bookstore productions also to textbooks were very high. The Government financed the following branch and provided publishing the bookstore production.
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Айтмуратов Ж. - Народная музыка в искусстве каракалпакских бахсы: к проблеме возникновения [abs] | 109 | pdf |
Public music and art of karakalpak bakhsi: Problem of beginning
Aytmuratov J.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
The art of bakshi is the basis of Karakalpak national art. The writing of this article is about scientific and folk sources. Establishing in scientific researches in history of science and art criticism, are shown the formation of school of karakalpak art and bakshi. This article devoted to learning of origin folk melody in art of karakalpakbakshi and their analyses of development. In this article are given the information about the history of origin more than 20 folk melodies performing in repertoire of actual bakshi examined concrete data, about which bakshi created these folk melodies.
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Филология | | |
Отениязов П.Ж. – Сыйкырлы ертеклердин уйренилиу маселелери хэм миллий изертлениу зарурликлери [abs] | 115 | pdf |
Learning the fairy tales and the requirements for national research
Oteniyazov P.J.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Fairy tales are different from other tales. In particular, the type of fairy tale that we explore reflects the views of ancient people. In the works of this folklore there are such concepts as animism, totemism, fetishism and magic. Of course, the tale contains events of the medieval and new epoch, along with ancient times. Here are some things that make you pay attention to the study of fairy tales.
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Сабирова Н.Э. – Халк огзаки ижодида поэтик рамзларнинг урни [abs] | 121 | pdf |
The role of poetic symbols in oral folk art
Sabirovа N.E.
Urgench State University
This article is devoted to the genesis of poetic symbols in Uzbek folklore. Poetic symbols were analyzed by linking M. Kashgari with “Devani lugatit Turk”. Poetic symbols, which are considered objects of research in our national folklore, are also comparable with poetic symbols related to the oral work of the Uzbek and Russian peoples. The tradition of using symbols and symbols in an article is based on the urgent need of our ancestors to express events through certain signs. Also reveals the features of poetic symbols.
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Палымбетов К.С. – «Коблан» дастанында уйлениу мотиви хэм сынак-жарыс шартлери [abs] | 125 | pdf |
The marriage motives and trial condition in the epos «Koblan»
Palymbetov K.S.
The Regional Centre of Retraining and Qualification upgrading of Public Education Staff by Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
This article is about such plot motives of bride’s choice, executing the conditions given by girl and achieving triumphal results in these trials. The connection of these motives with marriage motives of hero is scientifically analysed. The organization of such trials and the condition of their execution is researched in detail. And also the archaic and mythological elements of marriage on the sample of texts from epos are also considered in the article. Traditions accepted in military democratic society are revealed which had reflection in artistic sketching of traditional marriage of hero.
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Худайкулова Л.А., Бабаджанова У.Б. – «Саёд ва Хамро» достонининг турк, озарбайжон ва узбек версиялари хакида [abs] | 129 | pdf |
About turkish, azerbaidjan and uzbek versious of “Sauatkhon-Khamra” eposu
Khudaiкulova L.A., Babadzhanova U.B.
Institute of Uzbek Language, Literature and Folklore Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Urgench State University
This article mentions the sources of the epos «Sayatkhan Hamra». The epos of this poem was studied by the people of the Turkic peoples. There are also invaluable sources for the publication of this epic. Speaking of doston, bakhsi and zhirov also talk about the difference in international gaming skills. There are also scientific data about the Uzbek version of the epos. The features of the poems and the motifs of the poems of these people are illustrated by other peoples.
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Жураев М. – Узбекларнинг момакалдирок ва чакмок билан боглик мифологик тасаввурлари [abs] | 133 | pdf |
Mythological images connected with thunder and lightning of Uzbeks
Juraev M.
The Institute of Uzbek language, literature and folklore Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
This article has an analysis of mythological images of Uzbeks connected with thunder and lightning. On the basis of comparatively historical analysis revealed that the genesis of magic rituals executed during the first spring thunder connected with the cult of fertility.
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Айымбетов М.К., Искендерова Е.К. – Каракалпак социал-экономикалык терминлеринин калиплесиуи хэм онын квантитативлик-типологиялык дузилиси [abs] | 137 | pdf |
Formation of Karakalpak social-economical terms and their quantitative- typological structure
Aimbetov M.K., Iskanderova E.K.
Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
The article is devoted to the analysis of objects connected closely with the state of social-economical life of Karakalpaks (designated in our situation), these objects are made up from letter rows (denotative in our situation), and they are arranged in a certain order in a chain. There has been done the quantitative-typological analysis of these objects’ links in the semiotic aspect. The issues of formation and development of terms in the Karakalpak language of the XX-th century are also in the focus of investigation. The meanings of terms are determined from the point of view of Semiotics and their formation are shown on the basis of examples. Quantitative indicators of terms have been analyzed on the material of the folk epos «Аlpamis».
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Ибрагимов Ю.М. – Махмуд Кошгарий «Девони» лексик катламининг хозирги узбек шевалари билан муштараклиги хусусида [abs] | 141 | pdf |
About the relationship of the lexical layer of “Devoni” by Mahmud Kashgariy and the modern Uzbek dialect
Ibragimov Yu.M.
Nukus State Pedagogika Institute
The article deals with the description if the lexiscal layer “Devonu” by Makhnmud Kashgariy in the compavative – historical aspect with the soutbem – Aral Uzbek dialects. The author studies comparativcly the singamonic variants of the lexical tayev and distingvishes polysemantic, synonymous and ahtonymous peculiarities. The veasons of changing their forvuis and meaning have been proved on the basis of factval materials.
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Толыбаев Х.Е. – Каракалпак дастанларындагы топоним, этноним, антропонимлердин оз ара катнасы маселелери [abs] | 144 | pdf |
Interrelated issues of toponym, etnonym, antroponyms in the Karakalpak epic poems
Tolibaev Kh.E.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
In the article, the interrelation of onomastics units – etnonym, antroponym and toponyms were researched based on the examples which can be seen in the language of the Karakalpak epic poems. The features that form toponyms of the etnonym, antroponyms were studied. Etnotoponyms and antropotoponyms which can be seen in the Karakalpak epic poems were analysed by historical-linguistic aspects. The factors, that ethnonym and anthroponym are the basis for formation of toponym, are mentioned. It is proved that ethnonym, anthroponym and toponym are the results of historical process.
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Альниязов А.И. - Хазирги каракалпак тилинде -дагы данекери [abs] | 148 | pdf |
Conjunction "dag'i" in the modern Karakalpak language
Alniyazov A.I.
Karakalpak Scientific Research Institute of Humanities Karakalpak branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article describes the conjunction role and the functional-semantic properties of the conjunction "dag'i", which up to now has not been the object of research in Karakalpak linguistics. In the light of the concept of identities and differences, the role of this word is revealed as a composing conjunction with the actual connecting and other meanings in the expression of the semantics of identity and the difference between the composed components.
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Альниязов А.И. - Тождество и различие в сложносочиненном предложении (на примере каракалпакского, узбекского и казахского языков) [abs] | 153 | pdf |
The sameness and difference in the complex sentence (for example, Karakalpak, Uzbek and Kazakh languages)
Alniyazov A.I.
Karakalpak Scientific Research Institute of Humanities Karakalpak branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article is devoted to the interpretation of complex sentences of Turkic languages, including Karakalpak, from the point of view of the concept of identities and differences. The functions of conjunctions are analyzed, reflecting the relations of identity and differences between the components of a compound sentence, as well as the structural-semantic types of compound sentences with such conjunctions.
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Памяти ученого | | |
Хошниязов Ж. — Уйме-уй кирип… (Кабыл Максетовтын каракалпак фольклоры улгилерин жыйнаудагы хызметлери) | 157 | pdf |