С о д е р ж а н и е | | |
Математика и математическое моделирование | | |
Тлеумуратова Б.С. – Аналитическая модель как квинтэссенция результатов моделирования системы процессов [abs] | 5 | pdf |
Analytic model as quintessential of results of system processes modeling
Tleumuratovа B.S.
Karakalpak Research Institute for Natural Sciences, Academy of Science of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Regulations and principles of final stage of author conception of compound natural processes system modeling are stated in the article. Analytic model building is based on summarized modeling results. Applied meaning of analytic model is shown for inculcating the investigation results. As illustration of theoretical part of conception analytic model of forcing ecological transformations South Priaralye on agro climatic conditions is given. The model is built on basis of generalization of author imitation MIDACS realization results.
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Физика | | |
Исмайлов К.А., Отениязов Е., Шарибаев М.Б., Кенжаев З.Т. – Физические свойства солнечных элементов на основе кремния [abs] | 8 | pdf |
Физические свойства солнечных элементов на основе кремния
Исмайлов К.А., Отениязов Е., Шарибаев М.Б., Кенжаев З.Т.
Каракалпакский научно-исследовательский институт естественных наук Каракалпакского отделения Академии наук Республики Узбекистан, Нукус
Каракалпакский государственный университет, Нукус
В статье анализирована работа солнечных элементов из кремния. Рассмотрены основные теоретические и практические требования для солнечных элементов. Приведены электрические и оптические свойства солнечных элементов из кремния, их вольт-амперные характеристики при освещении. Указано влияние температуры и радиации на параметры солнечных элементов. Показано, что солнечные элементы на основе объемных монокристаллических и поликристаллических материалов обладают высоким КПД и стабильностью.
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Химия и химическая технология | | |
Севинчов Н.Г., Умаров Б.Б., Турсунов М.А., Авезов К.Г., Абдурахмонов С.Ф., Севинчова Д.Н., Парпиев Н.А. – Комплексы никеля (II) с бис-бензоилгидразонами β, β'-тетракарбонильных соединений [abs] | 14 | pdf |
Nickel(II) complexes of wih the bis-benzoyilhydra-zones of β, β'-tetrakarbonil compounds
Sevinchov N.G., Umarov B.B., Tursunov M.A., Avezov K.G., Abdurahmonov S.F., Sevinchova D.N., Parpiev N.A.
Preparation methods of synthesis of a series new ligand are developed on the basis of products of condensation an bis-β-dicetones with hydrazides of benzoyiles acids. Complex connections Ni2L.2А (L=H 4L1-H4L6, А=ammonia, pyridine and pipyridine) on the basis of allocated ligands are received and characterised. Structure and bicycle complexes of a plainly-square structure with a set of a trance - [N2O2] atoms of the centrales ion-complex-formations are established by the methods of the element analysis, IR- and NMR spectroscopy.
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Техника | | |
Ерназаров Р.С. - Динамика развития определяющих потерь электроэнергии при транспортировке и эффективности потребления факторов за 2001-2011 годы [abs] | 20 | pdf |
Denermining the dynamics of development of electricity losses during transportation and consumption efficiency factors for the years 2001-2011
Ernazarov R.S.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
In this paper we analyze the dynamics of the development of the technical characteristics of the power supply and socio-economic indicators Uzbekistan needed to predict at rationing electricity losses during transportation and consumption growth. In this paper, based on official data "Uzbekenergo" and authoritative international expert organizations on energy development impact study technical indicators mains, growth in gross domestic product, population and urbanization indicators dynamics total technical electricity losses for 2001-2011 years. It is shown that the expansion of logistics supply (increasing the length of the power supply lines of different levels, the number of transformer and distribution stations, ets.) is both natural growth and creating total technical losses of electricity transmission and distribution, and limiting the growth of this loss factor. In this regard, it is very important to work on electricity demand, introducing modern automated accounting systems and control of electrical energy consumption. Retention requirements for electricity within the prescribed limits without compromising economic growth of the country and providing a comfortable living of the population subject to a moderate increase power generation capacity is only possible through the introduction of energy saving technologies in industry.
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Гайибов Т.Ш., Реймов К.М. - К учету потерь в сетях при оптимизации режимов энергосистем [abs] | 26 | pdf |
To taking into account of losses in electrical networks at power systems mode optimization
Gayibov T.Sh., Reymov K.M.
Tashkent State Technical University
In the article the problems of taking into account of power losses in electrical networks at power systems mode optimization are researched. Also, dependences of mode optimality on balancing bus choosing are considered. The results of calculated-experimental researches are given. In the basis of received results determined that power systems mode optimality is independent on balancing bus choosing. Getting the additional accept of alteration in balancing bus connects in accordance with the alteration of its voltage.
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Биоэкология и сельское хозяйство | | |
Мамбетуллаева С.М., Бахиева Л.А., Туреева К.Ж., Атамуратов Р., Оразова Ш.Ш. - Исследование особенностей распределения биогенных элементов в водных экосистемах Приаралья методом главных компонент [abs] | 29 | pdf |
Research of features of distribution of biogenic elements in water ecosystems of Priaral a method main a component
Mambetullaeva S.M., Bakhiyeva L.A., Tureeva K.Zh., Atamuratov R., Orazova Sh. Sh.
Karakalpar Research Institute for Natural Sciences, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Karakalpak State University, Nukus,
Nukus State Pedagogic Institute
Main the component is carried out by a method the analysis of variability of indicators of a condition and distribution of biogenic elements in water ecosystems of Priaral. In different terms of supervision of a condition of transfer of biogenic substances are defined by various factors. Essential it is represented the indicators characterizing the general contents, properties and distribution of biogenic elements. Results of research allow to explain observed features of functioning of water ecosystems and specificity of dynamics of biogenic elements.
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Матжанова Х.К., Орел М.М., Матжанов Т.К. - Cравнительный анализ состояния галофильной растительности на осушенном дне Аральского моря (за последние 20 лет) [abs] | 32 | pdf |
Comparative analysis of condition of halophyte vegetation on the drained bottom of the Aral sea (for last 20 years)
Matjanova Kh.K., Orel M.M., Мatjanov T.K.
Karakalpar Research Institute for Natural Sciences, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Changes of soil conditions and vegetation for the period of last 20 years on the drained bottom of Aral sea are considered in this article. Halophytes which most adapted to adverse conditions of environment are investigated. The dependence between soil salinity and halo accumulative adaptation of plants is revealed. It is determined, that the further proceeding succession, entails replacement of one kinds with others. It is established, that there is negatively progressing transformation of the natural environment.
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Турсунбоев Х.Е., Арепбаев И.М. - Биология семенного размножения видов рода Acer L. в условиях юга Каракалпакстана [abs] | 36 | pdf |
Biology of the duplication of seed of the species of genus Acer L. in condition of the south Karakalpakstan
Tursunboev H.E., Arepbaev I.M.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
In this article, periods of the sowing in the condition of the south Karakalpakstan are studied the seed of A. saccharinum, A. tataricum, A. ginnala, A. campestre, A. pseudoplatanus, A. semenovii, A. negundo. It is found out that in the condition of the Karakalpakstan, the seeds of A. saccharinum ripe in the second half of the April, of A. tataricum – at July, of A. ginnala – at the end of July, of A. campestre and of A. pseudoplatanus – at the end of September, but of A. negundo at the end of the September – at the beginning of October. The dynamics of the growth of Acer L. was found in the first years.
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Каршибаева Н.Х., Самандарова З., Хайдаров Б. - Редкие виды растений в Туркестанском хребте (Джизакская область), внесенные в Красную книгу Республики Узбекистан [abs] | 39 | pdf |
The rare species in mountain of Turkestan (Jizzak region) made in red book of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Kharshiboeva N.X., Samandarova Z., Haydarov B.
Jizzakh State Pedagogical Iinstitute
The article discusses are rare species the growing on the territory the mountain of Turkestan (Jjizzak) introduced in the Red Book of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The rare species are listed in the table section. There are Astragalus belolipovii, Eremurus robustus Regel, Ferula fedtchenkoana, Corydalis sewerzowii Regel, A. characteristic. The characteristic was of these species. Proposed measures were given of protecting of the rare species which grow in mountain of Turkistan.
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Тилеумуратова Б.А. – К вопросу распространения основных лекарственных растений в Каракалпакстане [abs] | 43 | pdf |
To the question of distribution of the main herbs in Karakalpakstan
Tileumuratova B.A.
Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
In article questions of distribution of the main herbs in the territory Karakalpakstan are considered. By the author it is established that intensive desertification and salinization of lower reaches of Amu Darya now is observed. Distribution of herbs on the natural regions of Karakalpakstan very unevenly. There is a distinction of ecological conditions of natural areas and ecological types of plants. It is established that the ecological range of growth of herbs in the territory of the Republic of Karakalpakstan very wide – from water ecosystems to typical desert plants.
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Юсупов Р.О. - Биология развития дынной мухи на бахчевых культурах [abs] | 45 | pdf |
Biology of development in the number of melon fly for melons
Yusupov R.O.
Nukus branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University
The article presents the results of researches to determine the biological features of the development of melon fly. Found that the pest causing serious harm to the first and second generations. To prevent necessary to carry out protective measures against adults - chemical method. Against larvae, pupae - agrotechnical method for early and middle-melon varieties.
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Абраматов М.Б., Амиров О.А., Рузиев Б.Х., Кучбоев А.Э. – Фауна и экология нематод рода Haemonchus Cobbold, 1898 – эндопаразитов копытных животных [abs] | 47 | pdf |
Fauna and ecology of nematode of the genus Haemonchus (Nematoda: Trichostrongylidae) - endoparasites of animals
Abramatov M.B., Amirov O.O., Ruziev B.Kh., Kuchboev A.E., Golovanov V.I.
Termez State University
Institute of the Gene Pool of Plants and Animals World of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Karshi State University
Currently, 13 species of the considered genus parasitizing the abomasums of ungulate animals have been recorded. The ungulates of the family of Cervidae (1) Antilocapridae (1), Giraffidae (1), Bovidae (12) and camels (2) were recorded as definitive hosts of this parasite. Individual populations of the Haemonchus species were recorded in Asia, Europe, America, Africa and Australia. Sex ratio in Haemonchus contortus between females and males is 1:5. One female lays from 150 to 10.000 eggs per day.
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Аденбаев Е., Темирбеков Р.О., Бектурсынов А., Исраилова И. – Морфобиологическая характеристика амурского чебачка – Pseudorasbora parva (Schlegel) водоемов низовьев Амударьи [abs] | 51 | pdf |
Morphological and biological characteristic of Pseudorasbora parva (Schlegel) in reservoirs of Amu Darya's lower parts
Adenbayev Е., Temirbekov R.O., Bektursinov А., Israilova I.
Karakalpak Research Institute for Natural Sciences, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The present article is based on the materials collected in reservoirs in lower parts of the river of Amu Darya. In article are investigated morphological and biological features, distribution of casual migrant - pseudorasbora parva (Schlegel) in reservoirs of the lower watercourse of Amu Darya. Data on size-weight, age content and its influence on commercial ichthyo-fauna of natural and artificial reservoirs of the Republic of Uzbekistan are resulted. Questions of morphological variability of different sized groups of Amudarya populations of pseudorasbora parva are considered. In total it is investigated 169 copies of a fish.
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Матуразов Б.М., Абдикамалов Х.И. – Особенности формирования и совершенствования индивидуального стиля юных боксеров в Республике Каракалпакстан [abs] | 55 | pdf |
To the question distribution of the main features of formation and improvement of individual style of young boxers in the Republic of Karakalpakstan
Maturazov B. M., Abdikamalov H.I.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
In this article questions of formation and improvement of individual style of young boxers in the Republic of Karakalpakstan are considered. It is noted that individual creative participation in process of improvement of technical skill stimulates boxers for search of additional opportunities of the self-realization characterizing level of physical readiness. Results of competitive activity of boxers significantly depend on level of formation of the moral and strong-willed qualities having leading value in single combats. Depending on level of technical and tactical readiness the boxer owns a significant amount of motive skills that allows to choose the most effective receptions and ways of performance of attacking and protective actions taking into account a concrete situation.
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Медицина | | |
Калиш Ю.И., Кабулов М.К., Турсуметов А.А., Оразалиев Б.Х., Кабулов Т.К. – Выбор метода операции при сочетанных язвах желудка и двенадцатиперстной кишки [abs] | 59 | pdf |
Kalish Y.I., Kabulov M.K., Tursumetov A.A., Orazaliev B.Sh., Kabulov T.K.
Republic specialized surgery Centr
Experience of surgical treatment of 354 patients with combined stomach ulcers and a duodenal gut (ІІ type of ulcers on Johnson H.D., 1965). At every third patient (32,8 %) met "difficult" for a resection of a stomach of an ulcer, huge in the sizes, high on localization, plural by quantity and their combinations. Last features of typology of ulcers dictated a choice of a method and volume of a resection of the stomach, carried out, as a rule, in an atypical variant. Postoperative die after emergency operations has made - 13,04 %, and after planned - 2,7 %.
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Экономика | | |
Салаев С.К. – Экономические реформы и их эффект в развитии животноводства в Узбекистане [abs] | 64 | pdf |
Econimic reforms and their effects to growth rate of livestock in Uzbekistan
Salaev S.K., Ataev J.E., Gulmanov M.A.
Urgench State University
Balearic University, Spain
The livestock sector is very important in ensuring food security and livelihoods of rural population in Uzbekistan. This paper analyzes the rate of livestock development in Uzbekistan, besides the impact of reforms on the rate of livestock development in Uzbekistan. The results show that during the period 1994-2012 the average growth of livestock sector was 4.7 percent, and by the end of piecewise linear regression average growth rate of the livestock has since 2006. Thus, the results and statistical analysis show that the average growth rate of the sector was 3.4 per cent until 2006, which is 8.1 per cent during 2006-2012.
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Hamroyeva Sh., Shadiyeva S. - Korporativ boshqaruv kodekslari bo'yicha chet el davlatlari tajribasi [abs] | 68 | pdf |
Practices of foreign countries on Corporate Governance Codes
Khamraeva Sh., Shadieva S.
The University of World Economy and Diplomacy, Toshkent
In the article the history of development of corporate governance codes and their features in different countries are considered and comparative analyzes of particularities in working out of them is made. More effective mechanisms of implementation of corporate codes abroad are analyzed. The author's viewpoint about the necessity of adoption of the most effective instruments using in the foreign practice of corporate governance in Uzbekistan is pointed out.
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Арзуова Ш.А., Досекеев Ж.И., Маденова Э.И. – Агропромышленный комплекс: нынешнее состояние, тенденции и важнейшие задачи по его развитию [abs] | 72 | pdf |
Agroindustrial complex: modern situation, tendention and important tasks on its development
Arzuova Sh.A., Dosekeev J.I., Madenova I.I.
Karakalpar State University, Nukus
The most important economic changes and reforms implemented in Uzbekistan after independence in order to build an open market economy, have touched the agro-industrial complex of our country. This article describes the current state of agriculture of the Republic, trends in the international market of agricultural products, and the objectives, which should be reached by agricultural enterprises in order to improve the competitive advantage of domestic products. There are also considered a special role of the infrastructure in the development of agriculture. One of the important factor in the improvement of this sector is the state support to the agricultural sector by various benefits and privileges. All these measures give the confidence, that in near future the period of transformation in the agro-industrial complex of Uzbekistan will finish and farms, small business, when implementing their activities, will be guided by the rules of the open market and free competition.
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Кремков М.В., Умаров А.А. – Методологические основы экспертной оценки эффективности деятельности учреждений науки [abs] | 76 | pdf |
The methodological framework for science institutions efficient activity expert evalution
Kremkov M.V., Umarov A.A.
Institute of Power Enyineerin and Automation
Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences
There were analyseed the methodological framework used in the different countries to assess the research results level and the scientelic institutions effectiveness which are very different, both in their purpose, criterion approaches and in recommendations made to their performance improvemint. In order to determine the scientelic institutions ranking and their research investigations significance it is proposed to conduct a comprehensive and integrated expert evaluation of their performance on the program-oriented base and targeted approach by using of characteristic values groups and scientific activity indicators chosen according to the type and quality of the results, the volume and importance of their scientific products, as well as taking into account the economic and social impact and the international recognition of scientific institutions results.
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История, философия, правоведение,
религия, социология и политология | | |
Палваниязов А.Ю. – Причины и последствия ранних браков [abs] | 82 | pdf |
Reasons and results of early marriage
Palvaniyazov A.Y.
Karakalpak Research Institute for Natural Sciences, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
In this article analyze dynamics of separation as a result of early married in Republic of Karakalpakstan. Reasons and results of early married is learned in this article. Notion of early married is described. In being learned of problem’s scientific source in theory is opened. Directions of juridical problems in learned.
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Филология | | |
Каримходжаев Н.Ш. - Каракалпак тилиндеги структура-семантикалык калькалардын айырым озгешеликлери [abs] | 87 | pdf |
Some features structural-semantic calques in karakalpak language
Karimkhojaev N.Sh.
Tashkent State Agrarian University, Nukus branch
In the article are discussed some features structural-semantic calques in the karakalpak language. Calques lexical units are considered from the point of view of morphological structure. Analyzed calques are formed with the help some suffix. Characterized the language phenomena are occurring in language at calques with the help prefix. In borrowing words by calques indicate as on of sources the enrichment of lexicon of the karakalpak language.
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Хожанов М.Б. - Каракалпак тилиндеги кус атамаларынын семантикалык топарлары [abs] | 89 | pdf |
The semantic groups of birds’ names in karakalpak language
Shojanov M.B.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
This article is devoted to the classification of the birds’ names in Karakalpak language according to the motivate sings. They saved their definite internal forms. It is determined that the motivate sings attended in the process of the forming of the ornitonims. Also, it is determined that what principles of nomination attented in forming this or that motivate sign at the onomasiological process. It is shown that the names which are dark in semantics and structure needed for the etymological analysis.
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Карлыбаева Г.Е. - Ажинияз шыгармалары тилиндеги фразеологизмлердин семантикалык топарлары хаккында [abs] | 91 | pdf |
The semantic groups of phrase logical units in Аjiniyaz’s poems
Karlibaeva G.E.
Karakalpar State University, Nukus
This article deals with lexica-semantic peculiarities of Karakalpak classical poet Ajiniyaz. The article analyzes semantic groups of phraseologisms in poet’s works. The stylistic function of phraseologisms are determined. Lexical variants of phraseologisms are given. Peculiarities of using these phraseologisms are also researched in the article.
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Сайимбетов Ш.О. - Ажинияз хэм ХХ асир каракалпак халык шайырларынын доретиушилиги [abs] | 94 | pdf |
Ajiniyaz and creativity of the Karakalpak national poets XX of century
Sayimbetov Sh.O.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanitaries Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Ajiniyaz - poet XIX of century the brought in powerful contribution in development of the Karakalpak classical literature. In this clause on products of the Karakalpak national poets XX of century is analyzed ideas - belief, the outlook and is picturesque of the poet Ajiniyaz. And also the belief about interrelation product Ajiniyaz and national poets will be made scientific - theoretical. In products of the national poets the poetry Ajiniyaz and tradition of the description of his(its) image is investigated. In clause it is proved by scientific belief.
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Бекбергенова З.У. - Роман сюжетин рауажландырыуда диалогтын коркемлик хызмети маселеси (Ш.Сейтовтын «Шырашылар», К.Матмуратовтын «Тербенбес» романлары мысалында) [abs] | 97 | pdf |
Dialogue problem in plot development of the artistic work (on the example of SH Seytov’s work “Torch bearers” and K. Matmuratov’s “Terbenbes”)
Bekbergenova Z.U.
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanities Karakalpak branch of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
In the plot-compositional structure of prosaic works of dialogue, the disclosure of spiritual world of hero executes the development function of work plot line. In this article the analysis of given problem is shown by the novel samples of Sh.Syetov’s “Torch-bearers” and K.Matmuratov’s “Terbenbes”. This position was seen in russian, uzbek, and kazakh literary criticism. But this problem was not an object of research in karakalpak literary criticism. It is given the enlighten of these sides of the given problem on the sample of two karakalpak literary works.
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Матмуратова Р.З. - Комедия жанрынын калиплесиу дереклери [abs] | 101 | pdf |
The sources of forming of a comedian genre
Matmuratova R.Z.
Karakalpar State University, Nukus
There is always demanded for the drama in every period. Consequently, it is an actual issue to study its background. The forming source of comedy has been studied in this article. The elements of comedy genre were closely connected with old periodical memorials. The forms of folklore are considered as a factor of forming karakalpak comedy’s specifies.
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Образование | | |
Бабашев Ф.А. - Хорезмская Академия Маъмуна как фактор развития науки в Центральной Азии [abs] | 105 | pdf |
Mamun Academy of Khorezm as a factor of development of Science in Central Asia
Babashev F.A.
Tashkent Financial Institute
The article analyzes the social-economic and historical prerequisites of creation of the Khorezm Mamun academy. The author studied also moral and educational views of scholars of the academy and made practical recommendations to use in educational and educational sphere. The events described in the article related to the medieval history of Karakalpakstan.
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Сообщения | | |
Насриддинова М.Р. – Рост и развитие надземных частей Rosmarinus Officinalis L. в начальных стадиях онтогенеза [abs] | 109 | pdf |
Growth and development of aerial parts of Rosmarinus officinalis L. in initial stages of ontogenesis
Nasriddinova M.R.
Karshi State University
Rosmarinus officinalis L. for the first time introduced in conditions of Karshi. Growth and development of above-ground parts of that specie in initial stages ontogenesis are studied. In the first year of development the plants well grew and have branched to 2 order spears. One-year plants have appeared steady against strong cold. In the year of development in the conditions of Karshi Rosmarinus officinalis L. have not blossomed.
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Юбилеи | | |
Жуманов М.А. - Экономика илимлеринин кандидаты, доцент Ережеп Избасканов 80 жаста! | 112 | pdf |