С о д е р ж а н и е | | |
Математика и механика | | |
Тлеумуратова Б.С. - Формализация динамики водно-солевого режима Аральского моря и его влияния на климат [abs] | 5 | pdf |
Formation of water-saline dynamic routine of Aral Sea and its affecrs on climate
Tleumuratova B.S.
Karakalpak Research Institute for Natural Sciences, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Approximation of trajectory processes having any kind of function can clearly allow classifying the regulators of ongoing process. In the given article has been formalized an environment responding to soil-climate of ecological transformations of Aral and Priaral (MIDACS), more precisely on water-saline process of Aral Sea and its affects on South Priaral climate. The aim of this study is summarizing analytical assumptions of dynamics mentioned forcing for four decades. The formalization of processes dynamics and relationships between them are controlled by approximation of accounting rows on the base of regressing and correlation analysis of product indexes of MIDACS.
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Биоэкология и сельское хозяйство | | |
Халиллаев Ш.А., Нуржанов А.А., Нуржанов Ф.А., Хамраев А.Ш. - Изучение патогенности энтомопатогенного гриба Beauveria brongniartii для личинок и имаго вредной черепашки (Eurygaster integriceps Put.) [abs] | 11 | pdf |
A study of pathogenicity of entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria brongniartii isolated from larvae and adults of Sunni pest (Eurygaster integriceps Put.)
Кhalillaev Sh.A., Nurjanov A.A., Nurjanov F.A., Khamraev A.Sh.
Institute of the genepool of plants and animals, Uzbek Academy of Sciences , Tashkent
Pathogenic traits of the fungus Beauveria brongniartii for the Sunni pest are for the first time established. The strain VD-85 of the studied entomopathogenic fungus is highly pathogenic against Sunni pest larvae and adults. Eleven days post treatment, the mortality rate of adult individuals reached 98,3±0,9%. The larvae of the Sunni pest are more sensitive to the pathogenesis caused by Beauveria brongniartii than the adults. The preparation of the suspension of fungal biomass three days prior to treatment was established to accelerate its effect on Sunni pest larvae and adults.
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Сапаров К.А., Акрамова Ф.Д., Азимов Д.А., Шакарбоев Э.Б., Голованов В.И., Дадаев С.Д., Арепбоев И.М. - Морфология и таксономия нематод рода Stephanofilaria ihle et ihle – Landenberg, 1933 (Filariata, Stephanofilariidae) [abs]
| 14 | pdf |
The morpho-biological of nematode of Stephanofilaria Ihle et Ihle – Landenberg, 1933
Saparov K.A., Akramova F.D., Azimov D.A., Shakarboev I.B., Golovanov B.I., Dadaev C.D., Arepboev I.M.
1.Tashkent State Pedagogical University
2.Institute of the genepool of plants and animals, Uzbek Academy of sciences, Tashkent
3.Gulistan state university
4.Karakalpak State University, Nukus
The morpho-biological particularities of nematodes Stephanofilaria assamensis Pande, 1936 and Stephanofilaria stilesi Shitwood, 1934 in all phase ontogenies were studied. The intermediate hosts of considered nematodes in natural conditions of Uzbekistan were found as the blood sucking flies of Muscidae family: Lyperosia titilans, L.irritans, Stomoxys calcitrans - for S.stilesi; Haematobia atripalpis, Lyperosia titilans, L.irritans for S.assamensis. Invasion maggots of Stephanofilaria in specified blood vascular will be finding at warm time of the year, as from May up to October. On base of the analysis of morpho - biological particularities of species of Stephanofilaria gender is offered the complex sign for differentiation of species. As valid we note 5 species – S. dedoesi, S. assamensis, S.dinniki, S. stilesi, S. thelazioides, which wide-spread in Asia, Africa, America, Europe and Australia.
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Дусчанова Г.М. - Адаптивные признаки корня видов рода Climacoptera Botsch. (Chenopodiaceae Vent.)
[abs] | 20 | pdf |
Adaptive characteristics structure of roots of some species of Climacoptera Botsch. (Chenopodiaceae Vent.) genus
Duschanova G.M.
Institute of the genepool of plants and animals, Uzbek Academy of sciens, Tashkent
The anatomical structure of the roots and species of genus of Climacoptera growing in the saline soils of Kyzylkym and Mirzachul has been researched. Diagnostically and adaptive traits on xero- and halo factors have been reveled. The cluster analysis established that in C. intricata - C. longistylosa from different sections in the same conditions (Mirzachul) the similarity coefficient of root characteristics made up 0,41 respectively. In C. ferganica - C. lanata, from different sections in the same conditions (Kyzylkum) - 0,23. In C. lanata - C. longistylosa from one section in different environmental conditions it made up 0,46.
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Холов Ё.Д. - Технология возделывания хлопчатника в сильнозасоленных лугово-аллювиальных почвах Бухарского оазиса [abs] | 24 | pdf |
Study of salt-stable cotton plant on newly masterred heavy-salted deserted sandy ground of Bukhara oasis
Xolov Y.D.
Bushara State University
For reception of the harvest of the cotton plant heavy-salted alluvial-meadow ground of Bukhara oasis were washed twice, under washing rate 6500-8000м3/hectare. As a result this contents of the dry residue ( 0.302-0.98 % ), ion CI- (0.018-0.035 %) and ion SO4- - (0.120-0.182 % ) decreased accordingly before 0.062 %, 0.017% and 0.092%, but using different agrotechnological processing promoted increasing to productivities of the cotton plant before 22-23 c/ hectare.
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Авутханов Б.С., Сафаров А.К. - Особенности водного обмена травы Колумба [abs] | 28 | pdf |
Peculiarities of water metabolism of Columbus grass
Avutkhanov B.S., Safarov A.K.
Samarkand State University, 2Institute of the genepool of plants and animals, Uzbek Academy of sciences, Tashkent
The information about of the water content in the leaves, water-holding capacity, water shortage and transpiration rate in Columbus grass had given. It has been determined the main rates of water exchange in Columbus grass modify during growing season and depend on cultivation conditions. The fertilizer employment promote to rising of affectivity of plant water utilization. The main rates of water exchange characterize Columbus grass as xeromezophyte. The labile type of water exchange peculiar to Columbus grass, caused the high plant productivity.
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Абдиниязова Г.Ж. – Ресурсы перспективных лекарственных растений Каракалпакстана [abs] | 30 | pdf |
Resources of perspective medicinal plants of Karakalpakstan
Abdiniyazova G.J.
Karakalpak Research Institute for Natural Sciences, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
8 species of wild growing medicinal plants of Karakalpakstan are supposed to be perspective to use them in industrial scale. For all of them given short characteristic about using in medicine, biological and possible annual storage resources and area of distribution are done in the article.
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Тажетдинова Д.М. - Род Ferula L. во флоре плато Устюрт [abs] | 34 | pdf |
The Genus Ferula L. in the flora plateau of Ustyrt
Tajetdinova D.M.
Institute of the genepool of plants and animals, Uzbek Academy of sciences, Tashkent
In article are considered genus Ferula L. These researches had been study on plateau of Ustyurt. 8 plant species had been registered. The date cited about area a new and rare species – Ferula syreitschikowii Koso-Pol. from plateau of Ustyurt. Some key to identify every species are researches.
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Шарипова В.К. - Сравнительный анализ строения перикарпия плодов пустынных видов Ferula L. [abs] | 36 | pdf |
The comparative analysis of Ferula species fruits pericarp strukture growing in desert
Sharipova V.K.
Institute of the genepool of plants and animals, Uzbek Academy of sciences, Tashkent
The structure of the pericarp fruits for three species of Ferula from south western Kyzylkum have been descripted. The differences in localization and structure of secretory receptacles connecting with their life – form have been revealed. The secretory structure in pericarps of F. foetida is not developed. It was found two types of secretory structure on F. varia and three types on F. kyzylkumica. The secretory structure of F. kyzylkumica connecting with most drought-resistant particularity of species more complicated and developed.
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Кутлымуратова Г.А. – Лекарственные растения, перспективные для интродукции в Каракалпакстане [abs] | 39 | pdf |
Perspective mediсal plants which could be ntroduced in Karakalpakstan
Kutlimuratova G.A.
Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
Currently many plants grow in Karakalpakstan are considered to be valuable medical plants. Our study on medical plants are going on and furthermore we enlarge the field of research., aiming to study the plants having common heeling power on the organism and normalizing metabolic functions, containing natural substances important for normal vital activity. This article gives information about some species of medical plants, such as Atropa belladonna L., Poligonatum officinale, Colchicum autumnale L. When selecting species attention must be focused on keeping safe the upground and underground parts of the plants. Must be also paid attention on the feature of life forms, time and speed of growth and productiveness, also the ways of regeneration and their usage value.
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Темирбеков Р.О., Матмуратов М.А., Мусаев А.К., Сапаров К.А., Мирабдуллаев И.М. – Воздействие засухи на гидрофауну озер низовьев Амударьи [abs] | 41 | pdf |
Effect of drought on hydrofauna of lakes of reaches of river Amudarya
Temirbekov R.O., Mаtmuratov M.A., Musaev A.K., Saparov K.A., Mirabdullayev I.M.
1.Karakalpak Research Institute for Natural Sciences, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
2.Karakalpak State University
3.Goskompriroda of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Nukus
4.Institute of the genepool of plants and animals, Uzbek Academy of sciences, Tashkent
During seasonal study of 5 lakes of the wetland Sudochie in 1999-2002 zooplankton, macrozoobentos and fishes have been studied. As result of drought in 2000-2001 some of lakes dried out, in other lakes salinity increased significantly. It resulted in sharp decreasing of diversity of all components of hydrofauna. Coming of significant volume of low mineralized water in 2002 led to start of recovery of diversity of aquatic fauna.
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Аташов А.Ш., Палуанов Г.Ж., Мираметова Н.П. – Воздействие динамической нагрузки на состояние системы внешнего дыхания у школьников в Каракалпакстане [abs] | 44 | pdf |
Age peculiarities and external respiratory system in junior schoolchildren of Karakalpakstan
Atashov A.N., Paluanova G.J., Mirametova N.P.
1.Karakalpak State University, Nukus
2.Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
This article gives information about the results of survey which shows how physical over training could affect on external respiratory system in schoolchildren of junior age in Republic of Karakalpakstan. According to the indexes at the beginning of school year boys have RMV (respiratory minute volume) above norm due to BF (breathing frequency). Girls RMV index has been changed insignificantly. At the mid of school year the changes in external respiratory system in boys of first form is the result of adequate response of external respiratory system. Girls have more breathing frequency and more respiratory minute volume.
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Таджибаева М.К. - Возрастные особенности сердечного ритма у мужчин, проживающих в Каракалпакстане [abs] | 46 | pdf |
Age particularity of cordial rhythm in men, living in Karakalpakstan
Tadjibaeva M.K.
Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
This article shows the result of survey carried on cardio-vascular system functions in men constantly living in Karakalpakstan. In both age groups (20-39 and 40-59 years old) has been notable a sufficient adaptation to environment during the hot period of year. This is normal functional possibilities of organism and homeostasis reacted by control system at moderate tenseness. Has been stated that the affect of central system on cordial rhythm dominates on autonomous one in men who were indigenous residents of Karakalpakstan.
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Кудайбергенова У.К. – Оценка экологического воздействия на распространенность аллергических заболеваний в Каракалпакстане [abs] | 49 | pdf |
Assessment of ecological affects on spread of allergic ailments in Karakalpakstan
Kudaybergenova U.K.
Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
Present environment is adversely affected by enormous variety of anthropogenic factors which create undesirable influence upon peoples health. Has been carried out analysis which shows that the highest rate of ailments of allergic rhinitis revealed among population of Kungrad, Muynak and Tahtakupyr. Has been stated that adversely affected by variety of factors alongside with some uncommon for organism resistance functions, also changes take place in humoral and cell immunity indexes. Different chemical allergens develop bronchial asthma, allergic lesions of the upper respiratory passby and some other ailments.
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Рахматуллаев Ё.Ш., Курбанов А.Ш., Есимбетов А.Т. – Изучение фактического питания и физического развития детей общеобразовательных сельских школ в Кашкадарьинской области [abs] | 52 | pdf |
The study of nutrition and physical development of children at rural general schools of Kashkadarya region
Rakhmatullaev Yo.Sh., Kurbanov А.Sh., Esimbetov A.T.
1.Karshi State University
2.Karakalpak State University, Nukus
The observations were conducted to study the nutrition and physical development of the children studying at rural general schools in Kashkadarya region. The results of the study showed that the amounts of proteins (including animal protein) and fats were below normal values. For improving the disbalanced nutrition agitation-propagandistic works in the manner of optional lessons with children, conversations with parents and seminars with teachers on rational nutrition were conducted. As a result positive shifts in the nutrition of the schoolchildren were observed. The physical development estimations showed that only 39,6% of boys and 46,6% of girls had normal physical development rates. Carrying out large-scale educational work with pupils of schools, parents and teachers serves as an important factor for achievement of positive results in rationalization of nutrition of nutrition of schoolchildren in maintenance of their normal physical and intellectual development.
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Экономика | | |
Аимбетов Н.К. – Проблемы освоения железорудных ископаемых на Тебинбулакском месторождении Республики Каракалпакстан [abs] | 58 | pdf |
Issues of Tebinbulak ironstone mineral deposits broaching in Republik of Karakalpakstan.
Aimbetov N.K.
Karakalpak Research Institute for Natural Sciences, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Completely new branches of industry have sprung in Karakalpakstan during Independence years. Land of the Karakaklpakstan is abundant of many sorts of minerals. Metal-containing ores are most remarkable among these minerals. There is long-standing topical economic need now - development of industrial infrastructure to process an ore from the Tebinbulak deposits. Findings of State Committee on Geology of Uzbekistan approves predicted deposits around 4,3 million tons.
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Джуманиязов У.И. - Узбекистонда тукимачилик корхоналарининг ривожланиш тенденциялари: сохада инновацион бошкарувни ташкил этиш масалалари [abs] | 61 | pdf |
Trends in the development of textile enterprises in Uzbekistan: the organization of innovative business management industry
Djumaniyzov U.I.
Tashkent Institute of textile and light industry
The paper describes some trends in regional light industry development. Institutional features of the light industry in macroeconomical context of Uzbekistan had been observed. Actual measures to promote development of this industry of the great social-economic importance are discussed. Efficiency of the expansion spending for light industry is instantiated. There are new ways for textile enterprises development using innovation management methods.
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История, философия, правоведение, религия, социология и политология | | |
Сейтназаров М.С. – О личности Джунаид-хана в истории [abs] | 66 | pdf |
About Djunaidkhans personality in history
Seytnazarov M.S.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
The name of Dzhunaid-khan (Gurban Mamed Sardar - 1857-1938) was marked "basmach" in soviet memorials. Afterword soviet historiography followed by memorials also collect a significant historical facts and materials testifying about the robbery attacks of Dzhunaid-khan. At the time of Independence historians tried to give a truly assessment to Dzhunaid-khan activity, from the point of view of military-political arena of khorezm oasis. Modern historiography tries to give highness to Dzhunaid-khan personality. On this occasion, it is needs to introduce social the real intrusions of one of the odious of 1915-1916th in Khorezm oasis.
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Усманов М. – Этнографические особенности кунгратов Южного Узбекистана [abs] | 70 | pdf |
Ethnographic features of Kungrats of South Uzbekistan
Usmanov M.
Karshi State University
Kungrats since long time were very influential and great tribes. Later on into the ethnic structure of Kungrats were included oguz, kypchak and other Turkic tribes. There is information about migration of Kungrats of South Uzbekistan from Khorezm oasis and Lower Syrdarya River. Since 1960th the semisedentary kungrat tribes were moved into sedentary lifestyle. To be Kungrat means mainly to be a part of common culture and lifestyle.
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Сапарова Г. – Миллий узлик ва диний омил тушунчаларининг назарий-фалсафий асослари [abs] | 75 | pdf |
A base for religious factor theoretical-philosophical studies and national consciousness
Saparova G.A.
Nukus State Pedagogic Institute
The paper is dealing with actual issues of the national identity and religious factors. A system of interdependent terms is examined with a philosophical analysis. Key concepts of an ethnos, ethnical one, national and religious consciousness had been studied also. Nation building ontology is inspected. Views of ancient Hellenistic philosophers had been reconsidered to establish basic national and religious values.
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Филология | | |
Отениязов П.Ж., Кыдырниязов З. — Каллы Айымбетов –фольклортаныушы хэм улкетаныушы сыпатында [abs] | 78 | pdf |
Qalli Ayimbetov – as folkloriste and regional ethnografhe
Oteniyazov P.J., Qidirniyazov Z.
Karakalpak Research Institute for Humanities Sciences, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Karakalpak nation has rich history and culture. Especially, Karakalpak folklore and local culture takes a special place in the life of Karakalpak nation. Outstanding scientist Kally Aimbetov visited nearly all the places of our country, narrowly studying our culture, thoroughly researching our folk oral literature. Scientific activities of Kally Aimbetov and his colleagues developed studies of Karakalpak local culture and folklore. This article relumes scientific researches, works and qualities of Kally Aimbetov, whose personality is a good image to follow.
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Хошниязов Ж.Х., Отениязов П.Ж. - Каракалпак халык ертеклеринин классификациясы маселелери [abs] | 81 | pdf |
Problems of Karakalpak Folk Tales Classification
Xoshniyazov J., Oteniyazov P.J.
Karakalpak Research Institute for Humanities Sciences, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Tales considered to be one of the most widely spread genres of our oral literature. Tales are the creative output of mythological ideas of our forefathers. Mainly tales contained various meaning and plots. Different researchers have different approaches to genre classification of tales character. The paper is dealing with the problems of genre classification of Karakalpak folk tales.
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Календерова А. – Каракалпаклар арасына таралган шыгыс рауиятлары хаккында [abs] | 85 | pdf |
Eastern legends widespread among the Karakalpak nationality
Karakalpak Research Institute for Humanities Sciences, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The study concerns the legend of East, widespread among the karakalpak nationality, called “A legend of the Future time”, The text of the legend consists only of 47 prosaic sentences. This analysis strives to disclose main and meaning narrated events in the legend. This short story is full of ideas and demonstrates narrative continuity. The legend will be essential contribution into the thesaurus of Karakalpak folklore.
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Утамбетова А. - Шыгыс халыклары адебиятындагы жазба шежирелер [abs] | 86 | pdf |
Pedigree system of writing in literature folk Orient
Utambetova A.J.
Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
The paper deals with the actual questions of the Karakalpak folklore and literature which haven’t been investigated enough yet. The research studies from the point of view of the historical-realistic aspect the issues of Karakalpak folklore in the XVIII–th century in the comparison with the poem “Shejire” (“Genealogy”) by the classic of the Karakalpak literature Berdakh. There were also studied reconstruction of national history in a literature. National legends and folk stories are collated with the plot of the poem in this study. Problems of folklore, literary reconstruction of historical facts, the plot of the poem and national legends had been discussed.
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Нурабуллаев Б. - Каракалпак мемуарында жазыушы идеясы хэм тема танлау маселеси [abs] | 89 | pdf |
The idea of the writer and problem a subject choice in Karakalpak memoirs
Nurabullaev B.Kh.
Karakalpak State University , Nukus
The paper develops ideological and thematic problems of memoir works of the eminent person of art T.Allanazarov «Time bend» and writer Zh.Aymurzayev’s "Thunderclouds". These memoirs came to a Karakalpak literature at the Independence time. The study uses exapmles to analyze a message of writers and issues of interrelation of the problems which were mentioned in these works. Genre specific of Karakalpak memoirs is described. Features of a genre as well as thematic, ideological and problematic fields of the memoirs from different times are collated.
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Алламуратова З.М. – А.Бекимбетовтын детектив повестьлеринде «Хат» деталынын колланылыуы [abs] | 92 | pdf |
The use of detail “letter” in the detective poems of A. Bekimbetov
Allamuratova Z.M.
Karakalpak Research Institute for Humanities Sciences, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
This article deals with the distinction of the Karakalpak prose of the 1970-80s from prosaic works of the early period. It tells about the works of А.Bekimbetov describing the truth of life. Masterful use of a detail of the letter in his detective stories is specified. Crime detection with the help of the letters and other mysterious events had been shown. The story begins and comes to an end with the help of a letter.
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Абдалиева Г.Р. - Из истории изучения художественной речи [abs] | 94 | pdf |
Extensive comparison in literary speech
Abdalieva G.R.
Tashkent University of Information Technologies
The study considers questions of poetic speech research. In particular, the work attends to nascence of scientific interest among linguists of Russia to studying of poetic language since the times of M.V.Lomonosov. There is essential contribution of A.A.Potebniya and V.B.Shklovsky to the theory of poetic diction. Views of well-known russian linguists A.M.Peshkovsky and V.V.Vinogradov about the genesis of poetic speech are considered. The paper also shows ideas of the rhetoric and poetics at antique authors.
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Утемуратов Б. – Тил илиминде баянлауыш категориясынын изертленилиуи [abs] | 96 | pdf |
The study of the predicate in the research
Utemuratov B.K.
Republican Institute of retraining and upgrading of teachers qualification, Nukus
The paper considers predicate as a stable syntactic category on its function in a sentence. A subject and a predicate are main parts of a sentence. A sentence is impossible without these building blocks. The predicate is a syntactic category which enters into a system of main parts of a sentence depending on its functions in a sentence. Differences in predicative structure and its meaning is studied in comparison of Russian and Turkic languages.
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Рецензии | | |
Утамбетов Б. - Миллий манауият хэм миллий идеология тусиниклери хаккында мийнет | 99 | abs | pdf |
Перечень работ, опубликованных в «Вестнике» Каракалпакского отделения Академии наук Республики Узбекистан в 2012 году | 101 | abs | pdf |