Математика и механика | | |
Тлеумуратова Б.С., Айтмуратов П.Ж., Мустафаева Р. – Моделирование потерь биомассы растений в результате аэрозольного загрязнения
[abs] | 5 | pdf |
The study presents methods for environment pollution calculation and analysis of contamination impacts on the vegetation of South Aral Sea region. Simulation results for three main regional pollution sources (Kungrad natron plant, Takhiatash power plant and Aral dried bottom) are delivered.
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Нусратов Т.С., Утепбергенова Г.Х. – О модели соответствия проектных ситуаций
[abs] | 11 | pdf |
The study describes building of a situation mapping model based on the logical classification machine with heuristics which maintains results of the design statistical analysis.
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Худаяров Б.М., Мамбетшерипова А.А. – Способы определения равномерности распределения минеральных удобрений центробежно-дисковыми аппаратами
[abs] | 14 | pdf |
The paper is dealing with exploration of spreading equability for the fertilizer radial spreaders with a centrifugal disk. Measurement scheme using multi-sector camera with catching cells had been described circumstantially.
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Химия, химическая технология и фармацевтика | | |
Бауатдинов С., Бауатдинов Т.С., Таджиев С.М., Алламбергенова Р.О., Торешова Н.М. – Бедные фосфориты Каракалпакстана для переработки в местные удобрения
[abs] | 17 | pdf |
The paper studies alternative technology for the non-concentrated mineral fertilizers fabrication from the phosphorite ores of Karakalpakstan.
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Туремуратов Ш.Н. – Влияние гидротермальной обработки на физико-механические свойства известково-белитовых вяжущих веществ
[abs] | 19 | pdf |
Physical-mechanical character of lime-belite binding under hydrothermal treatment has been studied. Hydrothermal treatment enables calcium hydro-silicates formation, which boost physical-mechanical qualities of the binding agent and activates structure formation processes in lime-belite system.
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Биоэкология и сельское хозяйство | | |
Эсанкулов А.С. – Краткий очерк флоры и растительности Зааминского заповедника
[abs] | 22 | pdf |
The review adduces information about the species composition, structure and spatial distribution of plants in the Zaamin natural reserve of Uzbekistan. There are 1192 species of vascular plants and five basic florocenotypes (forms of phytocenosises). Studied area belongs to Kuhistan district of Mountain-Central Asian province.
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Кучкарова Л.С., Хамраев А.Ш., Мирзажонова Г.С. – Сезонная динамика содержания углеводов у термитов различных каст и возрастов рода Anacanthotermes
[abs] | 24 | pdf |
There are seasonal fluctuations of the carbohydrates in the body of a termite of any age and cast: working termites, soldiers and winged termites. In the spring and autumn all termites, irrespective of age and castes, gather carbohydrates concentration, but during the winter and summer subdue. The increase or fall of the carbohydrates contain in the termite body are correlated with air and soil temperature and their moving activity.
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Бекчанов Х.У., Бекчанов М.Х. – Фенологические особенности белянок (Lepidoptera, Pieridae) Хорезмского оазиса
[abs] | 26 | pdf |
White butterflies (Lepidoptera, Pieridae) the Khorezm oasis were divided 4 groups: spring kinds, spring-and-summer kinds, summer kinds and polycyclic kinds.
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Тлегенов М.Т. – Особенности демографической структуры популяции домовой мыши (Mus musculus L.) в низовьях Амударьи
[abs] | 28 | pdf |
The paper indicates age structure of a mouse population. Key role of the age structure for biocenotic balance in the wild nature had been proven.
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Сапарова Г.Б. – Характеристика некоторых национальных молочных и кисломочных продуктов Каракалпакстана
[abs] | 31 | pdf |
The work studies properties of the far-out dairy produces as well as call for production of these cultured milk foods for the medicative use and common consumption.
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Аташов А., Мамбетуллаева С.М. – Возрастные особенности реакции кардиореспираторной системы школьников на динамическую и изометрическую нагрузки
[abs] | 33 | pdf |
The study describes the effects of dynamic overloading on cardio-respiratory system of junior schoolchildren.
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Медицина | | |
Атаниязова О.А., Мадреимов А., Нарымбетова Р.Ж., Ниязова Г.Т., Атаханова Д.О. – О загрязненности объектов окружающей среды и об их влиянии на заболеваемость населения в Республике Каракалпакстан
[abs] | 35 | pdf |
The research conducted by the authors make it possible to identify and evaluate the quality indicators of the environment which led to contamination of the human body and contributed to the increased morbidity of the population.
There have been used the results of samples of atmospheric air, water from open reservoirs, wells, water supply systems, soil, food and other objects of the environment of Gossanepidemnadzor (State Sanitary-Hygienic Inspection Center), State Committee on Nature and other departments for pesticides, heavy metals and different toxins, as well as statistical reporting materials on morbidity of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
The research carried out indicates that the environmental factor is one of the leading factors causing morbidity among the population of the South Aral Sea region.
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Дальжанов Б.М., Кулдашев Д.Р., Султанов М.К., Нурымбетова Г.П. – Судебно-медицинская экспертиза отравлений лекарственными веществами в условиях оказания специализированного лечения
[abs] | 39 | pdf |
Statistics of acute drug-induced poisoning had been analyzed using data taken from Tashkent toxicology Center of late five years. Fraction of these cases was 56.4% from total intoxications number. 1.8% of patients who had been entering a hospital for cure got a lethal outcome. Main reason for the death were hypnotics, 42.1% from dead. Lethal intoxications with neuroleptics had a fraction of 26.3%, tranquillizer had a fraction of 21% and antihistamine preparations had a fraction of 26.3%. Non-fatal intoxications were of 98.2% from total number of cases.
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Экономика | | |
Аимбетов Н.К. - К вопросам перспектив устойчивого развития отраслей промышленности в Республике Каракалпакстан
[abs] | 42 | pdf |
The paper considers the prospects for industrial development of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and balanced use of the resources. The further doorways for intensive development of productive capacities are considered and priorities in planning of socio-economic development had been analyzed. This emergent prospective should be estimated in a framework of sustainable development using well-founded approaches and methodology. There is a need in linear optimization economical mathematical models as a foresight tool for overall planning of large-scale utilization of mineral resources, capital investments in new branches of industry and extension of the regional transport infrastructure.
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Умаров Е.К., Амандосова С.С., Умарова А. – Социально-экономический потенциал сельской местности Республики Каракалпакстан и возможности ее освоения
[abs] | 46 | pdf |
The paper analyzes socio-economical potential of Karakalpakstan. The passes to domesticate the geoecosystem of this region with mitigation of social transit in the countryside had been discussed.
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Адилходжаев Ш.Ш. – Институциональные основы реализации законодательства о бюджетном контроле в Республике Узбекистан
[abs] | 49 | pdf |
The paper is dealing with institutional foundations for the implementation of legislation on budget execution control in Uzbekistan. Consequential role of the Exchequer at the ministry of finance in the administration of the budget and overspendings prevention had been shown.
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История, философия, правоведение, религия, социология и политология | | |
Давлетияров М.М. – Регулятивные функции института старейшин: аксакал, бий
[abs] | 55 | pdf |
Biy (a village elder), considering his functional role, has a great influence on the day-to-day life of Karakalpak nation. These circumstances determine importance of sociological study of this social institute.
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Нуржанов С., Дошниязов Ж. – Социально-духовное состояние общества Каракалпакстана в 1960-1980-х годах (постановка проблемы)
[abs] | 59 | pdf |
General trend of the social and spiritual life of the society in Karakalpalstan in 1960th could be expressed as common euphoria. At the same time it was a period of an aggravation of ecological crisis. But vexed environmental problems arose in the same time and caused exacerbation of the situation with standard of living due to ecological crisis. All these problems are closely connected with social and spiritual progress of the region.
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Бекжанова Б.К. – Историко-фольклорные сведения о выкупе за невесту
[abs] | 62 | pdf |
The paper is dealing with Karakalpak rite — bridewealth. This tradition appeared in common life of the past.
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Есбоганова Б. – Взаимосвязи казахского и каракалпакского орнамента
[abs] | 65 | pdf |
Karakalpak and Kazakh folk ornamental art are discussed and compared. The work demonstrates that both cultures have differences in applied art including embroidery, jewelry and patchwork on kiyz (traditional woolen felt).
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Аллаберганов Ш. – Глобальные экологические конвенции и процессы их реализации в Узбекистане
[abs] | 68 | pdf |
The paper analyzes some issues of international environment agreements and its implementation in Uzbekistan
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Шерниязова Г. - Становление демократии и политической культуры Республики Узбекистан
[abs] | 70 | pdf |
The paper discusses democracy becoming and political culture development in Uzbekistan of Independence years.
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Филология | | |
Мамбетмуратова М.Т. - Каракалпак тили тусиндирме созлигин дузиудин гейпара принциплери
[abs] | 75 | pdf |
The papers considers some problems regarding Karakalpak explanatory dictionaries.
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Абишов Г.М. – Шымбай районы антропотопонимлери
[abs] | 76 | pdf |
The historical layer of anthropic placenames of Chimbai region is considered.
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Абдалиева Г.Р. – Развернутое сравнение в художественной речи
[abs] | 79 | pdf |
Such structural type of comparison as expanded comparisons had been analyzed. The analysis is done using examples of Russian and Karakalpak literary speech.
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Сайымбетов Ш.О. – С.Нурымбетовтын поэмалык шыгармаларында образ хэм характер жаратыу шеберлиги
[abs] | 80 | pdf |
Characteristic peculiarities of positive and negative features of images and characters of heroes in the poetic works of S.Nurimbetov are described with analysis of the creative mastership used by the writer from the scientific point of view.
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M. Da’wletov - Bag'i'ni'n'qi' bayanlаwi'shi' kelbetlik feyil formali' poliprediкativli konstrukciyalar
[abs] | 83 | pdf |
The paper concerns structural-functional typology of poly-predicative constructions in Karakalpak syntax. These elements of a sentence with a predicative form of adjective predicate had been described.
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Педагогика и психология | | |
Мардиева К.Т. - Влияние организационных умений на становление профессионального мастерства учителя иностранного языка
[abs] | 87 | pdf |
The paper considers role, abilities, action and professional skills of the teacher of a foreign language, its multilateral organizational actions. And also, it is offered various ways of the organization of a lesson, the list of specific potential possibilities of the specified nonconventional forms of the organization of educational activity.
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Султанова В.К. - Формы и методы педагогического процесса, ориентированные на формирование культуры общения учащихся
[abs] | 89 | pdf |
The study observes pedagogics of system formation of schoolchildren communication culture. It is an actual problem of modern school. Educational system uses effective forms, means and methods to create schoolchildren communication culture.
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Рецензии | | |
Доспанов О.Д., Доспанова Д.О., Наршабаева А.Ю. - Весомый вклад в лингвистическую
[abs] | 92 | pdf |
New work "A language in a history of human thought development" by T.A.Bushuy (Tashkent, Fan, 2011, 384 p) is a consistent study of historiography of linguistics. The research uses plural views of scientific intussusception of various theoretical paradigms of this discipline. The book has five chapters: 1st chapter: A language and its historic essence; 2nd chapter: Searches of language universality and rationality; 3rd chapter: Beginnings of the modern theory of general linguistics; 4th chapter: Traditional schools in general and applied linguistics; 5th chapter: National features of the international linguistic process.
The monograph is of great interest to those who concerns with the history of linguistics and its role in human history.
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