Математика и механика | | |
Тлеумуратова Б.С. – Концепция моделирования сложных экометеорологических процессов
[abs] | 5 | pdf |
Modeling concept for the composite environmental-meteorological processes
Tleumuratova B.S.
Institute of social-economic problems of Aral sea region, Karakalpak branch of Academy of sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The paper presents the concept for truth-table software means to simulate composite environmental-meteorological processes. Advantages in the system integration of the models considering features of dynamical systems had been shown. Conceptual system approach to integrated meta-model development allows to avoid eclectic outlines in bioclimatic researches. General theoretical framework allocates an ontological synchronization of functional sub-models. This holistic construction with unified computational procedure is an effective tool for a system analysis of complex geographical objects and feedbacks in environmental climatology.
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Абдуллаева З.Ш.- Устойчивость и единственность внутренне-краевой задачи для дифференциально-операторного уравнения второго порядка
[abs] | 10 | pdf |
Stability and Uniqueness intern-boundary value problem for differential-operator equation of the second order
Abdullaeva Z.Sh.
National university of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
The problem with intra-domain data for compound second order differential-operator equation is considered. The problem with intra-domain data for the non homogenous equation had been considered for the first time. A priori estimation for the solution of the equation had been made. The theorems of uniqueness and conditionally stability of the considered problem is proved. Approximate solution is constructed using Tikhonov regularization technique.
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Назиров Ш.А., Якубов С.Х.– К вопросу автоматизации проектирования цилиндрических оболочек, подкрепленных ребрами жесткости
[abs] | 14 | pdf |
On a question of computer aided design for thin cylindrical shells with the ribs of acerbity
Nazirov Sh.A., Yakubov S.Kh.
Tashkent state university of information technologies, Karshi state university
The paper offers one of the approaches of computer aided design for a cylindrical shell supported with rib of acerbity. A generalization of main positions of the system approach is given. Systematization of the mathematical models is reviewed. Comparison with earlier works had been done. Reasoning for computer aided modeling and optimization is proposed to implement the algorithm for a steelwork optimal design.
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Физика | | |
Аташов Б.Т., Утениязова А.Б., Нуритдинов И., Отениязов Е.– Рекомбинационная люминесценция кристаллов BaFCI и BaFI
[abs] | 18 | pdf |
Recombination Luminescence of BaFCI and BaFY Crystal
Atashov B.T., Uteniyazova A.B., Nuritdinov I., Oteniyazov E.
Karakalpak state university, Nukus
Nukus state pedagogic institute
Institute of Nuclear Physics, Tashkent
Uzbekistan State Art institute, Tashkent
Complex institute of natural sciences, Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Various types of light emission due to recombination: on X-Rays luminescence (XRL), gamma-luminescence (GL), cathode-luminescence (CL), thermo-luminescence (TL) in crystals BaFX (x=c1,y) had been studied. Has been studied temperature affected luminescence intensity and also admixture strength affected recombined luminescence intensity. The analysis identified that the luminescence layers with maximum range 300-340 nm for BaFY crystals and 360-365 nm for BaFCL crystals depends on neutral excitons luminescence having (Vk+ё) form.
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Исмайлов К.А., Камалов А.Б., Бижанов Е.К., Отениязов Е., Усенов Б.- Процессы структурного упорядочения в диодных структурах металл-полупроводник, стимулированные внешним активным воздействием
[abs] | 22 | pdf |
Diode characteristics as an actively induced metal-semiconductor structure
Ismaylov K.A., Kamalov A.B., Bijanov E.Kl., Oteniyazov E., Usenov B.
Complex institute of natural sciences, Karakalpak Branch of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Karakalpak state university, Nukus
This article observes the case of Schottky. Barrier Diodes Mo-n-n+-GaAs affected by microwave frequency. Has been studied the changes of inter phase interactions in phase Mo-GaAs boundary layers and contact parameters caused by microwave emission. Has been identified that the changes on boundary layers is the result of inner mechanical tensity relax in contacts, caused by microwave emission. The effect of which is the decreased deflection in contact structure. After induced microwave emission the barrier parameters in Gallium arsenide semiconductors having Schottky Barrier Diodes Mo-n-n+-GaAs structure was intensified. It occurs due to stipulated microwave frequency emission on inter phase interactions.
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Кунназаров Б.Ж., Нарымбетов Б.Ж.– Гидратация отрицательных ионов в неполярной жидкости тетраметилсилане
[abs] | 25 | pdf |
Hydration of negative ions in the tetramethanesilane unpolar liquid
Kunnazarov B.J., Narymbetov B.J.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
Complex Institute for Natural Scienses of Karakalpak Branch of UzAS, Nukus
Kinetics of a photocurrent at laser photoionization of СО2 solutions and water in liquid tetramethanesilane was considered. The constants of direct and opposite reactions rate of CO-2:+ H2O U CO-2 (H2O) were determined to be К10 = 3X1010 м-1с-1 and К = 2X105 с-1 at Т=293 К, respectively. The calculated in a such way constant of rate of СО2- ion hydration appears approximately twice less, than for an О2- ion in tetramethanesilane. Also it is shown, that the presence of water increases the time of electron auto detachment from negative ions, that is considered to be connected with the formation of СО2-(Н2О) cluster ions.
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Информатика и информационные технологии | | |
Каримов М.М., Арзиева Ж.Т. – Метод аутентификации объектов инфокоммуникационных систем
[abs] | 29 | pdf |
Metod authentication of objects of information-communication systems
Karimov M.M., Arzieva J.T.
Tashkent university of information technologies
In the given thesis questions of the authentication of objects of information-communication systems on the basis of mutual authenticate are considered. This article proposes the issues of information security in Web-portals with the use of authentication technologies access to the remote user and an algorithm for authentication in an interconnected mode. Shows a comparative analysis of the proposed method with others. Suggested for implementation of complex organizational and technical solutions to ensure the protection of information resources developed and already deployed public and corporate Internet portals. By providing the necessary level of information security by preventing and blocking specific threats is achieved stable operation of hardware and software PIR and the Internet portal as a whole.
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Биоэкология и сельское хозяйство | | |
Буранова М.О.– К изучению Lipskya Insignis (Lipsky) Nevski в Узбекистане
[abs] | 32 | pdf |
On the studying of Lipskya insi Gnis (Lipsky) Nevsri in Uzbekistan
Buranova M.O.
Karshi state university
Kashkadarya region is rich with a variety of a vegetative cover. Here grows a many endemic and rare plants. In particular Lipskya insignis (Lipsky) Nevski is one of endemics of Pamir-Alay. It is data on growth period and age conditions of Lipskya insignis grown in experimentation area and cоenopopulations in Dehkanabad district of Kashkadarya region. Also results of a chemical compound of an elevated part are resulted. Studying of ontogenesis of L. insignis has shown that in conditions of the researched area does not meet poly variation of ontogenesis of this specie. Development of individuals occurs consistently with passing of all age conditions.
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Азимов И.Т., Султонова Н.Б.– Растительный покров Чаткальского хребта бассейна реки Ахангаран
[abs] | 35 | pdf |
Vegetation of the Chatkal ridge in Akhangaran river drainage-basin
Azimov M.T., Sultonova N.B.
Tashkent state pedagogic university
The paper expounds new results regarding inventory vegetation mapping of the Chatkal ridge (Uzbekistan). The work uses remote sensing data as well as modern GIS-technology. Phytocenosii of 13 mapping units with 10 types of vegetation had been revealed. Disturbance scale and damage degree for the units had been determined. Results of the study could be used for the plant resources inventory and nature protection.
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Бекбергенова З.О., Дауылбаева К.К. – Видовой состав и биотопическое распределение стафилинид (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) Каракалпакстана
[abs] | 38 | pdf |
Specific structure and biotope distribution of staphylinidae (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) in Karakalpakstan
Bekbergenova Z.O., Dayilbaeva K.K.
Institute of bioecology, Karakalpak branch of Academy of sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The paper considers specific structure and biotope distribution of Staphylinidae in Karakalpakstan. Species composition and cenotic features varies considerably depending on environmental conditions. Richest diversity of these insects observes in riparian zones. There was Oxytelinae, Staphylininae, Paederinae, Steninae, Aleocharinae, Tachyporinae subfamilies among collected Staphylinidae. This research opened 49 kinds of Staphylinidae, concerning 23 genus, 6 subfamily. 39 species are new for entomofauna of Karakalpakstan.
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Хамраев А.Ш., Мирзажонова Г.С., Кучкарова Л.С.– Сезонная динамика содержания белков у термитов различных каст и возрастов рода Anacantnotermes
[abs] | 45 | pdf |
Seasonal fluctuations of protein contain in a body of different termite castes and age
Khamraev A.Sh., Mirzajonova G.S., Kuchkarov L.S.
1.Institute of zoology, Uzbek Academy of sciences, Tashkent
2.National university of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
It is shown that in various age working termites as well as in soldiers and winged termites the protein contain in a body is subjected to seasonal fluctuations. In the spring and autumn in all termites, irrespective of age and castes the protein contain is raised, and during the diapauses period (in the winter and summer) is goen down. The increase or fall of the protein contain in the termite body are correlated with their viability.
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Бекчанов Х.У.- Биоразнообразие чешуекрылых (Lepidoptera, Cossoidea) Хорезмского оазиса
[abs] | 47 | pdf |
Biodiversity of a butterfly (Lepidoptera, Cossoidea families) the Khorezm region
Bekchanov X.U.
Urgench state university
During last decades the biodiversity and natural resources of Uzbekistan undergo considerable depletion. Land use intensification caused extreme anthropic pressure on various species, including butterflies. Strength and range of these species drop down. All these phenomena are result of land reclamation, environment pollution and hunting. Khoresm oasis has unique natural resource due to genesis and spatial isolation of the domain. Butterflies are one of the important component of the ecocenosis.
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Халиллаев Ш.А., Нуржанов А.А., Хамраев А.Ш.– Особенности развития вредной черепашки (Eurygaster Integriceps Put.) и ее энтомофагов в условиях Ташкентской области
[abs] | 51 | pdf |
Peculiarities of development of the sunn pest (Eurygaster Integriceps Put) and its entomophages under conditions of Tashkent province
Khalillaev Sh.A., Nurjanov A.A., Khamroev A.Sh.
The Institute of Zoology of Uzbek Academy of Sciences, Tashkent
The paper presents information on the biology, ecology and development phenology of the sunn pest, a pest of cereals under conditions of Tashkent province. Its predator, the imago of Helomiya lateralis Meig. and Phasia subcoleoptrata, are considered also. There are some researches of sunn pest ecology in Uzbekistan. But main portion of the researches had been finished in the first half of XXth century. During independents years after growth of a wheat crop the new episode in sunn pest control had been started. Development of environmentally friendly pest control measures needs information about ecological features and efficiency of insects-predators as well as pathogenic bacteria of the sunn pest.
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Каримов Ф.И.– Однодольные геофиты Ферганской долины и их географический анализ
[abs] | 54 | pdf |
Monocotyledonous geophytes of Fergana valley and their geographical analysis
Karimov F.I.
Scientific Centre of plant production “Botanika”, Uzbek Academy of sciences, Tashkent
The paper observes biodiversity and taxonomy of monocotyledonous petrophytes vegetated on the rocky grounds of Ferghana valley. There are 190 species of these petrophytes (geophytes) belonging to 21 genus and 11 families. Geographical distribution of the monocotyledonous geophytesis is analyzed. Problems of correlation between western Tien-Shan and Pamir-Alay endemic elements and important role of Central Asian mountainous speciation of Ferghana valley flora are discussed. Ranges of the plants are marked out with preferential hierarchical principle. Similar groups of the ranges are joined in common classes.
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Мамбетуллаева С.М., Тлегенов М.Т., Утемуратова Г.Н., Туреева К.Ж.– Пространственная структура популяций мелких млекопитающих в низовьях Амударьи
[abs] | 57 | pdf |
Territorial structure of small mammals population along the Low Amudarya
Mambetullaeva S.M., Tlegenov M.T., Utemuratova G.N., Tureeva K.J.
1.Institute of bioecology, Karakalpak branch of Academy of sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
2.Karakalpakstan State University, Nukus
This article studied territorial structure of small mammals population along the Low Amudarya and gave information about the survey results. It was indentified that the dominating part of small mammals population located unequal on the territory along the Low Amudarya. It was revealed that the factor of uneven localization depends on the micro relief infrastructural and survival peculiarities of the surface. The survey also effectively demonstrates the casual parceled groups of small mammals on the territorially of Low Amudarya.
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Сапаров К.А., Гинатуллина Е.Н., Мирабдуллаев И.М.– Фауна коловраток (Rotifera) Республики Каракалпакстан
[abs] | 59 | pdf |
The fauna of Rotifera of the Republic of Karakalpakstan
Saparov K.A., Ginatullina E.N., Mirabdullaev I.M.
State committee on guard of the nature of the Republic Karakalpakstan, Nukus
Institute of water problems of the Uzbek Academy of Sciences, Tashkent
Institute of zoology of the Uzbek Academy of Sciences, Tashkent
The Plankton Rotifers can serve one of the most sensitive factors of water pollutions. The Rotifera can be to used for biotesting natural water and sewage. The fauna of Rotifera of the Republic of Karakalpakstan includes 71 species from 27 genera. Most diverse are genera Brachionus (9 species), Keratella (5 species) and Lecane (13 species). The real variety of Rotifera water reservoirs of the Republic of Karakalpakstan can be above.
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Мусаев А.К., Абдурахимова А.Р., Мирабдуллаев И.М. – Качество цист артемии Аральского моря
[abs] | 62 | pdf |
Quality of cysts of Artemia of the Aral Sea
Musaev A.K., Abdurahimova A.H., Mirabdullaev I.M.
Institute of bioecology, Nukus
Institute of zoology, Tashkent
The paper investigates dimension, hatching rate and content of polyunsaturated fat acids of cysts of Artemia parthenogenetica from the Aral Sea. Dimension (diameter) was on average 235,5 µm varying from 228 µm to 244 µm. Hatching rate was on average 71,5%, varying from 62,6% to 76,4%. Oleic acid make 30,3% of total fat acids of cysts, linoleic acid – 6.2%, linolenic acid – 6,9% arachidonic acid – 1,5%, eicosapentaenoic acid – 12,8%. So all major parameters of cysts of Aral Artemia completely meet the international standards of quality.
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Юлдашов М.А. - О развитии холодноводного рыбоводства в Узбекистане для рационального использования продуктивности водоемов бассейна Аральского моря
[abs] | 64 | pdf |
Coldwater aquaculture development in Uzbekistan as a way of rationale using of water resources productivity in the basin of the Aral sea
Juldashov M.A.
Navoi pedagogikal institute
Goal of the work is choosing of new ways for escalation of fish production in Uzbekistan. Characteristics of natural, primarily and secondary artificial water bodies is given. Fish capturing has no real base under conditions of deeply landlocked and completely stocked basin of the Aral Sea. In addition, local ichthyofauna is poor with commercial species. Aquaculture is presented only by one form – extensive polyculture of carps in earth ponds with low productivity (up to 19 centners/ha). That technology can be optimized, but this is strongly not enough for the country. On the base of water temperature analysis is shown that one of the most promising directions of development is coldwater aquaculture in pre-mountain regions of republic. About 75% of population lives on such areas. Raceways and cage trout culture development is recommended.
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Эргашева Х.Э.– Сравнение альгофлоры Андижанского водохранилища с альгофлорой водохранилищ Узбекистана и Средней Азии
[abs] | 68 | pdf |
Comparison of algoflora of the Andijan water reservoir with other impoundments of Uzbekistan and Central Asia.
Ergasheva Kh.E.
Namangan State University
Analyses of algae in the Andijan water reservoir in comparison with twelve big water reservoirs of Uzbekistan and Central Asia is given. Algae species compound in the Andijan water reservoir (418 species) is very similar to the Kayrokkum water reservoir (212 species) and Chordara water reservoir (210 species). But Uchkizil pond and Tudakul water reservoir have small common species with the Andijan water reservoir– only 36 and 30 species accordingly. There is lack of species compound similarity in the water objects far outlined from the Andijan water reservoir. Especially low similarity for Tudakul and Kuymazar water reservoirs caused with differences in mineral salts content.
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Экономика | | |
Аимбетов Н.К.- О роли сектора малого бизнеса и предпринимательства в развитии промышленного производства в Каракалпакстане
[abs] | 72 | pdf |
On a part of a small business sector and free enterprise in the industrial development of Karakalpakstan
Aimbetov N.K.
Institute of social-economic problems of Aral sea region, Karakalpak branch of Academy of sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The paper concerns actual problems of small business development and its contribution in industrial growth in Karakalpakstan. Measures to engage small enterprises in the State purpose-oriented Programme for industrial development are considered. This set of the investment arrangements for a private-public business partnership improvement is a new driving force for the modernization and new up-to-date industrial capacities creation. Regional resources for high profitable enterprises with advanced technologies are reviewed. There are both export availabilities and good openings to manufacture import-substituting products. Development of a small business using local raw materials is a way to harmonize goals of sustainable development and environment-friendly nature management.
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Кудайназарова Д.К.– Стратегические аспекты реализации производственных возможностей Республики Каракалпакстан на базе местного сырья
[abs] | 76 | pdf |
The strategic approach in the realization of industrial opportunities on the basis of raw materials in the Republic of Karakalpakstan
Kudaynazarova D.K.
Tashkent State university of economics
The work envisages issues of a manufacturing localization regarding non-foods production in Karakalpakstan. A passage of the regional market reforms is surveyed Key outputs of the localization measures are recapitulated. Positive and negative influencing factors in the industry of local raw materials processing had been instantiated. The study, analyzing growth of construction material industry, discerns inauspicious trend: some enterprises have a partiality for a mining and primary products shipment rather than processing and final products fabrication.
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Мырзаев Б.Ж.– Углубление демократических рыночных реформ и либерализация экономики в стране – приоритетные задачи государства
[abs] | 80 | pdf |
Deepening the democratic reforms and liberalization of economics in the country leading tasks of the state
Mirzaev B.
Karakalpak state university, Nukus
This paper describes the model of economical development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the ways of overcoming the world economical crisis chosen by our Republic, and also good condition for the development of the small and private business, owing to best legal terms and state provided financial support. As a result of taken measures the number of working subjects of small business In the Republic of Karakalpakstan made up 19118 which is more by 1078 than 2010. A small business share in gross regional output is 66 percent. Its contribution in foreign trade is 23,8. Export of these enterprises is 14,9 million USA dollars, it is 14,1 per cent of the total regional export, this value is 34,9% more than in 2010. There is formidable increasing of real investments of commercial banks in a small business. Abovementioned measures are the clear evidence that government measures for small business support and development of real sector of economy, including tax reduction, renders positive influence on the progress of regional economy.
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Камильджанов Б.И.- Формирование инновационных проектов в транспортной системе
[abs] | 83 | pdf |
Formation of innovative projects in a transport system
Kamildjanov B.I.
Tashkent motor-road institute
The paper explicates a cycle of innovation project development, lines of innovation activity and the system of state innovations support. Key conductive factors and impedimental ones for the introduction of innovations had been defined. Objectives of innovation project for an enterprise are grounded. Proposed model includes target-directed tasks regimentation in organization chart for all the partners of investment venture. For successful project the business plan should guarantee a vantage place of the investor and his interest in prospective profits.
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История, философия, правоведение, религия, социология и политология | | |
Айтмуратов Ж. – Роль Каракалпакского государственного театра в развитии национальной культуры в 20-40-х гг. ХХ века
[abs] | 86 | pdf |
The Role of Karakalpak State Theatre in the development of National culture in 1920 th-1940 th
Aytmuratov J.
Karakalpak state university, Nukus
The study, using historical sources, portrays an endowment of the artists in the development of National Culture and Fine Arts during formation of Karakalpak State theatre and development of dramatics. There is new actual aspects of stage studies, rethinking the past researches of a theatre from the position of modernity. Considering a role of a theatre in a culture progress, it is important to start new research program for particular examination of the genesis and evolution of Karakalpak dramatics. Results of this research should be transformed to fundamental course of Karakalpak Art and Culture history for the departments of the humanities. This course will be presented as textbook also.
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Рахимов М.– Оценочные подходы и исследовательские направления современных зарубежных исследований Центральной Азии
[abs] | 90 | pdf |
Main approaches and research directions of the contemporary foreign studies of Central Asia
Rakhimov M.
Institute of History of Academy of sciences of Uzbekistan, Toshkent
The researches of foreign scholars cover different aspects of the geostrategic position, political and economic development of the countries, security challenges, activities of international and regional organizations in the states of Central Asia and other matters. In the works also it is wildly noted revival “great game” in Central Asia. At the same time, studies of foreign scholars allow a look from different perspective on the development of Central Asian countries and use theoretical and methodological achievements of other countries, to compare conceptual approaches and conclusions on the issue of integration of Central Asian countries in the world system and multilateral cooperation.
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Палваниязов А.Ю. – Проблема стабильности молодой семьи
[abs] | 94 | pdf |
Young family stability problem
Palvaniyazov A.Y.
Institute social-economical problems of Aral Sea region Karakalpak branch, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The paper analyzes theoretical and methodological interpretations of a "young family" definition of different authors. There are many approaches in family studies, considering a family as a social institute and a family as a small group. The work uses wide range of sociological researches to accentuate newlyweds as inceptive stage of a household "life-cycle" with appropriate connubial troubles and proper social functions. Driven factors for a young pair stability had been decomposed. Progress in state measures to strength newly-formed families as a consequence of national youth and family policy had been revealed.
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Филология | | |
Адилова Г.А.– Каракалпакстан казаклары тилиндеги айырым этнографизмлер хаккында
[abs] | 97 | pdf |
About some ethnographies is the language of Kazakhs in Karakalpakstan
Adilova G.A.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
The paper concerns local Kazakhs idioms in Karakalpakstan. Historic and ethno-social processes of word-building are touched upon. These local idioms are etymologized. Kazakh vocabulary enrichment process with ethnographical locutions is dissected. Basic word stock of Kazakh language and borrowings are investigated.
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Казымбетова З.– Аралас коспа гаплердин грамматикалык озгешеликлери
[abs] | 100 | pdf |
Receptivity in the topics of poems in Ibraim Yusupov 's poetry
Tleuniyazova G.B.
Institute of language and literature, Karakalpak branch of Academy of Sciencts of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The paper concerns features of mixed multicomponent complex sentences in a modern Karakalpak grammar. Some fiction examples are construed. Various existing views on the nature of these sentences had been summarized. Syntactical schemes are displayed. Author's view is exemplified with actual language data.
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Тлеуниязова Г.Б. – Ибрайым Юсупов поэзиясында шыгарма атамасындагы рецептивлилик
[abs] | 103 | pdf |
The synthesis of lyrical hero and life facts (with examples of Ibrayim Yusupov’s love lyrics)
Kanaatov E.E.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
The article deals with some problems of poetics, i. e. a title of a verse. Contemporary poetics studies distinct three types of titles: receptive, creative and referent. Receptive titles is of imaginative nature. In I.Yusupov poetry receptive titles masterly crowns distinguished creative findings of the poet. The work theoretically summarizes results of receptive titles researches.
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Канаатов Е.Е.– Лирикалык кахарман хэм турмыслык фактлер синтези (Ибрайым Юсуповтын мухаббат лирикасы мысалында)
[abs] | 105 | pdf |
The problems of intercommunication of epic and dramatic genres
Seytbekov A.B.
Karakalpak State University, Nukus
The report is dealing with the synthesis of lyrical hero and life facts in a poetry. Deep exploration of love songs by I.Yusupov shows its internal creative differences. Such approach guarantees methodological singularity of the textual criticism and enforces scientific analysis. Retracing of the evolution of lyrical hero leads to the essential conclusions. These scientific results are important for the studies of amorous verses composed in our immediate time of Independence.
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Сейтбеков А.Б.– Эпикалык хам драмалык жанрлардын бир-бирине тасир маселеси
[abs] | 109 | pdf |
Genre nature of memoirs compositions, the issues of storytelling and composition
Nurabullaev B.Kh.
Karakalpak state university, Nukus
In Karakalpak literature the epic works were changed anew as dramatic works. All of basic idea of epic works were had retained and reincarnated of dramatic views. The author had used dramatic works for epic genre in his creative work. Nowadays, the epic works were had written on the basic of dramatic works. In the article it was studied the problem of synthesis and intercommunication of epic and dramatic genre in the writings of K.Rakhmanov.
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Нурабуллаев Б.Х.– Мемуарлык шыгармалардын жанрлык табияты, сюжет хэм композиция дузиу маселеси
[abs] | 111 | pdf |
Poly-predicate constructions with a predicate of subordinate clause in a form of action name
Dauletov M.
Institute of language and literature, Karakalpak branch, Academy of sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The article presents analysis of writings based on the personal history and recollections. Review of the studies of this literature phenomena and genre features of the reminiscences is performed. The paper raises a question of theoretical contradistinction between a biopic and memoir writing. Using theory of literature a plot structure and a composition are compared. References review on the studies of memoir writing in Russian, Uzbek and Kazakh literature had been presented.
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Da’wletov M.- Bag’inin’qi bayanlawishi ha’reket ati formali polipredikativli konstrukciyalar
[abs] | 115 | pdf |
Poly-predicate constructions with a predicate of subordinate clause in a form of action name
Dauletov M.
Institute of language and literature, Karakalpak branch, Academy of sciences of Uzbekistan, Nukus
The paper deals with poly-predicate structural-functional constructions in Karakalpak language. Essence of the studied sentences is a predicate of subordinate clause in a form of action name. Models of the poly-predicate patterns are defined using analysis of substantive verbs and infinitives. Additional peculiarities of the poly-predicate constructions with a predicate in an action name form had been described. Structural-functional types of these sentences are classified.
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Педагогика и психология | | |
Мамбетниязов М.Т. – Изменение содержания компонентов педагогической деятельности в связи с использованием Web-технологий
[abs] | 119 | pdf |
Changes in subject-matter of elements of pedagogic activity due to WEB-technology use
Mambetniyazov M.T.
Tashkent state pedagogic institute
The paper deals with the issues associated with the change of pedagogical activity, due to the use of Web-based technologies in the learning process. Few levels of pedagogic interaction had been marked out: Gnostic component, project component, organizational component, communicative component, expert component and creative component. Each component of the educational activity is described as a part of the process. The model generally has two stages: a stage of modeling and a stage of realization. Modeling stage includes Gnostic, project and creative components. There are three constituent elements of the realization stage: organizational component, communicative component and expert component.
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Рецензии | | |
Кощанов Б.– Узбекистон тарихининг долзарб муаммоларини урганишга салмокли хисса | 122 | abs | pdf |
Конференции | | |
Константинова Л.Г.– Международный форум ученых по проблеме «Устойчивое развитие Южного Приаралья» | 123 | abs | pdf |