С о д е р ж а н и е | | |
Математика и математическое моделирование | | |
Отаров А.О., Кеунимжаева Г.П. - Решение задачи Коши для обыкновенных дифференциальных уравнений методом степенных рядов [abs] | 5 | pdf |
Solving the Cauchy problem for ordinary differential equations with the method of power series
Otarov A.O., Keynimjaeva G.P.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
In the paper, the method of power series is used to solve the Cauchy problem for a nonlinear ordinary differential equation of the s-th order. The main provisions of a new version of the power series method based on a formal transformation of this series are presented. To calculate the coefficients of the series, a recurrence formula is derived, which makes it possible to calculate any number of coefficients of the series. A condition is stated under which the radius of convergence of the series can be determined numerically. The method is illustrated with the solution of a particular Cauchy problem posed for the third order.
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Физика | | |
Ерназаров У.К., Нарымбетов Б.Ж. — Структура металл-полупроводник контакта в Al-nGaAs [abs] | 9 | pdf |
Structure of the Al-nGaAs «metal-semiconductor» contact
Ernazarov U.K., Narymbetov B.Zh.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The feature of Al-nGaAs contact structure received by thermal sedimentation Al on a surface of (001) GaAs substrates were studied by X-ray diffractometry methods. It is defined formations of the intermediate layer consisting of firm solution AlxGa1-xAs in which volume of area of phases AlAs and AlGaAs2 are distributed statistically. The aluminium layers crystallises on a surface of a transitive layer in the form of a mosaic from elastic-tense crystal blocks, one of <110> directions of which is perpendicular to growth surface and parallel with the substrates [001] direction. Such interface of directions of the substrate and the film predetermines parallelism of [001] directions of Al with [110] of GaAs and [110] of Al with [110] of GaAs in an interface plane. Discrepancy of lattices arising thus in a [110] direction of AlAs models structures of interfaced planes: the discrepancy is 5d110(AlAs) - 7d001(Al) = 0,0007 nanometers, hence, the value of epitaxial elastic pressure reaches of the minimum value.
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Гидрология | | |
Акназаров О.С. – Изменение фракционного состава донных наносов р. Амударьи в верхнем бьефе Тахиаташского гидроузла [abs] | 15 | pdf |
Change in the fractional composition of the bottom sediments of the river Amudarya in the upper pool of the Takhiatash waterworks facility
Aknazarov O.S.
Nukus branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University
In the conditions of artificial influence on the water regime of the river flow, the quantity and quality of the sediment transported, by the river, their mode over time and along the rivers’ length vary. In turn, these changes often cause radical re-formations of the river bed in the waterworks fasility, which can sometimes lead to unforeseen consequences. At the present time, as a result of silting up of the upstream tail of the Takhiatash waterworks facility, problems arise with the introduction of its lower tail and canals of the dam water intake with river sediments. The article gives the results of the analyses of the fractional composition of bottom sediments where the qualitative characteristics of the solid flow are established and the features of their variation along the time and along the river are revealed. The results of the research obtained are of practical importance and can be used in developing measures to improve the operation regime of the Takhiatash waterworks facility and canals of the dam water intake, as well as when designing new and reconstructing existing irrigation systems sub-teams.
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Техника | | |
Аимбетов И.К., Бекимбетов Р.Т. – Исследование осадок фундаментов зданий г. Нукус [abs] | 19 | pdf |
The investigations of foundation settlements of the Nukus city buildings
Aimbetov I.K., Bekimbetov R.Т.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Science Karakalpak Branch Academy Science of the Academy Science of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
The results of systematized results of the foundation settlements of Nukus city buildings are submited in the article. The settlements was calculate by summarizing of settlements layers where was used the results of investigation obtained by local geological organizations. The results of investigations snowed, that limit settlements occurs under not more limit pressure under foundation.
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Каипбергенов Б.Т., Файзуллаев Б.А., Худайбергенов К.К., Юлдашев К.Р. – Идентификация технологического процесса аммонизации производства соды на основе нейро-нечеткой модели [abs] | 22 | pdf |
Identification of the technological process of ammonization of soda production on the basis of a neural-fuzzy model
Kaipbergenov B.T., Fayzullaev B.A., Khudaybergenov K.K., Yuldashev K.R.
Tashkent University of Information Technologies Nukus branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
The rules of the technological process with heterogeneous characteristics and the creation of new methods for identifying the values of the model parameters on the basis of fuzzy neural networks are studied. A general view of the tasks of identification of a neural-fuzzy model is formed. Its features on chemical-technological processes of absorption of soda production are analyzed. A mathematical model of the process wich based on a fuzzy-neural network is created. On the basis of a fuzzy neural network, graphs of the relative values of computer-computational experiments on the algorithms of Sub. Clustering and the Grid partition algorithm are given.
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Бекмуратова З.Т. – Физико-химические испытания бинта нового образца [abs] | 27 | pdf |
Physical and chemical testing of the medical good sample
Bekmuratova Z.T.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
In the article the ways of testing of the new sample of bandage woven medical non-sterile are presented. A new sample of bandage is subjected to physical and chemical tests. Tests are conducted on 17 indicators. The methods and results of the bandage test are given. The products are produced for the first time in Uzbekistan.
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Адылходжаев А.И., Кондрашенко В.И., Махаматалиев И.М., Цой В.М., Ильясов А.Т. – Особенности использования лазерно-интерференционных методов при исследовании деформационных свойств цементосодержащих материалов [abs] | 30 | pdf |
Features of the use of laser-interference methods in the study of deformation properties of cement-containing materials
Adylkhodzhaev A.I., Kondrashchenko V.I., Makhamataliyev I.M., Tsoi V.М., Ilyasov A.T.
Tashkent Institute of Railway Transport Engineers
Moscow State University of Railway Transport
Tashkent Architectural and Construction Institute
The article describes the method of using laser-interference methods developed by the authors to study the deformation properties of cement-containing materials, as well as the features of its use in comparison with other denser (metallic) materials. This technique allows you to establish the features of the process of destruction of cement-containing materials, the nature of deformation, the degree of resistance to the formation of main cracks and the nature of its structure. The use of laser-interference methods in the study of cement-containing materials requires an increase in the power of laser radiation or the application of special coatings to the sample, the rheological processes taking place in the material necessitate a limiting reduction in the recording time; The presence of roughness and loosely bound surface layers of the material force the level of variation of the test load to be limited; There is a need to perform measurements with minimal time intervals for the most complete storage of information.
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Химия и химическая технология | | |
Еникеева З.М., Холтураева Н.Р., Агзамова Н.А., Саидходжаева С.С., Бердимбетова Г.Е. – Комплексы противоопухолевого препарата, полученного из колхицина с глицирризиновой кислотой и ее моноаммонийной солью со сниженной токсичностью [abs] | 36 | pdf |
The complexes of antitumour drug, obtained from the colchicines, with Glycyrrhizic acid and its monoammonium salt with the reduced toxity
Jenykeeva Z.M., Holturaeva N.R., Agzamova N.A., Saidhodjaeva S.S., Berdimdetova G.E.
National Scientific Center of Oncologie of Ministry of Health the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
4 Complexes of GA and MАSGA with Decocine used as an antitumour drug were first obtained in 1:2 and 1:4 rations. The reaction take place within 12 hours, which is shown by the TLC method. The methods of UV and IR spectroscopy show differences in the structure of the complexes obtained from the initial (Decocine). The toxicity of complexes is reduced in comparison with Decocine in 2,5 (№1) and in 6,4 times (№2), in 2,3 (№3) and in 5 times (№4).
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Сейтназарова О.М., Ихтиярова Г.А. – Органически модифицированные бентонитовые глины для очистки сточных вод от активных красителей [abs] | 39 | pdf |
Organically modified bentonite clays for removing strong dyes from waste water
Seitnazarova O.M., Ihtiyarova G.A.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
Buhoro State University
Adsorption of dissolved organic compounds plays the main role on the basis of much technological processes. Nowadays, the using sorbtion processes at the deepest treatment of waste waters from the organic compounds is scientifically actual. The authors have experimentally investigated the structural and adsorbtional properties of bentonite clays. Among chemical and physical methods adsorbtion process is one of the actionable ones to remove dyes from waste water. Investigation of adsorbtion processes of molecules with different structures of organic clay presents interests to solve theoretical and practical aims of adsorbtional technologies.
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Туремуратов Ш.Н., Абылова А.Ж., Туремуратова А.Ш. – Влияние минеральных наполнителей на физико-механические свойства гипсовых вяжущих веществ [abs] | 41 | pdf |
Influence of the mineral fillers on physico-mechanical characteristic gypsum astringent
Turemuratov Sh.N., Abylova A.J., Turemuratova A.Sh.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The Studied influence of the mineral fillers on physico-mechanical characteristic of gypsum astringent. The optimum parameters of the reception of gypsum astringent were determined. On example of half-water sulphate calcium, influence of the type and concentrations of thin disperse fillers to miscellaneous by nature –siliceous carbonate, clayey - on characteristic of coagulating and hydrating structures in their water suspense’s at miscellaneous water-hard relations was studied. It is Installed that nature of thin disperse fillers defines their role as active substrate for standing out new formations: two water gypsum better crystallizes on particle of the quartz and calcite and forms the most thihk contact with particle of these fillers.
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Биоэкология и сельское хозяйство | | |
Айтжанов У.Е., Сейтбаев Р.С., Айтжанов А.Б. – Наследование скороспелости и засухоустойчивости у сложных гибридов, полученных в условиях засоленных земель Каракалпакстана [abs] | 48 | pdf |
The inheritance early mature and dry resistance of the complex ybrids, got in condition of solinity lands of the Karakalpakstan
Aytzhanov B.U., Seytbaev R.S., Aytzhanov U.E.
Karakalpakskiy scientific-research Institute of the Husbandry, Chimbay
Increasing of the moment of coming the maturation occurs on the first stage of the development of the plants basically i.e. to moment of the appearance first fruit. The big difference differs at development inter preparation in full-fledged boll. An equal correlation of the vegetation part of plants and economic harvest, serves the biological base to high productivity early-ripening varieties. A selection of the plants as from hybrid of the second generation on complex economic-valuable sign with provision for early mature follows to conduct in average left part of variational row. Particularly big amount of the early-ripening forms differed, when crossbreed the variety, differring on early mature and type of the branching. The varieties which are selected for crossbreeding with the least amount negative sign.
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Турсынбаева Г.С. – Строение спермодермы пустынных видов семейства Brassicaceae Burnett [abs] | 51 | pdf |
The texture of desert species spermoderms of the family of Brassicaceae Burnett
Tursinbaeva G.S.
State Pedagogical University, Tashkent
The texture of spermoderm of 8 species belong to the family of Brassicaceae was studied, where sprouting in desert Kyzyl-Kum. The particularity of the texture in connection with pulling up the fruits was revealed. Sclerification, hydrocit tissue, pigmentation create the protection of the embryo and provide its safety in long xerothermic period. This become apparent the most completely in fruits and seeds, which byephemersliable to influence of ecological factors in long period. Polycomponent covers, various appendages: trachoma's, spinules, pappus, eliasomes create morphological diversity.
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Шамуратова Н.Г., Нуржанов А.А., Агзамова Х.К., Абдалязов Н.А. – Энтомопатогенные микроорганизмы яблонной плодожорки [abs] | 55 | pdf |
Entomopathogen microorganisms carpocapsapomonella L.
Shamuratova N.G., Nurjanov A.A., Agzamova H.K., Abdalyasov N.A.
Uzbek Scientific Sresearch Institute Protection Plants
Appropriation entomopathogen microorganism from badly lost individual Carpocapsapomonella L. self-collected at different fruit garden Tashkent and Dzhizakareas. From lost caterpillar Carpocapsapomonella L. were allotted: Beauveria bassiana, Spicaria farinose, Verticillium lecani, Aspergillus flavus. Optimum result showed at exertions mush room Beauveria bassiana with title 300 million spore/1ml against Carpocapsapomonella L. death comprised 74,5% at flowing 12 day.
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Жугинисов Т.И., Лебедева Н.И., Мирзаева Г.С., Рустамов К.Ж. - Основные вредители древесных видов Узбекистана [abs] | 57 | pdf |
The basic pergers of trees of Uzbekistan
Juginisov T.I., Lebedeva N.I., Mirzaeva G.S., Rustamov K.J.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
Institute Zoology Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Presently Uzbekistan has registered about 30 species of xylophagous insects. In the semi-desert zone, species from the termite group (Isoptera) are declared to be pests of wood in structures and structures, capable of causing collapse of structures. The article deals with the distribution of xylophagous insects in various ecosystems, the harmfulness of wooden materials. The ways of studying ecological complexes of xylophagous insects are shown. Also studied are the patterns of their formation in plantations of different regions, high-altitude belts and desert zones and methods of combating it.
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Юлдашов М.А., Камилов Б.Г. – Экологические основы выбора направления биотехнологий для увеличения производства рыбы в Узбекистане [abs] | 60 | pdf |
Ecological basics of directions of biotechnological development for fish production increasing in Uzbekistan
Yuldashov M.A., Kamilov B.G.
Institute of fish culture Ministry of Agriculture and Water Management, Tashkent
Institute Zoology Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Fish capturing and pond culture cannot provide multiple fish production increasing in Uzbekistan because they occupied all available water resources. Ecological analysis showed that following directions based on complex water using are promising: cage culture of warmwater and tropical fishes on plains and coldwater fishes in submountain regions, aquaculture feeds production.
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Юлдашов М.А., Камилов Б.Г., Ким С.И. – Зависимость качества воды от скорости её тока в проточных бассейнах при содержании товарной радужной форели [abs] | 62 | pdf |
Water quality dependence from water current in raceway tenks with rainbow trout keeping
Yuldashov M.A., Kamilov B.G., Kim S.I.
Institute of fish culture Ministry of Agriculture and Water Management, Tashkent
Institute Zoology Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
The goal was to develop dependence of dissolved oxygen and total ammonium nitrogen from water current in raceway tanks with rainbow trout. In three tanks (17*1.5*1.2 m) with water supply 12.6 m3/hour in each water depth was changed. 2000 trouts (200 g) were kept in each tank. Raceway tanks provide favourable conditions of total ammonium nitrogen and dissolved oxygen. It was shown that during periods of water deficiency water depth can be decreased for water current increasing that will increase oxygen diffusion from atmosphere to water.
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Холов Ё.Д. – Влияние неблагоприятных агроэкологических условий Бухарского оазиса на межузловое расстояние стебля у сортов хлопчатника и их гибридных рас [abs] | 64 | pdf |
Influence of unfavorable agroecological terms of Bukhara oasis on between khots distance of stem at sorts of cotton plant and their hybrid races
Kholov Y.D.
Bukhara State University
To the article research results are driven in the soil climatic terms of the Bukhara oasis, on areas where widespread in different steppes in salt, old irrigable pratal alluvial soils. It is marked that in the changes of межузловой length of stem at the sorts of the cotton plant and hybrid races got from them, grown on soils with the different degree of salinity of the Bukhara oasis there is the phenomenon of heterosis, indicative on that middle index of firstgeneration higher as compared to two paternal and maternal forms of these signs.
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Рзаев Р.М. – Особенности морфофункциональной изменчивости организма юношей, проживающих в Республике Каракалпакстан [abs] | 67 | pdf |
The peculiarities of morphofunctional variability of youth's organism living in the Republic of Karakalpakstan
Rzaev R.M.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
The article deals with the matters of investigating the age-specific peculiarities of anthropometric and functional parameters of the youth living in the Republic of Karakalpakstan. Comparative results of the diastolic blood pressure of the youth from the different regions of the republic showed that the youth of senior age-group (22 years old) pointed out the upper-range (maximum) values in all three zones of the republic. Probably, it is reasoned by high tension of adaptive answering in the organism of the youth in studying period. The minimum values are pointed out in the youngest age-group youth from the northern regions of the republic.
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Кудайбергенова У.К., Мадреймов А.М. – Эколого-гигиеническая характеристика показателей окружающей среды как фактор риска в развитии заболеваний среди населения Каракалпакстана [abs] | 71 | pdf |
Ecological-hygienic characteristics of indicators in the environment as a rick in development of diseases among the population of Karakalpakstan
Kudaybergenova U.K., Madreymov А.М.
Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
The Republic Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological supervision of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Nukus
The article presents the results of analysis of environmental factors (atmospheric air and drinking water quality) in the Republic of Karakalpakstan. It is shown that the specific gravity of atmospheric air samples exceeding the MPC of polluting substances was 27.8% to 7.2%. Water supply of various regions of Karakalpakstan is based on surface and underground waters of the Amudarya river basin. The environment in the Republic of Karakalpakstan is a dynamic environment, in which both qualitative and quantitative changes are constantly occurring.
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Рузиев Ю.С. – Анализ молекулярных изоформ трансферрина в диагностике латентного дефицита железа [abs] | 75 | pdf |
Analysis of molecular isopherm transferring in diagnostics of the latent iron deficiency
Ruziev Yu.S.
Samarkand State University
The high information marker for verification of latent iron deficient becomes is investigation of isotransferrin spectrum of blood serum. At reduce of quantity of diferritransferrin and increase of quantity of unsaturated of iron isoforms-monoferri and apotransferrin in common pool of transferrin may be diagnosis of latent iron deficiency.
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Азизов И. – Взаимодействие Узбекистана с организацией безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе (ОБСЕ) в деле преодоления последствий Аральского экологического кризиса [abs] | 78 | pdf |
Interaction of Uzbekistan with the organization for security and cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in case of overcoming the consequences of the Aral ecological crisis
Azizov I.
Oliy Majlis Senat of Uzbekistan Republic, Tashkent
In particular, the article reveals certain aspects of the interaction of the parties in overcoming the consequences of the Aral ecological crisis. The article explores the main forms and methods of interaction, as well as technologies that are being implemented in the Aral Sea region with the support of the OSCE. A special attention is paid to the issues of increasing the potential of journalists covering environmental issues, as well as some joint social projects to reduce the negative consequences of the environmental crisis.
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Экономика | | |
Мусагалиев А.Ж. – Краткий обзор истории развития теории налогообложения [abs] | 81 | pdf |
Brief review of history development of taxation theory
Musagaliev A.J.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The paper wrote about of history development of taxation theory. In particular, economical maintenance of theoretical analyses of definitions taxes notions illumination. Also, opened essence of taxations principle and classical and neo classical schools trends of taxation theory.
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Жапаров А.Г. – Коракалпогистон Республикасининг демографик ривожланиш тахлили [abs] | 84 | pdf |
Analysis of the demographic development of the Republic of Karakalpakstan
Japarov A.G.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Natural Sciences Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article analyzes the demographic state of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. Studied by the gradual change in she population in particular: fertility, mortality, natural increase and migration process. Conclusions are drawn from the study of sex age composition, labor resources, economic activity and employment of the population.
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История, философия, правоведение,
религия, социология и политология | | |
Идрисов Р. - История книгопечатания Каракалпакстана (историографический аспект) [abs] | 88 | pdf |
Typography history of Karakalpakstan (historiography aspect)
Idrisov R.
Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
Historigraphical aspect of history of printing and publishing of industry of Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan analysis in this work. The short excursion analyzed into bibliography of Uzbekistan. It is analyzing examined question of first publishes in historiography of Karakalpakstan. It is giving the characterization of historigraphical materials on the question of second half of XX century. Necessity of scientific analyze of history of printing and publishing industry is actualizing in Karakalpakstan.
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Хожаниязов Г., Торениязов А., Бекбаулиев А. - Тилау-хана Шамун-наби [abs] | 91 | pdf |
Shamun-nabi tilau-khanа
Khozhaniyazov G., Toreniyazov A., Bekbauliev A.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article is devoted to the results of archaeological research at the mausoleum of Shamun-nabi located on the Mizdakhan complex in the Khodjali region of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. At the same time, data on written sources and information on the history of archaeological research of the monument are given. The article also talks about the architecture of the monument and findings found during archaeological works. Based on the finds of ceramics and ossuaries, the study of cultural layers is the scientific conclusion about the time of the habitat of the volcano.
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Азходжаева Р.А. – Конституция Республики Узбекистан и международное право [abs] | 95 | pdf |
The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan and international law
Azkhodjaeva R.A.
Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute
This article is devoted to the 25th anniversary of Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, its continuous and evolutionary reform. Special attention paid to the role of international law in the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Thus, the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted a complex of principles and norms of international law from the UN charter, the universal declaration of human rights in 1948 and other international acts. For the first time the Constitution proclaims the priority of the general recognized norms of international law over inside of the state. The Constitutional principles and norms found and find their further development of the laws and by-laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
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Маткурбанов Р.Ж. – Таълим сохасини маъмурий хукукий тартибга солишнинг узига хос хусусиятлари [abs] | 97 | pdf |
The issues concerned to the specific features of the administrative and legal regulation in the sphere of education
Matkurbanov R.J.
Central In-servise and Retraining Institute of Public education staff, Tashkent
The issues concerned to the specific features of the administrative and legal regulation in the sphere of education, the management functions of the educational institutions, the cooperation between the executive bodies and educational institutions, the role of the educational institutions in the process of administrative-legal relations, importance educational institutions’ manifestation in the vertical and horizontal administrative and legal tactics have been discussed in this article.
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Филология | | |
Хошниязов Ж. – Ертек дастанлар [abs] | 101 | pdf |
The fairy tale – epos
Khoshniyazov J.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak branch of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Clause is analyzed the fairy tale - epos as a kind epic of a genre. The brief review to sources is made. Is determined the reasons of occurrence of the fairy tale-epos. The author gives of the special attention to ways of development and distribution of the given epos. In clause is investigated materials from repertoir Khiyas jirau and Khurbanbay jiraw (Jiraw-the executor of the epos).
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Амирлан С.Е. – Санамашлар – соз онеринин баслангыш улгиси [abs] | 106 | pdf |
Counting – as the first sample of verbal art
Amirlan S.E.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
One of the sample of poetry fosterage includes counting, which is the most ancient way of calculation teaching, counting has a great role in enriching vocabulary and speaking skill. These features of genre is the indicator of the counting place in folk pedagogics.
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Жураев М. – «Сохибкирон» достони сюжетининг эпик талкинлари [abs] | 110 | pdf |
Epic interpretations of the plot of the dastan "Sakhibkiron"
Juraev M.
Institute of the Uzbek language, literature and folklore of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
The author's reflections on variants and versions of dastan "Sakhibkirоn", one of the most popular in the repertoire of Uzbek narrators, are described in the article, their peculiar features and historical-genetic bases are highlighted. There is given a comparative analysis of variants of this epos in the performance of poets Islam Nazarov, Umir Safarov and Zahir Kuchkarov.
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Бекимбетов А.М. – Специфические особенности каракалпакских народных преданий [abs] | 118 | pdf |
Specific features of Karakalpak folk legend
Bekimbetov A.М.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
This article says about the problem of studing the genre «An’iz» in Karakalpak folklore. The genre is studied in comparative aspect with its analogs in Uzbek, Kazakh, Turkmen and Russian folklore. This genre in the folklore of Turkic people’s prose is still used under various names.
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Байниязова Т.К. – Об изучении взаимосвязи литератур в каракалпакском литературоведении [abs] | 123 | pdf |
To the study of the literary relationships in Karakalpak literary study
Bayniyazova T.K.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Contemporary Karakalpak literature was formed and developed on the basis of national folklore and classical literature, as well as the best traditions of the literature of the East and the West. The article is devoted to the problem of studying of the literary relationships in the Karakalpak literary study. Based on the material of the Karakalpak literary study it is possible to the trends of theoretical thought on this problem.
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Утемуратова Х. – Повестьлердин изертлениуи маселелери [abs] | 128 | pdf |
Problems of research of the stories
Utemuratova H.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Clause is devoted to urgent problems of the Karakalpak prose. Especially in clause is considered problems of the Karakalpak stories. The problems on an example of creativity of the writers M.Daribaev, A.Shamuratova, B.Bekniyazova, are studied Kh.Ermanov and others. The prosaic product M.Daribaev is investigated. In the end will become conclusions.
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Бегмуратова Г.А. - Каракалпак адебияттаныу илиминде поэма жанрынын изертлениу тарийхынан [abs] | 131 | pdf |
From history of research of genre "a poem" is ina karakalpak study of literature science
Begmuratova G.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
In the article history is examined research about Karakalpak poems. The analyses of исследованых works are entered about a genre " poem" of Karakalpak literary criticism. Comparatively studied and сапоставлены value of term "poem". Some tasks that must on the future be taken into account at the study of Karakalpak literary criticism are certain. Conclusions are done in the article.
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Сообщения | | |
Холов Ё.Д. – Изменение количества межузлов у сортов хлопчатника и их гибридных рас, выращиваемых в неблагоприятных агроэкологических условиях Бухарского оазиса [abs] | 138 | pdf |
Change of amount between knots at sorts of cotton plant and their hybdir races in unfavorable agroecological terms of Bukhara oasis
Kholov Y.D.
Bukhara State University
To the article the results of determination of ecological terms of growing of sorts of cotton plant are driven in the conditions of the Bokharan oasis. It is marked that one of important biological signs (components) of stability to in salt soils, including phases of ripening and development of plants there is a presence of amount of between knots main stem of plants. It is set that on soils with the different degree of salinity and soils washed from solinization amount of between knots of the studied sorts of cotton plant of Bukhara-8, Omad, С-4727 and at the hybrid races got from them changes in the period of height and development on the relation of genotypes of these plants.
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Юбилеи | | |
Жалгас Хошниязов - 70 жаста | 141 | pdf |
Перечень работ, опубликованных в «Вестник Каракалпакского отделения Академии наук Республики Узбекистан» в 2017 году | 143 | pdf |
Правила для авторов | 148 | pdf |