С о д е р ж а н и е | | |
Физика | | |
Исмайлов К.А., Отениязов Е., Атаджанова Р., Аметов Р., Турсынбаев С. - радиационно-стимулированные геттерирования в полупроводниковых приборных структурах [abs] | 5 | pdf |
Radiation-enhanced gettering in semiconductor device structures
Ismailov K.A., Oteniyazov E., Atadjanova R., Ametov R., Tursynbaev S.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
Karakalpak Research Institute for Natural Sciences, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
This paper observes physical structure of Schottky barrier diodes based on GaAs affected by irradiation and also the effects related to structure-admixture ordering, accompanied with the barrier structure parameter changes. Sometimes these effects allows interface properties control during manufacturing for a wide range of devices (hetero-diodes, Schottky diodes, p-n junction diodes) and improve some of their physical characteristics.
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Химия и химическая технология | | |
Косымбетов П.Г., Тулепова Г.С., Шомурадов С.С., Утениязов К.К. - Действие пептидов из семян Apium graveolens на проводимость бислойных липидных мембран [abs] | 8 | pdf |
Action of peptides from Apium graveolens seeds on bilayer lipid membranes conductivity
Kosymbetov P.G., Tulepova G.S., Shomuradov S.S., Uteniyazov K.K.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
Influence of peptides from Apium graveolens seeds on bilayer lipid membranes conductivity was studied. This research indicates of the some aspects of their molecular action mechanisms on lipid matrix. Also it shows possible correlation between the membrane active properties of biocide peptides ones toxic effects on pathogens. It was shown that one of mechanisms of fungicide activity realization by the studied peptides is formation of conducting structures in phospholipid bilayers. The phenomena lead to initial packing defect of lipid bilayer different pathogen membranes. The results of this study indicate that the membrane active properties of biocide peptides from Apium graveolens seeds depend on their structural features. This difference in membrane activity may be caused by differences in their affinity for membranes.
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Бауатдинов С., Бауатдинов Т.С., Таджиев С.М., Эркаев А.У., Алланиязов Д.О. – Исследование глауконита Каракалпакстана как удобрения и применение его под хлопчатник [abs] | 11 | pdf |
Study of glouconits and their application in cotton fields of Karakalpakstan as a firtilizer
Bayatdinov S., Bayatdinov T.S., Tadjiev S.M., Erkaev A.U., Allaniyazov D.O.
Karakalpak Research Institute for Natural Sciences, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Tashkent Chemical-technologic Institute, Tashkent
Institute of General Chemistry and Non-organic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
The results of the field survey described in this article show how the new sort of slow running fertilizer affects on harvest and cotton grow. Have been relieved that in case applying cotton fields with such fertilizers, which we work out ourselves, the harvest becomes richer, soil structure becomes more active and humus function in soil become more effective. These new sorts of fertilizers, which we get ourselves called “glaucofos”. With different portions of nutritious components, which mainly based on glauconits having Karakalpakstan origin and using new technology, which we developed ourselves and after having tested for several times we gain a good results. Based on the scientifically proved results, it could be recommended for application.
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Науки о земле | | |
Аимбетов И.К. - Инженерно-геологическая оценка использования поливной воды в дельте реки Амударьи [abs] | 16 | pdf |
Engineering geological vision of the irrigation water utilization in Amudarya river delta
Aimbetov I.K.
Karakalpak Research Institute for Natural Sciences, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
This article has submitted results of investigation of water permeability of alluvium deposits taken from the North part of Karakalpakstan (15 000 sq. km). We have prepared a map-sketch with filtration properties and soil salinity for deepness to 2, 0 meters. Results of our research showed, that soil from the right side of Amu Darya River is much more watertight than soil from the right side of the river. Therefore, the water management of the river must be considered engineering and geological conditions, which will allow more efficient use of water resources in future.
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Техника | | |
Худаяров Б.М., Мамбетшерипова А.А. – Пневмоцентробежный рабочий орган для повышения равномерности внесения минеральных удобрений и их смесей [abs] | 19 | pdf |
Pneumatic-centrifugal apparatus for mineral fertilizer spreading out with improved uniformity
Khudayarov B.M., Mambetsheripova A.A.
Tashkent State University of agriculture
Uzbek research institute of agriculture mechanization and electrification, Tashkent
The paper describes design of the new pneumatic-centrifugal apparatus to spread out mineral fertilizers and other agricultural substances and mixtures. Results of the laboratory probation of the new engine are presented. The upper part of the centrifuge in the new apparatus has dispersing paddles to enter working substance. There are pneumatic blowers in the lower part of the disk to create directed air stream under high pressure. Main technological characteristics and design parameters are determined. Width of the active spreading area is 13 meter. Spreading fluctuation is ±19% for the uniform granules, and ±22% for the mixtures.
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Биоэкология и сельское хозяйство | | |
Матжанова Х.К. – Доминантные виды растений осушенной южной части дна Аральского моря [abs] | 22 | pdf |
Dominant species of plants in the dried south part of Aral Sea bottom
Matjanova Kh.K.
Karakalpak Research Institute for Natural Sciences, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article presents the information on changing of vegetation in the dried South part of Aral Sea bottom. Features of dominant kinds of plants, occupying denuded bottom of the Sea is given. Main representatives of the plant species belong to kinds of chenopodiacea family. These dominant species belong to the sandy, gypsum and salty deserts.
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Матжанова Х.К., Орел М.М., Матжанов Т.К. - Биоэкологические особенности и соленакопление ферулы вонючей (Ferula Assa-foetida L.) в условиях Южного Приаралья [abs] | 27 | pdf |
Bio-ecological particularities and salt accumulation of the Ferula Assa-foetida in conditions of south Aral sea region
Matjanova Kh.K., Orel M.M., Matzhanov T.K.
Karakalpak Research Institute for Natural Sciences, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Halo-accumulation and bio-ecological particularities of the Ferula assa-foetida L. in conditions of South Aral Sea region have been investigated. It has been determined that in South Aral Sea region the vegetative period of the Ferula assa-foetida finished faster that this is connected with the more favorable climatic and soil conditions. It is possible that the Ferula assa-foetida belongs to middle-salt accumulative and chloridophil plant. Investigation and protection of this plant is necessary for economic use.
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Отенов Т.О., Гроховатский И.А., Отенова Ф.Т., Оспанов А.Ж., Отенова З.Т. - Интродукция облепихи крушиновидной (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) в Каракалпакстане и её биоэкологические особенности [abs] | 30 | pdf |
Hippophae rhamnoides L. introduction in Karakalpakstan and its bio-ecological peculiarities
Otenov T.O., Grokhovatskiy I.A., Otenova F.T., Ospanov A.J., Otenova Z.T.
Botanical Garden Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekiston, Nukus
Nukus Pedagogical Institute
The article is dealing with introduction of Hippophae rhamnoides L. This shrub does not vegetate in Karakalpakstan natural environment. Scientific results of investigation regarding the development of Hippophae rhamnoides L. in saline soils of lower Amudarya river are given, and its attitude to ecological factors of the environment is analyzed. Ways of the reproduction and accommodation of the root system in different types of soils are studied. Usage of the plant in different public branches is enlighten.
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Азимова Д.Э. - Новые виды во флоре хребта Мальгузар [abs] | 33 | pdf |
New species to the flora of Malguzar mountain range
Azimova D.E.
Jizzak State University
The Malguzar mountain range is the peripheral north-western branch of the Turkestan range in Pamir-Alay mountain system. The Malguzar mountain range is the unique botany-geographical region of the Central Asia mountains. The inventory and botanical analysis of flora of Malguzar mountains was not performed before. This work describes 7 new discovered plant species in the flora of Malguzar mountain range, which are recognized during the field studies and examination of herbarium specimens. One of these species is new for Uzbekistan, two species is new for Nuratau floristic district, two species is new for Zaamin nature reserve.
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Эргашева Х.Э. - Впервые выявленные водоросли из Андижанского водохранилища для альгофлоры водоемов Узбекистана [abs] | 35 | pdf |
New algae in Andijan water reservoir: for the first time discovered in algoflora of Uzbekistan water-basins
Irgasheva X.L.
Namangan State University
The paper develops firstly reported algae species which were discovered in in Andijan water-reservoir. This water reservoir is fed from Kora-darya, Tar-darya, Yassi- darya, Korakulja-darya, Kurshab-darya, so these river waters have great impact on algae diversity. There are specific reasons for new algae invasion. Information about spreading of these plants in other biogeographic provinces are presented. Last results of the Andijan water reservoir algoflora researches are delivered.
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Сапаров К.А., Абдиназаров Х.Х., Исмоилов Х.Ф., Мирабдуллаев И.М., Бердибаев А.С. – Новые для фауны Узбекистана виды и роды коловраток (Rotifera) [abs] | 37 | pdf |
New for the fauna of Uzbekistan species and genera of Rotifera
Saparov K.A., Abdinazarov H.H., Ismoilov H.F., Mirabdullayev I.M., Berdibaev А.S.
The State Comity of Natural preservation of the Republic Karakalpakstan, Nukus
Kokand State of Pedagogical Institute
National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Institute of Gene Pool of Plant and Animal World of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
Rotifera is whole world wide-spread worm. The material is collected during 2009-2011 using the standard gidrobiological methods. Testudinella elliptica is new specie for the fauna of Ferghana Valley and Karakalpakstan, and Proalides tentaculatus and Sinantherina socialis are representatives of new for faunas of Uzbekistan and Central Asia genera. These species have been found in rice fields and fishponds in Ferghana and Kashkadarya provinces as well as in Karakalpakstan.
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Турдалиева Х.С. - Альгофлора сточных вод очистного сооружения г. Ангрен [abs] | 40 | pdf |
Wastewater algoflora from treatment facilities in Angren region
Turdalieva Kh.S.
Institute of Gene Pool of Plant and Animal World of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Wastewater algoflora in Angren region was studied for the first time. 190 algae taxon had been revealed. Green algae present 80 species, diatoms present 56 species, green-blue algae – 35, Euglenophyta – 17, yellow-green algae – 2 species in meanwhile. Their seasonal effects were exposed. The species composition of algae in various section of treatment facilities was identified. The largest diversity of algae species had been find out in biological ponds.
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Турдалиева Х.С., Сафаров К.С. - Интенсификация процессов биологической очистки сточных вод [abs] | 42 | pdf |
Intensification of biological treatment processes of wastewater
Turdalieva Kh.S., Safarov K.S.
Institute of Gene Pool of Plant and Animal World of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Physical properties and chemical composition of the waste water in Angren was studied firstly. Their seasonal changes were revealed. The changes of hydrochemical characteristics of wastewater in the cultivation of aquatic macrophytes had been shown. The productivity of studied plants grown in wastewater was defined. The effect of aquatic macrophytes on the number of saprobic microorganisms and coliforms had been studied. The intensification of biological wastewater treatment by higher aquatic plants was defined.
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Аметов Я.И., Жуманов М.А., Арепбаев И.М., Есимбетов А.Т., Аташов А.Ш., Исмоилов Г.У. - Материалы об орнитофауне в искусственных посадках саксаульников на осушенном дне Аральского моря и его окрестностях [abs] | 45 | pdf |
Ornithofauna at man–made Saxaul afforeted area on the dried bottom of the Aral Sea and at adjoining zones
Ametov Ya.I., Jumanov M.A., Arepbaev I.M., Esimbetov A.T., Atashov A.Sh., Ismoilov G.U.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
This article gives information about the results of ornithological surveys carried out in spring, summer and autumn of 2012, at man–made saxaul afforested area on the dried bottom of Aral Sea and adjoining zones, such as Kuwat Lake System. This part of Aralkum desert was thoroughly explored, surveying birds environment to find out contemporary species groups and peculiarities of birds arrivals at this district. Man – made nests for birds and owls had been installed for research purposes. The results of field surveys have been elaborated with universal methods. Various categories of avifauna have been detected (rare and top rare species) and practical steps for their conservation have been suggested.
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Абдиниязова Г.Ж. - Использование лекарственных растений Республики Каракалпакстан по группам заболеваний человеческого организма [abs] | 50 | pdf |
List of medicative plants of Karakalpakstan, with a grouping on human diseases
Abdiniyazova G.J.
Karakalpak Research Institute for Natural Sciences, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
444 species of vascular plants from Karakalpakstan are studied and divided onto 20 main farmautical groups This research of officinal plants continues previous series of reviews regarding taxonomy, systematic, wild plant resource base and rare species of the region. This study tries to classify medicative herbs of Karaklpakstan using its healing properties.
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Медицина | | |
Калиш Ю.И., Кабулов М.К., Хан Г.В., Аметов Л.З., Садыков Н.С., Шаюсупов А.Р. – Выбор метода хиатопластики при грыжах пищеводного отверстия диафрагмы [abs] | 53 | pdf |
Selecting method for niatoplastik on hiatal hernia
Kalish Y.I., Kabulov M.K., Han G.B., Ametov L.Z., Sadykov N.S., Shayusupov A.R.
Currently, widespread plastic methods of hernioplasticus on hernia hiatal with various plastic materials are more common in the performance of antireflux operation. The results of the prosthetic hiatoplastic on hiatal hernia (HH) 43 patients have been shown in the RSSC named after academician V.Vahidov. There were 23 men and 20 women, at the age of 21 to 74 years. On the 30 patients have been done no tensioning hiatoplastika, on 13 patients have been done combined hiatoplastika after preliminary stitching feet diaphragm. Mesh placed around the esophagus through a simulated aperture diameter of 2.5 cm and fixed to the legs of the diaphragm with interrupted sutures. Next step is a variant of antireflux surgery: fundoplication Touret - 25 (58.1%), and Nissen - 7 (16.3%), and Dor - 6 operation Allison - 3 (7%), the operation Hill - 2(4.6%) patients. Long-term results were followed up to 1 year to 5 years. 1 patient radiographically established anatomical relapse (offset fundoplikatsionnoy cuff in the posterior mediastinum) without clinical signs of OM. Poor result occurred in 1 (2.3%) case of a patient with a fixed kardiofundalnoy HH against shortening of the esophagus. Deaths were not.
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Атаниязова Г.Д. – Современные представления о предраковых заболеваниях шейки матки и ее диагностика [abs] | 56 | pdf |
The modern conception of the cervical pre-cancer diseases and its diagnosis
Ataniyazova G.D.
Nukus branch of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute
In this review the modern conception of the foreign authors about of the pre-cancer diseases of cervix uteri, also about the more informatively diagnostic methods, of current pathology are presented. Despite of carried out numerous research and measures, directed to the struggle with cervical cancer, its prevalence isn’t having tendency to reduction. Recent years it’s well known, that prevention of cancer diseases is easier by the opportune diagnosis and prophylaxis of the cervical pre-cancer diseases. At the recent cytological method (Be-test) is recognized as the most significant diagnostic method of this pathology.
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Экономика | | |
Аимбетов Н.К. – О возможности комплексного освоения Тебинбулакского месторождения руд в Каракалпакстане [abs] | 61 | pdf |
On availability of complex utilization for the ore from Tebinbulak deposit in Karakalpakstan
Aimbetov N.K.
Karakalpak Research Institute for Natural Sciences, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
There is step-by-step regions' role increasing as an important factor to ensure sustainable development and structural reforms in Uzbekistan. Effect of the structural transformation of the national economy much turns on the changes in the regions. Effectiveness of natural resources utilization alters the general outturn also. Hundreds of ore deposits and iron ore evidences of various epigenetic types and geologic formations had been detected in many regions of Uzbekistan. A lot of local geomagnetic field disturbances had been revealed during survey. One of these prospective geological provinces is the territory of Karakalpakstan. This area is rich in various types of minerals.
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Исмаилов А.А. - Необходимость количественного измерения денег [abs] | 65 | pdf |
Necessity of quantitative measurement of a money
Ismailov A.A.
Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
The paper is dealing with a technique and technology of quantitative analysis of a money. There is a live issue of modern economy of Uzbekistan being discussed to evaluate money supply level. Trends in the quantitative observation of money supply with monetary base indicator as well some financial implications of these dispositions are decomposed. Some asperities which the national economy faces under the monetary regulation are considered. The recommendations for the economic policy perfection to improve quantitative monetary base observation had been proposed.
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История, философия, правоведение,
религия, социология и политология | | |
Джумашев А., Мамбетов И. - Демографические процессы в Каракалпакстане: постановка проблемы [abs] | 69 | pdf |
Demographic processes in Karakalpakstan: issue statement
Djumashev A., Mambetov I.
Karakalpak Research Institute for Humanities Sciences, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
The article analyses the demographic processes in Karakalpakstan. Some reference data, where the questions on resettlement or migration are given in chronological sequence, are analyzed using works of other authors which reflects the demographic processes. This complicated issue of historical demography wasn't studied enough for Karakalpakstan. Some problems, which are rooted in the past of Karakalpakstan, still affects demographic situation in the region.
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Абдукаримов А., Абдукаримов Х. – Животноводство Каракалпакстана в 1873-1941 гг.: историографический аспект проблемы [abs] | 71 | pdf |
The stock-raising of Karakalpakstan with in 1873-1941: historical aspect of problem
Abdukarimov A., Abdukarimov X.
Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
The article deals with historiography of stock-raising in 1973-1941 in Karakalpakstan. Research works of the beginning of 20th century, period soviet time and Independent Uzbekistan about a stock-raising in the region are analyzed. Conceptual methodical approaches of these works are discovered and typified. It was pointed out that history of stock-raising in Karakalpakstan from the periods of ending 19th century to the 30th of the 20th century wasn’t researched complexly.
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Рахимов К.Р. - IX–XI асрларда Бухоро илмий-маънавий мухитида тасаввуфий фикрларнинг вужудга келиши ва шаклланиши [abs] | 75 | pdf |
Occurrence and formation of sufiy doctrines
in the scientific and spiritual environment of Bukhara of the 9th-11th centuries
Rahimov R.K.
Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
The article, basing on the sources, goes about the development of science in Bukhoro within the 9th – 11th centuries, as well as about scholars and thinkers of that period. The research, basing on the information left by the outstanding historians Narshakhiy and As-Samoniy, has discovered and made a contribution to a science, that the first system madrasah in the history of Islamic culture and science operated in Bukhoro, a century before in Baghdad. The author of the article also gives the information about the religious and secular disciplines taught in the madrasahs. Moreover, it is written in the article about the fortified guesthouses (rabats) that were also served as cultural establishments, where soldiers could have rest and conducted military trainings, and also learn religious disciplines. It helped them to strengthen their faith, and boost their morale.
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Палваниязов А.Ю. – Факторы стабильности молодой семьи [abs] | 80 | pdf |
Factors of young family stability
Palvaniyazov A.Y.
Karakalpak Research Institute for Natural Sciences, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Main factors of young families stability are studied. Ratable function of the economic, social and demographic factors in marital doings development had been revealed. Family socio-psychological environment is studied. Social significance of a healthy lifestyle and its educational place are analyzed. Wealth bulwark of a family institution is noteworthy also.
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Филология | | |
Курбанбаев Ж.А. - Хорижий тил таълимида тил материалини танлаш масаласи [abs] | 84 | pdf |
The problem of selection of language material in the process of teaching Foreign Language
Kurbanbaev D.A.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
The article deals with the problem of selection of language material in the process of teaching FL. Selection of language (grammar) material plays a great role in the process of teaching FL. Scientifically-based selected material raises the effectiveness of the process as a whole. It was shown up that the selection of grammar material is connected with the grammar minimum and students’ difficulties in the process of learning. It was proved the necessity of taking into account the peculiarities of grammar materials in Linguistic Higher Educational Institutions.
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Ибрагимова У.Ю. - Коракалпогистон узбек шеваларида равишларнинг аналитик усулда ясалиши [abs] | 86 | pdf |
Analitic formation adverbs in Uzbek dialects in Karakalpakstan
Ibragimova U.Y.
Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
Analytic form of adverbs in Uzbek dialect in Karakalpakstan differs from Uzbek literary language. These differences are a) use of two words simultaneously b) the use of some endings in the last word in the sequence of these two words, c) phonetic change of the sequence of two words. Except this, there are some peculiarities in the formation of adverbs. Some adverbs endings are forming in both synthetic and analytic way. It is necessary to analyze the content and function of the direct formation of adverbs ending.
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Амирлан С.Е. – Жанылтпашлар хэм шалгытпашлар [abs] | 90 | pdf |
Tongue Twisters and Sbivalochki
Amirlan S.E.
Karakalpak Research Institute for Humanities Sciences, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article studies the extent to which the genres of a tongue twisters and a patter were represented in Turkic folklore studies. The etymological roots of the terms and their genre peculiarities are analyzed. On the basis of this the connection of the given genres with the other genres and their peculiarities are researched. The attention is paid to the ethnopedagogical functions of the genres.
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Кунназарова Ш.М. – Каракалпак халык ертеклери тилиндеги араблык шыгыска ийе антропонимлер [abs] | 94 | pdf |
Anthroponyms of the Arabic origin in karakalpak fairy tales
Kunnazarova Sh.M.
Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
The article deals with usage of anthroponyms in the Karakalpak national fairy tales. Origin of this words is classified. There are some anthroponyms borrowed from Arabic which are in the focus of investigation. Lexical-semantic analyses is made. Usage differences had been indentified. These anthroponyms are analysed in comparison with the modern Karakalpak language.
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Матмуратова Р.З. - Каракалпак драматургиясында фарс жанры [abs] | 97 | pdf |
The genre of farce in the Karakalpak dramaturgy
Matmuratova R.Z.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
А farce as one of the actual problem of literary criticism is studied in the article. A genre of comedy wasn’t an object of studying in Karakalpak literary criticism before. Karakalpak comedies were divided in to genre following traditional international classifications. Progress in a farce genre development is analyzed; this genre exemplified using stylistic features of M.Nizanov works.
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Байниязова Т.К. – Каракалпак адебий сыны жанрлык турлеринин классификациясы маселесине [abs] | 99 | pdf |
To the question of categorizations of the genre forms of Karakalpak critics.
Bayniyazova T.K.
Karakalpak Research Institute for Humanities Sciences, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Comprehensive study of phenomenas and events of the live literary process procreated various types of literary critics. Modern theory of literature vitally challenges critics genres systematization. There is a need in classification of these genres for Karakalpak literary critics. The paper dissects accomplishments in study of the question made by the Karakalpak philology. Genre forms classification for literary critics had been given using analysis of references.
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Педагогика и психология | | |
Каюмова Ш.А. - Виртуал музейларда замонавий информацион усулларнинг кулланилиши [abs] | 104 | pdf |
Use of modern information technologies in virtual museums
Kayumova Sh.A.
Institute of a History, Academy of sciences of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
There are a lot of ready-made virtual trips in Internet and a teacher can use it for the education purposes. There is an increasing interest for virtual design technology. Virtual trips can be collective activity as well as personal concern. Actuality of history learning is the present day call. These arrangements, improving attraction of school history course, are competent response for the challenge.
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Юбилеи | | |
Аимбетов Н.К., Нарымбетов Б.Ж., Отениязов Е. - Сали Бауатдинов - 70 жаста | 107 | pdf |